Semi-automatic segmentation of individual muscles in MR images: A new tool dedicated to the follow-up of patients with neuromuscular disorders
Augustin C Ogier1,2, Linda Heskamp3, Alexandre Fouré2, Marc-Emmanuel Bellemare1, Arnaud Le Troter2, Arend Heerschap3, and David Bendahan2

1Aix Marseille Univ, Université de Toulon, CNRS, ENSAM, LSIS, UMR 7296, Marseille, France, 2Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, Centre de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et Médicale (CRMBM), UMR 7339, Marseille, France, 3Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, Netherlands


Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging can monitor intramuscular fat accumulation and has proven value for follow-up and therapy evaluation of neuromuscular disease. So far, segmentation processes of individual muscles from quantitative MRI data have been recognized as challenging in healthy subjects and even more challenging in patients for whom borders between muscles can be compromised by the disease process. We designed a semi-automatic segmentation pipeline of individual leg muscles in MR images based on automatic propagation of a minimal number of manually segmented MR slices. This segmentation pipeline allows an accurate follow-up of any MRI biomarkers in neuromuscular disorders.


Segmentation of individual muscles is of high interest in neuromuscular disorders for which the muscle symptomatology is accompanied by a loss of muscle tissue and a replacement by fat. Quantification of these disease processes has been of great value for understanding the disease1-3 and for therapy evaluation4,5. The segmentation of individual muscles on MR images has been recognized as challenging because of high muscle shape variability among subjects, and the potential fatty infiltration and muscle atrophy which can alter the frontiers between muscles. So far, manual segmentation of anatomical structures has been used in multiple studies, and this approach has been widely acknowledged as time-consuming and operator-dependent6. Recently, several semi-automated/automated methods have been applied to MR images of healthy subjects7–11, and few to MR images of patients with neuromuscular disorders12. Overall, segmentation methods have been assessed on healthy subjects so that the issues of fat infiltration and muscle atrophy as confounding factors have never been addressed. The purpose of our study was to propose a new individual muscles segmentation pipeline in patients with neuromuscular disorders and to assess the potential of this method for follow-up studies.


Over a period of 10 months, we acquired two MRI datasets of the thighs and lower legs in 10 muscular dystrophy patients using a 3T MR system (Siemens) and spine/phased array coil combination. We employed a 3D DIXON sequence (FOV 256x192mm, voxel size 1x1x5mm, number slices: 32) to obtain images from which both fat (F) and water images (W) were generated and a fat fraction map was calculated voxel-wise as F/(F+W). Muscles contours of twenty muscles (Fig. 1) were manually delineated on axial slices and considered as ground truth for the comparative analysis. For each muscle, fat fraction (FF) was calculated as the average over all voxels on the fat fraction map.

At baseline, we first manually segmented the slices bordering the 3D region of interest together with three additional slices for which a muscle was appearing or disappearing (Fig.2.Step1). These segmentations are then transversally propagated to all the slices of the 3D region of interest using a method based on several 2D non-linear registration approaches11 (Fig.2.Step2). Subsequently, we performed a 3D non-linear SyN registration (Symmetric diffeomorphic Normalization implemented in the ANTs library13) between the baseline and follow-up DIXON images. The deformation field obtained from the registration process was then used to warp the 3D segmentation resulting from the transverse propagation at baseline to follow-up (Fig.2.Step3).

We assessed our automatic segmentations using the DICE similarity coefficient (DSC14). Furthermore, FF quantification from manual and automated segmentation were compared using intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) with a 2, 1 formula15 and standard error of measurement (SEM). Bland-Altman plots were performed to analyze the agreement of FF values determined with the two latter methods of segmentation16.


The DSC obtained for each muscle are reported in Fig. 3 for the transversal propagation at baseline (A) and the longitudinal propagation at follow-up (B). The average DSC values ranged from 0.81 to 0.96 for the transversal propagation and from 0.71 to 0.92 for the longitudinal propagation. The mean FF values obtained for each muscle with the manual and the automatic segmentations and the associated ICC and SEM are reported in Fig. 4. These results illustrate an excellent reliability for the transversal propagation (ICC > 0.98) and for almost all muscles for the longitudinal propagation (ICC > 0.72). Considering the Bland-Altman plots (Fig. 5), the bias [limits of agreement] were -0.3% [-2.2%, 1.6%] for the transversal propagation (A) and -1.3% [-8.8%, 6.2%] for the longitudinal propagation (B).


