Estimation of the brain microstructure in the presence of crossing fascicles from a dictionary of Monte Carlo signals
Gaëtan Rensonnet1,2, Benoit Scherrer3, Gabriel Girard1, Jonathan Rafael-Patino1, Simon K Warfield3, Benoit Macq2, Jean-Philippe Thiran1,4, and Maxime Taquet3

1Signal Processing Lab (LTS5), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2ICTEAM, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 3Computational Radiology Laboratory, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 4Radiology Department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland


We estimate microstructural features of crossing fascicles using Monte Carlo simulations to represent the diffusion attenuation of each fascicle. The measured diffusion-weighted MRI signal is reconstructed as a sparse weighted sum of pre-computed signals and microstructural properties are estimated from the selected fascicle configurations. The consistent results obtained on various synthetic phantoms as well as on in vivo brain data suggest the potential of our method for the quantitative estimation of microstructural features in fascicle crossings.


Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are commonly acknowledged to provide accurate descriptions of the diffusion process. They are often used as a synthetic groundtruth against which closed-form models of the diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) signal are compared. However, their use as building blocks for the estimation of the tissue microstructure has been scarce and mostly focused on single-fascicle settings1-3.

We present a framework to estimate microstructural properties of crossing fascicles using sparse optimization on a dictionary of MC signals and assess its performance on synthetic phantoms and in-vivo brain data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP).


Signal Model

Relying on the validity of the superposition approximation in areas of complex fascicle crossings4, we assume that the DW-MRI signal in a voxel$$S=M_0\left[\sum_{k=1}^{K}\nu_kT_kE_k\left(\mathbf{u}_k\right){+}\nu_{\textrm{CSF}}T_{\textrm{CSF}}E_{\textrm{CSF}}\right]$$emanates from the contributions of$$$\,{K}\,$$$fascicles with orientations$$$\,\textrm{u}_k\,$$$and an isotropic CSF compartment, where$$$\,{T}_k=\exp\left(-\textrm{TE}/\textrm{T2}_k\right)\,$$$ is the NMR relaxation at echo time TE and$$$\,{M}_0\,$$$the magnetization at thermal equilibrium. The diffusion attenuations are represented by MC simulations of the diffusion process in substrates typically featuring geometrical arrangements of cylindrical axons5,6.


We performed MC simulations in hexagonal packings7-9 of straight cylinders to obtain single-fascicle signals for$$$\,{N}=782\,$$$combinations of fascicle-specific radius index$$$\,{r}\,(0.4\mu{m}-7\mu{m};\,$$$steps of$$$\,0.2\mu{m})\,$$$ and density index$$$\,(0.21–0.87;\,$$$steps of$$$\,0.03).\,$$$We used a DIAMOND sub-routine10 to estimate the number of fascicles and their orientations, rotated the precomputed signals and estimated the microstructural properties of each fascicle in the voxel by solving the sparse optimization problem:$$\begin{equation*}\begin{array}\\\mathbf{w}^*=&\underset{\begin{array}[l]\\\mathbf{w}\geq0\end{array}}{\text{argmin}}&\left\|y-\begin{bmatrix}F_1|\dots|F_K|T_{CSF}E_{CSF}\end{bmatrix}\cdot\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{w}_1\\\vdots\\\mathbf{w}_K\\w_{CSF}\end{bmatrix}\right\|_2^2\\&&\\&\text{subject}\;\text{to}&\left|\mathbf{w}_k\right|_{0}=1,{\quad}k=1,\dots,K,\\\end{array}\end{equation*}$$where$$$\,y\,$$$are the acquired DW-MRIs and the constraints on$$$\,\mathbf{w}_k\,$$$ guarantee that each fascicle is characterized by only one configuration$$$\,(r,f)$$$ from its sub-dictionary$$$\,F_k=T_k\left[E_1(r_1,f_1,\textrm{u}_k),\dots,E_N(r_N,f_N,\textrm{u}_k)\right]\,$$$. We solved$$$\,(1)\,$$$by selecting the optimal solution$$$\,\left(r_1^*,\dots{,}r_K^*,f_1^*,\dots{,}f_K^*,w_1^*,\dots{,}w_K^*,w_{CSF}^*\right)\,$$$out of$$$\,N^K\,$$$independent$$$\,(K+1)$$$-variable sub-problems:$$\min\limits_{1\leq{i_1,\dots,i_K}\leq{782}}\,\min\limits_{\mathbf{w}\geq{0}}\left\|y-\begin{bmatrix}T_1E(r_{i_1},f_{i_1},\mathbf{u}_1 ),\dots,T_KE(r_{i_K},f_{i_K},\mathbf{u}_K),T_{CSF}E_{CSF}\end{bmatrix}\cdot\begin{bmatrix}w_1\\\vdots\\{w}_K\\w_{CSF}\end{bmatrix}\right\|_2^2.$$

Synthetic Experiments

We focused on the case$$$\,K=2\,$$$ and considered the MGH-USC HCP acquisition protocol11 consisting of 40$$$\,b=0\,$$$images and 4 shells at b-values$$$\,b=1000,3000,5000,10000s/mm^2\,$$$containing respectively 64, 64, 128 and 256 gradient directions; with$$$\,\delta=12.9ms,\Delta=21.8ms.\,$$$We fixed$$$\,\textrm{T2}=70ms\,$$$and$$$\,D=2.0\mu{m}^2/ms\,$$$in the intra- and extra-axonal spaces and$$$\,\textrm{T2}=1ms,D=3.0\mu{m}^2/ms\,$$$in the CSF.

