In-vivo Z-spectra acquisition with decreased direct saturation using adiabatic spin-lock pulses at 9.4T
Kai Herz1, Chirayu Gandhi1, Klaus Scheffler1,2, and Moritz Zaiss1

1Magnetic Resonance Center, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of Tübingen, Tuebingen, Germany


Off-resonant spin-lock imaging enables a lot of possibilities for T and chemical exchange (CE) sensitive applications. For this purpose, a matching amplitude of the tipping and the locking pulse is required, which can be difficult due to the high power requirements of adiabatic pulses. In this work, we present a newly shaped adiabatic half-passage pulse, usable at low power to match the amplitude of the pulses. Off- and on-resonant saturated images acquired at 9.4T are shown. The new pulse shape is able to generate robust images with comparatively low power at ultra-high-field strengths.


In previous work it was shown, that hyperbolic secant (HS) adiabatic spin-lock (SL) pulses are a very useful tool to investigate chemical exchange (CE) processes at ultra-high field (UHF), at either on-resonant 1 or off-resonant frequencies 2. Despite these promising results and the fact that SL pulses are in principle robust against B1 inhomogeneity, they have still some disadvantages. First, HS pulses need very high power for robust results, which can be difficult in terms of SAR and hardware limitations, especially at UHF. In addition, efficient labeling of CE effects requires a low amplitude for various metabolites. Second, an amplitude difference between the tipping and locking pulses makes the images prone to B0 artifacts and prohibits off-resonant imaging. Therefore, in this work we aim to design a pulse that shows adiabatic behavior with low power, to match the amplitude of the tipping and locking pulses.


To get more freedom in the pulse design, we introduce a Blackman-windowed HS amplitude modulation in combination with a weighted exponential frequency modulation (HSExp). The pulse shape is thus defined by the bandwidth (BW), maximum amplitude (B1,max), pulse duration (tp), length of the Blackman window (twindow) and the dimensionless scaling factor µ. In order to find the most stable pulse, a Bloch-Simulation was used to simulate Z-spectra at different levels of B0 and B1 inhomogeneity, as well as varying pulse shape parameters. Fixed parameters were B1,max = 5 µT and tp = 8 ms. The optimized shape was then used to acquire images in a glucose phantom and two healthy volunteers at 9.4T (Siemens MAGNETOM) using a 16Tx/31Rx channel head coil 3. SL prepared Imaging consists of a SL saturation pulse followed by a single shot 3D GRE readout 4 (FA=5°, TE=1.96 ms, TR=3.86 ms, Grappa=3, elliptical scanning, resolution 1.5x1.5x2 mm3). Z-spectra were acquired with the HSExp pulse and with a Gaussian saturation pulse for comparison. For the phantom, 96 offsets between ±4.5 ppm were acquired with a locking duration tlock = 35 ms. In-vivo, 92 offsets between ±3 ppm were acquired with tlock=50 ms. Since the actual B1 is reduced through inhomogeneity, B1,max was set to 6.5 µT to achieve a mean B1 of 5 µT in the FOV.


The best pulse found by simulation is defined by the following parameters: BW: 3000 Hz, µ: 45, and twindow: 2.5 ms. The amplitude of the rectangular locking pulse is set to the B1,max of the tipping pulse. The Z-spectra calculated from the HSExp prepared images show a smooth transition from off- to on-resonance without apparent oscillation artifacts (Figure 1). The solution with the higher glucose concentration shows a slightly higher asymmetry with both pulses. In addition, MTRasym images show a stronger contrast (Figure 2) with HSExp than Gauss pulses. However, B1 inhomogeneity can still cause oscillation artifacts at frequency offsets close to the Larmor frequency. The in-vivo Z-spectra show a similar behavior as in the phantom. Again, the transition from off- to on-resonant sample points is smooth with the HSExp pulse. However, they are broader in general since the saturation is sensitive to T2 and MT effects. (Figure 3). Both pulses show clear correlation between the contrast and the B1 amplitude (Figure 4). Images acquired with HSExp show only slight B0 artifacts in regions with very high inhomogeneity.


An amplitude matched HS pulse for T measurements has been used in the past 5. Although off-resonant SL imaging was shown in these studies, the applied B1 amplitude was very high. The proposed HSExp prepared images show a robust contrast, for both on- and off-resonant frequencies with a lower B1 amplitude. Thus, in the presence of a very strong B1 inhomogeneity, slight oscillation artifacts appear due to the extreme amplitude decrease. However, B1,max of the pulse could be increased if the ROI lies in such a region, to overcome this problem. Dynamic glucose enhanced imaging (DGE) is another field of application for SL pulses 6. The presented HSExp pulse adds the possibility of off-resonant imaging to DGE applications. A potential clinical benefit of this method must be investigated in the future.


By introducing a new pulse shape, we were able to generate a SL prepared contrast with low power and a matching tipping and locking amplitude. Since these pulses can be used for off-and on-resonant SL imaging, there are other possible applications besides the presented Z-spectrum acquisition, e.g. off-resonant T-mapping or dynamic glucose enhanced imaging. It could be shown that efficient glucose labeling is possible in a phantom. This is currently under investigation in-vivo.


The financial support of the Max Planck Society, German Research Foundation (DFG, grant ZA 814/2-1, support to M.Z.), and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 667510, support to M.Z.) is gratefully acknowledged.


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Z-Spectra (a) and MTRasym (b) of the glucose phantom in two ROI (c) with different concentrations (d). B1,max for HSExp was 6.5µT due to the reduced overall B1 in the Volume. B1,cwpe of the Gaussian pulse was 6 µT to match the Z-spectra baseline off-resonant. The HSExp pulse shows a higher asymmetry. In addition, the probe with the higher glucose concentration shows a slightly higher asymmetry than the probe with lower concentration. Thick lines in (b) show the interpolated asymmetry curve.

Glucose phantom MTRasym images of the Gaussian (a,b) and HSExp (d,e) pulse at 1.3 and 0.5 ppm. The B1- (c) and B0-map (f) show the strong inhomogeneity in the FOV. The higher asymmetry is visible in the HSExp images. Far off-resonant, the HSExp pulse is stable, however, close to the Larmor frequency, there are some light oscillation artifacts in regions with reduced B1.

In-vivo Z-Spectra (a) and MTRasym (b) in two ROI (c) and M0 image (d). B1.max for HSExp and B1.cwpe of the Gaussian pulse was 6.5 µT. The HSExp pulse shows a smooth transition towards the resonance frequency. Also, the asymmetry in the ROI close to the Larmor frequency is more stable with HSExp pulse.

In-vivo MTRasym images of Gaussian (a,b) and HSExp (d,e) Pulse at 1.3 and 0.25 ppm. The B1- (c) and B0-map (f) show again a strong inhomogeneity. Both pulses generate similar images at 1.3 ppm. The correlation with the B1-map is visible for both. Close to the Larmor frequency, the HSExp images are more robust.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)