This study investigates the suitability of data acquired with an optimized diffusion-weighted (DW) single-refocused spin-echo EPI sequence for fibre tracking. The proposed scheme uses dummy scans of 1.5s duration prior to the acquisition of each multi-slice data volume, thus driving eddy-currents into a steady-state, thus allowing to use an optimized parameter setting of the eddy-current correction tool “EDDY”. Results show that the proposed sequence yields better fibre tracking results than conventional DW sequences with a more precise estimation of the subsidiary fibre orientations, showing additional connections to the lateral frontal, parietal and temporal cortices and to the thalamus.
Five healthy volunteers were scanned on a 3T whole-body MRI-scanner, using a body TX-coil and an 8-channel phased-array head RX-coil. Parameters identical for all sequences (DW-srSE-EPI with/without dummy scans and DW-trSE-EPI) were: 60 DW gradient directions, b-value=1000s/mm2, in-plane spatial resolution=2×2mm2 (FOV=192×192mm2, matrix-size=96×96), 60 interleaved axial slices (2 mm thickness, no inter-slice gap), TR/volume=9s, TE=81/95ms (srSE/trSE), echo-spacing=0.86ms, partial-Fourier=6/8, 2-fold-acceleration (iPAT=2). For each subject, T1-weighted data with an isotropic resolution of 1mm were acquired for anatomical reference via the three-dimensional magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo imaging sequence [6].
Fibre tracking
Preprocessing and subsequent data analysis were performed as previously explained in detail [1]. Probability distributions of diffusion parameters and fibre orientations for probabilistic fibre tracking were estimated in each brain voxel via BEDPOSTX [7,8]. Non-brain tissue was removed from the anatomical image using BET [9]. A global affine transform between the anatomical image and the brain-extracted average undistorted reference images acquired at b=0 was calculated via FLIRT [10,11]. A cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) mask was created by segmenting the anatomical image via FAST [12] and thresholding the resulting probability map at 0.05. A fibre tracking seed mask was manually drawn inside the corpus callosum on a single sagittal slice of the anatomical image. Probabilistic tractography was performed via PROBTRACKX [7,8] on all data sets, with a total of 1000 samples (i.e., probability streamlines heading to both opposite directions) starting from each seed voxel with a step length of 0.5mm. The tracking was stopped as soon as one of the following cases occurred: (1) more than 2000 steps, (2) angle between two consecutive steps exceeding 78.5°, (3) sample leaving the brain mask, (4) sample entering the CSF mask. The sample counts per voxel were stored in the anatomical image space, yielding a connectivity distribution map per data set. The resulting maps were thresholded at 20 samples per voxel and visually compared.
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