Neil Peter Jerome1,2, Igor Vidic3, Liv Egnell2,3, Torill E. Sjøbakk1, Agnes Østlie2, Hans E. Fjøsne4,5, Tone F. Bathen1, and Pål Erik Goa2,3
1Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2Clinic of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 3Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 4Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 5Department of Surgery, St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
The apparent diffusion coefficient is a powerful imaging biomarker,
sensitive to microstructure properties, and possessing excellent repeatability.
Exclusion of perfusion influence (b<150 reflects true diffusivity,
although fewer data points reduces precision, and thus repeatability. We
investigate repeatability of experimental breast diffusion data, and show an unexpected increased
repeatability with low b-value data inclusion, in contrast to simulated data. This
indicates that experimentally-acquired low b-values contains additional noise, perhaps
modulated by the non-Gaussianity of the underlying diffusion processes, that decreases diffusion modelling repeatability independent of the true diffusion curve, and
should be considered as part of the analysis strategy.
The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) is a well-known and
robust marker for characterising tissue cellularity, and is a standard in clinical
imaging for oncology. ADC remains a preferred metric from diffusion-weighted
imaging (DWI) owing to its sensitivity to a range of microstructure properties,
but also from excellent repeatability1. ADC is often calculated
without low b-values (b<150 s.mm2) in order to
exclude perfusion influence and give a value more accurately reflecting true
diffusivity, although a reduced dataset (from either fewer b-values or signal
averages) may be expected to also reduce precision, and thus repeatability, in
the absence of confounding factors and assuming consistent noise
characteristics across the b-value range used. This phenomenon should be
independent of the underlying truth of the diffusion decay curve, and should
apply to ADC fitting even to known or apparent non-Gaussian systems. In this
study, investigation of this effect compares simulated diffusion data with
experimental breast cancer cohort data, and reveals a decreased coefficient of
variation (CoV) when including experimentally acquired low b-value data. Methods
Experimental data was collected from patients
with confirmed benign breast lesions recruited to a prospective repeatability
study (informed consent, approved by regional
committee for medical and health research ethics). Patients underwent DWI on two
occasions (approx. 1 week apart) with identical protocol: sagittal SE-EPI with
bipolar encoding, TR/TE: 11600/86ms, FOV: 180x180mm, matrix: 90x90, slice
thickness: 2.5mm, slices: 60, iPAT: GRAPPA 2, b-values: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
70, 90, 120, 150, 200, 400, 700, with an
additional phase-reversed b=0 scan to allow distortion correction.
An additional, simulated data set (5000 voxels, 20
‘patients’, 2 repeat visits) was constructed with known parameters using mono-
and bi-exponential equations, with Gaussian noise added (approx. SNR 20, 10, and
5 calculated from std/mean of signal at b=700,
and b-values matching the experimental protocol. Analysis
Tumour ROIs were drawn on high-b-value images for the whole
lesion using contrast-enhanced images as reference.
All fitting, for
simulated and experimental diffusion data, was conducted on each voxel using
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, using 1) all b-values, and
2) b=150 and above for experimental data, and successively excluding
lowest b-value for simulated data. Repeat-measures CoV were calculated for each
centile of the resulting ADC histogram for the two visits across the cohort2. Results
DWI data was successfully acquired from 13 patients (median
age 24, range 19-50 years), yielding 12 repeated datasets (1 patient withdrew
following 1st scan) from benign tumours (0.345 to 8.25
cm3). Example images are shown in Figure 1; ROI size for
tumours was very repeatable (CoV 8.7%).
Simulated data shows the expected behaviour of excellent
repeatability across the ADC histogram (CoV<5%), with increased CoV
corresponding to extreme values giving a ‘bathtub’ profile. With decreasing
SNR, the curves for fitting with different amount of data separate more (Figure
2), and demonstrate that maximal stability is given by inclusion of the most
data. This is true when using the ADC model for simulated data based on
underlying mono- and bi-exponential behaviour (top and bottom rows,
respectively), and as such is independent of ‘ground truth’.
In contrast, fitting the ADC model using experimental data
from benign lesions (where ‘ground truth’ of the decay curve is unknown, and
likely complex) shows increased CoV (ie poorer repeatability) from using all
data. This is true across the whole ADC histogram, but more marked above the
median. In these data, including low b-value data leads to a decreased
confidence in resulting ADC values, independent of concerns of accuracy and/or
perfusion influence.Discussion
While the application of diffusion models more complex than
the mono-exponential decay assumed by the ADC model may give more detailed
insight to tissue composition, repeatability remains a critical part of
clinical biomarker development that is nevertheless difficult to include in
clinical studies. The inclusion of low b-values for ADC calculation may or may
not be desirable, depending on the desire to reduce or examine perfusion
influence, and ultimately the accuracy of ADC (or other markers) is less
important than sensitivity of such to relevant physiological and
microstructural features that can aid diagnosis or prognosis. Results from this
study indicate that low b-value data contains noise of a physiological origin,
which may be modulated by the degree of non-Gaussianity of the underlying
diffusion processes (including perfusion), that can decrease the repeatability
of diffusion modelling. This is true regardless of the nature of the diffusion
curve and should be considered as part of the analysis strategy.Acknowledgements
We acknowledge support from the liaison Committee between the Central Norway Regional Health Authority and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.References
1. Winfield JM, Tunariu N, Rata M, et al.
(2017) Extracranial Soft-Tissue Tumors: Repeatability of Apparent Diffusion
Coefficient Estimates from Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging. Radiology 284:88–99.
2. Jerome NP, Miyazaki K, Collins DJ, et al. (2017)
Repeatability of derived parameters from histograms following non-Gaussian
diffusion modelling of diffusion-weighted imaging in a paediatric oncological
cohort. Eur Radiol 27:345–353.