Magnetic resonance imaging is today the most versatile imaging method for characterization of multiple sclerosis (MS) in vivo, but clinical examinations lack sensitivity to capture changes in the tissue microstructure. Using a multi-dimensional microstructural imaging approach, we demonstrate how it is possible to obtain more specific and broader microstructural insights about the underlying pathology of MS. For this we use a comprehensive battery of conventional and novel diffusion weighted imaging and quantitative MRI sequences each capable of explaining different and complementary microstructural properties. This allows us to explore the underlying pathology of MS, which is normally only accessible with histology.
The comprehensive protocol of MR sequences includes (figure 1):
While the conventional approaches allow for detecting the underlying pathology, the novel diffusion weighting and quantitative approaches might provide increased sensitivity to different microstructural features. A combination of the large array of approaches used in this study then allows for a nuanced view into the diseased tissue microstructure.
Thirty MS patients and 17 healthy controls (HC) were included. In the MS group, FLAIR hyperintense lesions were manually delineated. WM was segmented using FreeSurfer. In MS, lesions were masked from the WM ROIs. ROIs were then eroded by 2 voxels to reduce partial volume effects. All parameter maps were co-registered to the structural T1w-image and average parameters were extracted in HC WM (HC-WM), MS NAWM (MS-NAWM), and MS lesions (MS-L). Group-differences were evaluated using 2-sample T-tests.
Figure 2 plots the group average (standard deviation) as well as significance levels in the group comparisons.
MS-NAWM was associated with lower µFA and ICVF compared to HC-WM, while the other parameters were not significantly different between groups. This is consistent with histology showing that diffuse axonal damage (i.e decreased axonal density) is the dominant pathology occurring in MS-NAWM1,15. In MS-NAWM, primary demyelination is sparse, but myelin damage is a consequence of axonal damage1. This is also reflected in our multi-dimensional data, which shows no reduction in the myelin-sensitive parameter (MT) and no changes in permeability (AXR). However, a larger spread in MT was found in MS-NAWM compared with HC-WM.
In MS-lesions all parameters were significantly different from HC-WM and MS-NAWM.
Myelination: As expected, myelination (MT) was decreased in lesions. Increased AXR suggests increased cell permeability due to demyelinated axons or/and increasing number of glial cells in lesions1. Decrease in FA indicates a more isotropic compartment, but the µFA of 0.6 suggests that a fraction of demyelinated axons remain present in the lesions.
Axonal density: ICVF is clearly reduced compared with NAWM suggesting significant neurodegeneration. Less axonal dispersion (OD) was found in lesions, which could be due to less crossing fibers due to neurodegeneration or systematic degeneration of a specific axonal size population16. In general, it is expected that free water is increased in MS-lesions, which is supported by higher ISOSF and PD as well as lower FA.
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