Short-T2 structures such as myelin and cortical bone often requires the use of inversion-recovery modules in UTE sequences to provide a selective contrast in the components of interest. The sat-UTE sequence allows for an effective slice selection, and avoid issues found in commonly used 2D IR-UTE sequences concerning the use of reshaped half-radiofrequency pulses to achieve a minimal echo time. In this work, we propose to make use of an Inversion-Recovery-prepared sat-UTE sequence to provide a short-T2 positive contrast and quantification in the white matter and in the cortical bone of a fixed mouse head.
The saturation-based UTE (sat-UTE) sequence1 was initially proposed to provide a simple method for slice selection and minimal echo time achievements. It also allows to avoid issues encountered in other 2D-UTE sequences where reaching a minimal echo time requires the use of reshaped radiofrequency half-pulses2,3,4. Currently, the latter represents the mostly used 2D technique to explore solid like tissues such as cortical bone, tendon or myelin, and is often used in pair with inversion-recovery modules to either null the long-T2 signal5,6,7, or to select the short-T2 ones8. The purpose of this work is to present an adapted Inversion Recovery sat-UTE sequence (IR-sat-UTE) allowing for quantification and positive contrast generation of cortical bone and white matter short-T2 components.
To provide a positive contrast in the short-T2 structure and to prevent from long-T2 signal contamination, an inversion-recovery module was set prior to the sat-UTE pattern (Figure 1). Assuming an ideal spoiling condition, the resulting long-T2 magnetization before the excitation pulse can be described using the Bloch equations by:
with δ the inversion efficiency (δ∈[−1;1]), αsat and α respectively the saturation and excitation flip angle,{EI;Esat;ES;Er}={e−TI/T1;e−τsat/T1;e−TS/T1;e−RD/T1} with TI the inversion delay, TS resting delay between saturation and excitation pulse, RD resting delay between the excitation and inversion pulses, and T1 longitudinal relaxation constant of the long-T2 component.
In order to cancel the long-T2 signal, we solve Mαsat≠0z−Mαsat=0z=0 for TI, yielding:
with E′r=Er×EI=e−(TR−τinv−τsat−TS−τ)/T1.
Experiments were conducted on a 7T preclinical scanner (Bruker BioSpec, Ettlingen, Germany), using a 86-mm Tx volume coil and mouse head surface Rx coil. A fixed mouse head (T1/T2 = 893/52 ms estimated in a cortex region of interest using Saturation-Recovery Spin Echo and Multi-Spin Echo (MSE) 2D sequences, respectively) soaked into PFPE (Galden, Solvay) was scanned. A highly selective saturation pulse with a quadratic phase modulation was used9, with N = 1023, k = 1000, BW = 8 kHz, FTW = 0.1, fs = 1 MHz. With a nominal B1,peak of 20.18 μT, it achieves a 90° and a 97° tilting over short (T2 = 0.5 ms) and long (T2 = 100 ms) T2 components respectively. Relevant parameters were: TR = 500 ms, TS = 2.1 ms, α = 90°, a 5-kHz sech pulse for inversion with τinv = 15.52 ms, τ = 0.07 ms, optimal TI = 201 ms, matrix size = 128x128, slice thickness = 1 mm, number of trajectories = 804 with in-plane voxels size = 100x100 μm², and receiver bandwidth = 200 kHz (3 accumulations, Tacq/scan = 1h20min). For T2* quantification, the ten following echo times were used: 0.015, 0.050, 0.100, 0.150, 0.300, 0.400, 0.500, 1.000, 2.500 and 5.000 ms. Fitted experimental points were averaged signals from ROIs in the head skull and in the corpus callosum.
A home-made T∗2 fitting routine using the Levenberg-Marquart algorithm was implemented in Matlab (The MathWorks Inc. Natick, MA, USA). For white matter, the model accounts for on-resonant signal from solid-like structures, chemically shifted signal from phospholipids and residual water signal, as proposed in Ref. 10:
with ∑iρi=1.
A bi-component model accounting for bound and pore water in the cortical bone was used8:
with ρ1+ρ2=1.
Results as well as fittings of the white matter and cortical bone signals are shown in Figure 2.
Data from cortical bone were accurately described by the bi-exponential model (R2adj = 0.99), with respective T2s of 0.38±0.14 ms (ρ1 = 43.9±11.8%) and 2.75±0.67 ms (ρ2 = 56.1±12.4%).
A chemically shifted species can be estimated in the white matter, with a Δf = -921±400 Hz and a T2 of 12.38±1.74 ms (ρ2 = 72.5±2.0%), along with an on-resonance ultra-short-T2 component (ρ1 = 27.5±3.9%) with a T2 of 0.15±0.04 ms (R2adj = 0.98). Interestingly, no long-T2 component (T∗2,3>100 ms) could be estimated (ρ3 ≈ 0%).
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