Our semi-automated method allowed a reliable segmentation of each individual leg muscle on DIXON images using only 5 manually-segmented slices as seed regions which were transversally and longitudinally propagated to the remaining 43 slices for both the baseline and follow-up datasets. We showed that our propagated segmentation was accurate with DSCs similar to those previously reported7-11. Furthermore, we identified that our segmentation pipeline performed less for small muscles showing large anatomical variation along the leg and that the accuracy of the longitudinal propagation was affected by the accuracy of the transversal propagation. The reproducibility between FF from the manual and semi-automatic segmentation was high which is of utmost importance in the clinical field.


We designed a semi-automatic segmentation pipeline of individual muscles in patient MR images using propagation methods for both baseline and follow-up datasets. We reduced the required time for manual segmentation by 90%. This minimal manual segmentation stage, simple to set up in clinical routine, allows control by the expert. Considering the FF values, we illustrated a highly accurate follow-up tool for neuromuscular disorders which is of great importance for clinical trials.


The authors thank all the subjects who participated in the present study. This study was supported by the EU Seventh Framework Programme (#305697) on DM1 (OPTIMISTIC).


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Example of muscle delineation on the fat fraction map of the thigh (top) and of the lower leg (bottom). We delineated the following muscles on the DIXON: The Vastus Lateralis [VL], Vastus Intermedius [VI], Rectus Femoris [RF], Vastus medialis [VM], Short head of the Biceps Femoris [BFS], Long head of the Biceps Femoris [BFL], Semitendinosus [ST], Semimembranosus [SM], Gracilis [G], Sartorius [S], Adductor Magnus [AM], Adductor Longus [AL], Tibialis Anterior [TA], Extensor Digitorum/Hallucis Longus [EDL_EHL], Peroneus Longus/Brevis [PB_PL], Tibialis Posterior [TP], Gastrocnemius Lateralis [GL], Gastrocnemius Medialis [GM] and Soleus [SOL].

Our semi-automated segmentation pipeline. The manual delineation of the individual muscles is initially performed at baseline on a few axial slices obtained during a first acquisition session, i.e. baseline (Step 1). These segmentations are then transversally propagated to all the slices of the 3D region of interest (Step 2). Subsquently, a 3D non-linear SyN registration between baseline and follow-up DIXON images is performed. This last step makes it possible to longitudinally propagate the 3D segmentations at baseline to a second acquisition session, i.e. follow-up (Step 3), while optimizing the correspondence of the regions of interest that may have evolved between the two sessions.

Box plots showing DICE similarity coefficient (DSC) obtained for all individual muscles in thigh (Vastus Lateralis [VL], Vastus Intermedius [VI], Rectus Femoris [RF], Vastus medialis [VM], Short head of the Biceps Femoris [BFS], Long head of the Biceps Femoris [BFL], Semitendinosus [ST], Semimembranosus [SM], Gracilis [G], Sartorius [S], Adductor Magnus [AM], Adductor Longus [AL]) and lower leg (Tibialis Anterior [TA], Extensor Digitorum/Hallucis Longus [EDL_EHL], Peroneus Longus/Brevis [PB_PL], Tibialis Posterior [TP], Gastrocnemius Lateralis [GL], Gastrocnemius Medialis [GM], Soleus [SOL]). DSC values were calculated based on a comparative analysis between the manual segmentation and the transversal automatic propagation (A); and the longitudinal automatic propagation (B).

Determination of the reliability of the transversal propagation at baseline and the longitudinal propagation at follow-up for all individual muscles in thigh and lower leg. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and standard error of measurement (SEM) were assessed between the fat fraction calculated on fat fraction map through the manual segmentation and the propagated segmentation.

Bland-Altman plots of the fat fraction measures obtained from the manual or propagated segmentations at baseline (A) and follow-up (B).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)