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Inversion-Recovery sat-UTE sequence for short-T2 structures positive contrast generation and quantification
Lucas Soustelle1, Ericky Caldas de A. Araujo2,3, François Rousseau4, Jean-Paul Armspach1, Pierre G. Carlier2,3, and Paulo Loureiro de Sousa1

1Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, ICube, FMTS, Strasbourg, France, 2NMR laboratory, Institute of Myology, Paris, France, 3NMR laboratory, CEA/DRF/IBFJ/MIRCen, Paris, France, 4Institut Mines Télécom Atlantique, INSERM, LaTIM, Brest, France


Short-T2 structures such as myelin and cortical bone often requires the use of inversion-recovery modules in UTE sequences to provide a selective contrast in the components of interest. The sat-UTE sequence allows for an effective slice selection, and avoid issues found in commonly used 2D IR-UTE sequences concerning the use of reshaped half-radiofrequency pulses to achieve a minimal echo time. In this work, we propose to make use of an Inversion-Recovery-prepared sat-UTE sequence to provide a short-T2 positive contrast and quantification in the white matter and in the cortical bone of a fixed mouse head.


The saturation-based UTE (sat-UTE) sequence1 was initially proposed to provide a simple method for slice selection and minimal echo time achievements. It also allows to avoid issues encountered in other 2D-UTE sequences where reaching a minimal echo time requires the use of reshaped radiofrequency half-pulses2,3,4. Currently, the latter represents the mostly used 2D technique to explore solid like tissues such as cortical bone, tendon or myelin, and is often used in pair with inversion-recovery modules to either null the long-T2 signal5,6,7, or to select the short-T2 ones8. The purpose of this work is to present an adapted Inversion Recovery sat-UTE sequence (IR-sat-UTE) allowing for quantification and positive contrast generation of cortical bone and white matter short-T2 components.


To provide a positive contrast in the short-T2 structure and to prevent from long-T2 signal contamination, an inversion-recovery module was set prior to the sat-UTE pattern (Figure 1). Assuming an ideal spoiling condition, the resulting long-T2 magnetization before the excitation pulse can be described using the Bloch equations by:


with δ the inversion efficiency (δ[1;1]), αsat and α respectively the saturation and excitation flip angle,{EI;Esat;ES;Er}={eTI/T1;eτsat/T1;eTS/T1;eRD/T1} with TI the inversion delay, TS resting delay between saturation and excitation pulse, RD resting delay between the excitation and inversion pulses, and T1 longitudinal relaxation constant of the long-T2 component.
In order to cancel the long-T2 signal, we solve Mαsat0zMαsat=0z=0 for TI, yielding:
with Er=Er×EI=e(TRτinvτsatTSτ)/T1.

Experiments were conducted on a 7T preclinical scanner (Bruker BioSpec, Ettlingen, Germany), using a 86-mm Tx volume coil and mouse head surface Rx coil. A fixed mouse head (T1/T2 = 893/52 ms estimated in a cortex region of interest using Saturation-Recovery Spin Echo and Multi-Spin Echo (MSE) 2D sequences, respectively) soaked into PFPE (Galden, Solvay) was scanned. A highly selective saturation pulse with a quadratic phase modulation was used9, with N = 1023, k = 1000, BW = 8 kHz, FTW = 0.1, fs = 1 MHz. With a nominal B1,peak of 20.18 μT, it achieves a 90° and a 97° tilting over short (T2 = 0.5 ms) and long (T2 = 100 ms) T2 components respectively. Relevant parameters were: TR = 500 ms, TS = 2.1 ms, α = 90°, a 5-kHz sech pulse for inversion with τinv = 15.52 ms, τ = 0.07 ms, optimal TI = 201 ms, matrix size = 128x128, slice thickness = 1 mm, number of trajectories = 804 with in-plane voxels size = 100x100 μm², and receiver bandwidth = 200 kHz (3 accumulations, Tacq/scan = 1h20min). For T2* quantification, the ten following echo times were used: 0.015, 0.050, 0.100, 0.150, 0.300, 0.400, 0.500, 1.000, 2.500 and 5.000 ms. Fitted experimental points were averaged signals from ROIs in the head skull and in the corpus callosum.

A home-made T2 fitting routine using the Levenberg-Marquart algorithm was implemented in Matlab (The MathWorks Inc. Natick, MA, USA). For white matter, the model accounts for on-resonant signal from solid-like structures, chemically shifted signal from phospholipids and residual water signal, as proposed in Ref. 10:
with iρi=1.

A bi-component model accounting for bound and pore water in the cortical bone was used8:
with ρ1+ρ2=1.


Results as well as fittings of the white matter and cortical bone signals are shown in Figure 2.

Data from cortical bone were accurately described by the bi-exponential model (R2adj = 0.99), with respective T2s of 0.38±0.14 ms (ρ1 = 43.9±11.8%) and 2.75±0.67 ms (ρ2 = 56.1±12.4%).

A chemically shifted species can be estimated in the white matter, with a Δf = -921±400 Hz and a T2 of 12.38±1.74 ms (ρ2 = 72.5±2.0%), along with an on-resonance ultra-short-T2 component (ρ1 = 27.5±3.9%) with a T2 of 0.15±0.04 ms (R2adj = 0.98). Interestingly, no long-T2 component (T2,3>100 ms) could be estimated (ρ3 ≈ 0%).

Discussion and conclusion

We have shown the IR-sat-UTE capacities to generate a positive contrast in mixed long and short-T2 tissues. Estimators differences from litterature10,11 might be the result of the mouse brain fixation at room temperature, or even a bias induced by the relatively large slice thickness in our experiments potentially suffering from partial volume effects. The results encourage for further analysis of solid-like tissues using the proposed sequence, and still remains less complex to implement on scanners than reshaped half-RF pulses techniques.


The authors thank Dr. Cristina Antal for providing the fixed mouse head used in experiments.


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Figure 1: IR-satUTE pulse sequence.

Figure 2: Views from the MSE experiment at TE = 50 ms (a) and IR-sat-UTE at TE = 0.015 ms (b), and fittings of the white matter (c) and cortical bone (d) UTE signal curves. ROI used for signal estimations are depicted in red in the corresponding plots corners.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)