Harald Kugel1, Dario Zaremba2, Katharina Dohm2, Ronny Redlich2, Dominik Grotegerd2, Robert Strojny2, Susanne Meinert2, Christian Buerger2, Verena Enneking2, Katharina Foerster2, Jonathan Repple2, Nils Opel2, Bernhard T Baune3, Pienie Zwitserlood4, Walter Heindel1, Volker Arolt2, and Udo Dannlowski2
1Department of Clinical Radiology, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany, 2Department of Psychiatry, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany, 3Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, 4Department of Psychology, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany
Structural brain alterations in major depressive
disorder (MDD) are associated with patients' course of illness, especially in
progressive and recurrent MDD. Here, a longitudinal study investigated the
influence of relapse on gray matter volume. As a result, Voxel based
morphometry showed a decrease of insular and DLPF gray matter volume in
patients with at least one relapse, while volume in patients without relapse
was stable. This illustrates the negative effect of relapse on structural brain
With a
lifetime prevalence of 16%, major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most
common and debilitating psychiatric disorders 1. Although about 80%
of the patients diagnosed with MDD experience recovery within two years, less
than half of these patients remain symptom-free for two years following
recovery 2. Relapse rates increase dramatically with subsequent
episodes over time, leading to a high risk of chronicity and severe
psychosocial consequences among patients 3. This poses the question
about psychopathological mechanisms behind relapse to improve prognosis and
maintenance treatment of MDD.
MDD is associated with structural changes in
specific brain areas, which are influenced by the course of illness, especially
in progressive and recurrent MDD 4. Yet, longitudinal studies
investigating the influence of relapse on gray matter volume changes are still too
rare to warrant conclusive findings. The aim of this study was to investigate
structural brain alterations in patients with MDD across the entire brain as a
function of the course of illness during the follow-up interval.Methods
Sixty-four patients with MDD and 59 healthy
controls underwent structural MRI at baseline and approximately two years later
at follow-up. After exclusion of participants during preprocessing of data, the
final sample consisted of 60 patients and 54 healthy controls. Depending on
their course of illness between scans, patients were subdivided into 37 patients
with relapse and 23 patients without relapse. MRI images were obtained at 3 T
(Gyroscan Intera with Achieva upgrade) using a 3D T1w TFE-sequence (TR/TE/FA =
7.4 ms/3.4 ms/9°, with an inversion prepulse every 814.5 ms, reconstructed to
voxels of .5 mm edge length). Images were processed using the pipeline of the
5, by a longitudinal voxel-based morphometry approach,
statistical analysis of gray matter was done in SPM12
6. Differences
in gray matter volume were analyzed in a 3x2 ANCOVA with group (no relapse,
relapse and healthy controls) and time (baseline, follow-up) using a full
factorial design. Potential confounds of medication and depression severity on
gray matter volume were assessed with correlation analyses
ANCOVA showed a significant group by time interaction revealing that patients
with at least one relapse between scans showed a decrease of right insular and right
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLFPC) gray matter volume. In patients without relapse, gray
matter volume in these regions was stable. Healthy controls showed an increase.
Volume changes over time were neither associated with psychiatric medication
nor with depression severity at follow-up.
Cross-sectional findings showed that within the
insula, patients with a relapse had higher GM volume than healthy controls at
baseline, whereas there was no difference between patients with and without
relapse. The same pattern was observed for the DLFPC. At follow-up, however,
patients with relapse showed a lower gray matter volume compared to both
patients without relapse and healthy controls (Figure 1).
that experienced at least one relapse between scans showed a decline of insular
and dorsolateral prefrontal gray matter volume over time. In patients without
relapse, gray matter volume was stable. These results highlight the effects of
patients’ course of illness on structural brain alterations in MDD.
the direct link between structural and functional alterations has not been
investigated yet, one might hypothesize that insular atrophy contributes to a
selective mood-congruent activation towards emotional stimuli
7 and
use of suppressive emotion regulation strategies
For the
prefrontal cortex, meta-analyses frequently report gray matter alterations in
patients with MDD
9 as well as in healthy controls with a familiar
risk for MDD
10. In the present study, we unexpectedly observed larger
DLPFC volume in patients with MDD than in healthy controls at baseline. As most
of our MDD patients were medicated at baseline, these differences between
patients and controls could be due to neuroprotective effects of antidepressants
on gray matter volume.
might boost gray matter decline, as already indicated by a study showing less
progressed decrease in remitted subgroups after three years
Taken together, our present findings on insular and
dorsolateral prefrontal atrophy in recurrent MDD shed light on the development
of a bottom-up processing bias of emotional stimuli (e.g. in limbic brain
areas) and a disruption of top-down executive functions (e.g. in the DLPFC).
In sum, the present study revealed distinct effects
of relapse in MDD using a longitudinal MRI design, which were neither
associated with psychiatric medication nor with depression severity at
follow-up. These results illustrate the negative effects of relapse on
structural brain alterations and highlight the importance of improving
prognosis and maintenance treatment in recurrent MDD.Acknowledgements
This work was funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG, grant FOR2107 DA1151/5-1 to UD; SFB-TRR58, Project C09 to UD)
and the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) of the medical
faculty of Münster (grant Dan3/012/17 to UD)References
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