In vivo quantitative estimation of axon diameter in the white matter is a potential new tool for studying the structural and functional architecture of the brain. Recently, the feasibility of axon diameter estimation with diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) has been questioned. In this work, we explore the feasibility of bundle-specific axon diameter mapping in the context of a reproducibility study using the Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure informed Tractography (COMMIT) framework. Our results show that DW-MRI axon diameter estimatesof the corpus callosum and of the corticospinal tract are comparable to histological reports in previous studies.
Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure informed Tractography1,2 (COMMIT) is a framework to complement tractography with additional microstructural information about the neuronal tissue. To estimate of bundle-specific axon diameter index α' (see Equation 7 in Daducci et al.3) a biophysical model similar to Alexander et al.4 can be considered to characterize the neuronal tissue, accounting for both restricted (intra-axonal) and hindered (extra-axonal) water pools as well as partial volume with isotropic diffusion. The observation model of COMMIT is $$$ y=Ax+\eta$$$, where the dictionary $$$A$$$ represents the multi-compartment model built according to the CylinderZeppelinBall model5, $$$\eta$$$ accounts both for modeling errors and acquisition noise and $$$x$$$ are the contribution of all compartments of the model to explain the diffusion data $$$y$$$. The system is solved as a non-negative least-squares problem: $$$ \operatorname{argmin}_{x \ge 0} ||Ax − y|| _2^2$$$ .
In this work, we generated the dictionary $$$A$$$ accounting for the minimum diameter resolution of the MRI scanner6 of 2μm. Hence, we built the dictionary for the intra-axonal compartment with 9 cylinders with diameters equally-spaced in the range 2−10 μm. The extra-axonal space was modeled with zeppelins having d∥ = 1.7 · 10-3 mm2/s and 4 different values for d⊥, whereas diso = 3.0 · 10-3 mm2/s was set to model partial volumes with CSF.
Simulated data. We generated a 45° crossing phantom (Figure 1) consisting of two bundles with gamma distributions having an ADI of 2.7μm and 4.0μm and intra-cellular volume fractions of 0.3 and 0.4, respectively. The extra-cellular signal was computed with an in-house Monte Carlo simulator. Rician noise with SNR=30 was added to the data. The data were simulated for 0.5mm isotropic resolution, 360 DW images distributed on 8 shells and 4 b0, δ=7 ms, G={138, 276, 102, 203, 85, 169, 74, 175} mT/m, Δ={17.3, 17.3, 30, 30, 42, 42, 55, 55}ms.
In vivo data. DW-MRI were acquired for 4 healthy subjects, each repeated 5 times over two weeks using the same protocol as the simulated data with 2mm isotropic resolution and TE = 80ms. DW-MRI were preprocessed for eddy currents7, susceptibility distortion7, motion7 and gradient non linearity. A single T1-weighted image was also acquired, parcellated using FreeSurfer and registered to each DW-MRI dataset. Tractography was performed to obtain 500K streamlines for each dataset using the algorithm iFOD28. We extracted five regions of the Corpus Callosum (CC) and the Corticospinal tract (CST) using the White Matter Query Language9 (WMQL).
This project was funded by the Swiss National Fundation, grant 31003A_157063.
The data were acquired at the UK National Facility for In Vivo MR Imaging of Human Tissue Microstructure funded by the EPSRC (grant EP/M029778/1), andThe Wolfson Foundation.
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