Robbert Leonard Harms1 and Alard Roebroeck1
1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
this work we extend the Maastricht Diffusion Toolbox (MDT) software
package with MCMC capabilities, thereby introducing robust and fast
sampling of diffusion MRI microstructure models. MDT's object
oriented modular design allows arbitrary specification and
combination of models, likelihood functions, prior functions and
proposal distributions. GPU based computations allow for ~80x faster
MCMC sampling; e.g. the 81 volume example NODDI dataset can be
sampled with 15000 samples in 1.5 hour, making MDT suitable for
probabilistic inference of all implemented models, both dMRI
microstructure as quantitative MRI models. The software is open
source and freely available at
Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a Bayesian sampling technique that can be
used to numerically approximate the probability density function and
marginal likelihood distributions of a provided posterior function.
MCMC output is used in probabilistic tractography1
and can be used for uncertainty estimates and inferring correlations
between parameters. In this work we present an extension of the
previously presented Maastricht Diffusion Toolbox (MDT)2
to perform GPU (graphics processing unit; graphics card) accelerated
MCMC sampling of any implemented diffusion MRI model (like CHARMED3,
etc.) to complement GPU accelerated non-linear optimization. Using
the GPU accelerated routines, MDT can speed up processing by 60~100
times over standard sequential routines, allowing, for example,
sampling the NODDI example data4
with 15000 samples per voxel, full brain, in 1.5 hour on a single AMD Fury X
graphics card. Optionally, MDT can directly fit a distribution to the
acquired samples allowing the user to discard the chain directly
after processing, thereby saving considerably on storage
requirements. MDT is written in Python and OpenCL and is open source
and freely available at
1 shows a (high level) overview of MDT and the Multithreaded
Optimization Toolbox (MOT) with in red the new
additions. In MDT, models are built from the bottom up, from
parameters to compartments to multi-compartment models. Since MCMC
requires, in addition to the model, a prior function and a proposal
function, we added these as modular and reusable components to MDT.
In turn, we added to MOT a random walk single component updating
Metropolis-Hastings sampler with support for adaptive proposals,
fully implemented in OpenCL, a standard for GPU and CPU (central
processor) parallelized computations. MDT is constructed such that
point estimates from optimization can directly be used as starting
point for sampling (removing the need for burn-in). Using
Multivariate Effective Sample Size (ESS) theory6,
MDT can predict per model how many samples are needed to approximate
the true posterior density within a specified confidence region with
a corresponding precision.
For this work we used non-informative priors, initialized the sampler
with a Powell point estimate7
and sampled without burn-in and thinning (sub-sampling of the chain).
We used a single AMD Fury X graphics card for all processing.Results and discussion
illustrate MCMC sampling, we fitted and sampled two common models,
CHARMED_r1 (with 1 restricted intra-axonal compartments) and NODDI to
a single diffusion MRI dataset of the HCP MGH Consortium. This
dataset (1003 from the HCP MGH Consortium) was acquired at a
resolution of 1.5mm isotropic with 4 shells of b=1000, 3000, 5000,
10,000, s/mm^2, with respectively 64, 64, 128, 256 directions and
with 40 b0 volumes. Figure 2 shows the fitting and sampling results
of both models over a single slice with for one voxel the sampling
chain and corresponding point estimates displayed in a histogram.
CHARMED_r1 was sampled with 24000 samples and NODDI with 15000
samples to reach, on average, a multivariate ESS within the 95%
confidence region with
a 90% precision.
As post-processing we fitted a Normal distribution to the marginals
of each parameter providing
the mean of the distribution.
Results show close correspondence between the
point (given by the optimization routine) and the maximum a
posteriori found by the sampler, although some
difference can be noted between
point estimates (essentially the mode of the distribution) and the
fitted distribution’s mean. MCMC sampling of this large whole brain
dataset took 8 hours for CHARMED_r1 and 2 hours for NODDI. Smaller
datasets such as the NODDI example dataset can be sampled with NODDI
within 1.5 hours.Conclusion
here put forward OpenCL accelerated Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC)
processing in MDT thereby combining modular dMRI microstructure
modeling with multi-threaded and/or graphics card accelerated
sampling. In addition to fast processing, MDT can directly
post-process the acquired samples by fitting any choosen distribution
to the samples, thereby removing the need to store the full set of
samples. With the fast processing and low storage requirements, MCMC
can now become a viable method for diffusion microstructure group
The research was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) VIDI 14637 (AR), and the European Research Council Starting Grant, MULTICONNECT #639938 (RH, AR).References
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