Independent voxels: Signals for 288 crossing configurations were generated subject to the constraints$$$\,r_1=r_2=r;f_1=f_2=f;1\mu{m}\leq{r}\leq{4}\mu{m};0.42\leq{f}\leq{0.84}\,$$$ and crossing angles$$$\,30,60,90^{\circ}\,$$$and rician noise was added to the signals (SNR 5-150, 10 repetitions). We investigated the impact of the groundtruth crossing angle and of initially misestimating the fascicles’ orientations on the mean absolute error (MAE) for each parameter.

2D phantom: A phantom with more complex configurations$$$\,(r_1\neq{r}_2,f_1\neq{f}_2)\,$$$was created by simulating tracts exhibiting a constant radius index$$$\,r\,$$$and spatially smooth variations of the fascicle-specific density index$$$\,f\,$$$(Figure 3), intersecting at a variety of crossing angles (between 31 et 86°, average 63°). Some voxels also featured single fascicles of axons and CSF partial voluming.

In vivo data

A ROI was selected in the centrum semiovale of one subject from the MGH Adult Diffusion data release11. Tract-specific microstructural properties were estimated on the two fascicles identified by the DIAMOND routine with largest signal weights.

Results and discussion

The estimates obtained on the independent crossings showed relatively large errors in radius index (MAE up to$$$\,2\mu{m}\,$$$whereas groundtruth$$$\,r\leq{4}\mu{m}$$$) and more consistent results in the density index; while suggesting a relatively mild impact of the groundtruth crossing angle (Figure 1). Figure 2 suggests that errors on the fascicles’ directions should be below 5° to avoid asymptotically-biased estimates of the fascicle’s microstructural parameters.

The phantom results are shown in Figure 3. All angular errors made by the DIAMOND sub-routine were bounded by$$$\,1.5^{^\circ}\,$$$and the tract-specific distributions of microstructural parameters$$$\,r\,$$$and$$$\,f\,$$$converged to the groundtruth with increasing SNR, with the slowest convergence occurring for the smaller radius index of Tract$$$\,1(r=1.4\mu{m})\,$$$. The MAEs on$$$\,r\,$$$at SNR=25 for instance were$$$\,0.58,0.51,\,$$$and$$$\,0.42\mu{m}\,$$$for each tract respectively, consistent with the$$$\,0.47\mu{m}\,$$$MAE previously found in the independent voxels with crossing angle$$$\,60^{\circ}\,$$$and no angular error.

The results on the HCP data (Figure 4) suggest that the axons of the horizontal tract (red) have a slightly larger radius index$$$\,r,\,$$$are less densely-packed$$$\,(f)\,$$$and occupy a larger fraction$$$\,\nu\,$$$of the voxel than the axons of the vertical tract (blue). The interquartile ranges of the estimates were small relative to the median values.


Monte Carlo signals were used to estimate microstructural properties of fascicles crossing in a variety of configurations using sparse optimization on a large dictionary of pre-computed signals. Synthetic experiments showed adequate agreement with the groundtruth and in vivo results suggested the ability of our framework to extract meaningful tract-specific microstructural properties. Future work will examine more efficient ways to solve the optimization problem12,13 and compare our estimates to the results obtained from microstructure-informed tractography14.


Gaëtan Rensonnet is a research fellow of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS of Belgium and is supported by Wallonie-Bruxelles International.


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The groundtruth crossing angle has limited impact on the estimation of fascicle's microstructural properties. Mean absolute error (MAE) as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for each fascicle’s estimated axonal radius index $$$\hat{r}$$$, axonal density index $$$\hat{f}$$$ and volume fraction $$$\hat{\nu}$$$, for different groundtruth volume fractions $$$\nu_1$$$ and $$$\nu_2$$$ and crossing angles. Note that the fascicle’s orientations are perfectly estimated here.

Errors in the initial estimation of fascicle's orientation yield asymptotically-biased parameter estimation. Mean absolute error (MAE) as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for each fascicle's estimated axonal radius index $$$\hat{r}$$$, axonal density index $$$\hat{f}$$$ and volume fraction $$$\hat{\nu}$$$, for different groundtruth volume fractions $$$\nu_1$$$ and $$$\nu_2$$$ and crossing angles The groundtruth crossing angle was 30°, the angle yielding the largest errors in Figure 1.

Estimation on a 2D-phantom yields consistent tract-specific microstructural properties. Distribution of the estimated axonal radius index $$$\hat{r}$$$ (left, in µm) and density index $$$\hat{f}$$$ (right) for the three simulated tracts. Convergence to the groundtruth with increasing SNR is only slower for the smaller radius index of Tract 1.

Tract-specific microstrutural properties estimated on in vivo human data. Region of interest in the centrum semiovale of a coronal slice passing through the mid-body of the corpus callosum.The red-colored fascicle seems to exhibit larger axons ($$$r_{red}>r_{blue}$$$) which are more loosely-packed ($$$f_{red}<f_{blue}$$$) and occupy a larger fraction of the voxel ($$$\nu_{red}>\nu_{blue}$$$). Units of radius index are in µm.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)