Many neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by microstructural changes in white matter, including demyelination and cell loss. Such changes have been demonstrated to produce measurable effects on the MR signal. This work examines these effects from post-mortem fixed rat brain on voxel-wise, high-resolution water spectra acquired using a multi-gradient echo pulse sequence. Results demonstrate that components of the spectra are differentially affected by both white matter orientation relative to B0 as well as tissue microstructure. This suggests that water proton spectra may be sensitive to the tissue microenvironment and could serve as potential MRI based biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases.
Perfusions fixed, resected rat brains (n=4) were imaged at 9.4 Tesla using a 20cm horizontal bore scanner (Bruker). DTI data were acquired with 150um isotropic resolution using a diffusion-weighted 3D spin-echo sequence. 3D-MGE (Fig 1) data were acquired with 150um isotropic resolution with 2.9Hz spectral resolution and 128 echoes.
Data were processed and analyzed with IDL, Matlab, and FSL.
3D-MGE data were Fourier transformed across all dimensions and phased to produce pure absorption spectra. Voxel-wise spectral asymmetry was computed by subtracting the integral of the high-field half of the spectrum (relative to the main water peak) from the integral of the low-field half of the spectrum, and normalizing by the total spectrum integral.3 Water peak height (PH) images were constructed, where image contrast was produced by the maximum voxel-wise signal intensity of the water spectrum. Each mean b = 0 s/mm2 dataset from the DTI data was registered to the respective PH image via affine transformation using FLIRT.4
Fractional anisotropy (FA) was computed using DTIFIT and thresholded to produce grey and white matter masks. Principal (PDD) and secondary diffusion direction estimates were computed (BEDPOSTX) and probabilistic tractography of the anterior commissure (AC) was performed (PROBTRACKX2).5 Tractography results were thresholded by a minimum streamline count and binarized to create an AC ROI. The voxel-wise solid angle of the PDD (Γ) about B0 was computed over the AC by calculating the arccosine of the PDD vector component that was parallel to B0. All statistics were computed using a Student’s T-test.
Asymmetric broadening of water spectra was differentially affected as a function of Γ (Fig 2). Typical results demonstrate that two distinct peaks are resolved at 0˚ and 30˚ (Figs 2b and 2c). The peaks become less distinguishable from one another as the axon orientation approaches 90˚ (Figs 2d and 2e).
The changes in mean asymmetry with Γ are demonstrated in Figures 3a and 3b, for grey and white matter, respectively (colored asterisks). Plots also include experiment-wise linear fits (solid lines). There is a minimum in the white matter plot across subjects near 55˚ (arrow, Fig 3b). An FA threshold value of 0.6 was used to segment grey and white matter (below and above the threshold, respectively). The slope and y-intercept for the fits to white matter are larger than those of grey matter across all subjects. Slopes and y-interecepts were pooled across subjects and mean values were computed for FA threshold values of 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6. Histograms in figure 4 show that as the threshold value increases, the magnitude of the mean slope and y-intercept in white matter increases, while those of grey matter remain unchanged.
Figure 5a shows a typical axial PH image of the hippocampus. The asymmetry map (Fig 5b) indicates characteristic layered architecture of the hippocampus, where the sign of the asymmetry metric differentiates contiguous laminar structures. The positive asymmetry layer (arrows) corresponds with the principal/secondary fiber estimates (Fig 5c) suggesting the stratum lacunosum moleculare, which contains Schaffer collaterals from CA1 neurons and perforant fibers from the entorhinal cortex.6
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