Accurately modeling arterial input function (AIF) is important for dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI. Simulations were performed comparing nine population AIF models to the Parker AIF. Effects of AIF second pass with and without adding noise onto extracted physiological parameters were evaluated with n=1,000 randomly generated physiological parameters (Ktrans and ve) used to calculate contrast agent concentration curves using the Tofts model and Parker AIF. Results demonstrated that the six-parameter linear function plus bi-exponential function AIF model was almost equivalent to Parker AIF. Effects of the second pass were small, unless noise with signal-to-noise ratio was <10 dB.
There are 10 parameters in Parker model: An, Tn, and σn (n = 1, 2) are the scaling constant, center, and width of the Gaussian, respectively; α and β are the amplitude and decay constant of the exponential; and s and τ are the width and center of the sigmoid. The Parker AIF (Cp(t)) was calculated with average parameters, 1.5 seconds temporal resolution, and sampled for 6 minutes. Then, the other nine population AIF models (Table 1) were used to fit the Parker AIF model. The closest model to Parker model with the smallest number of parameters was selected to study the second pass effects of AIF.
To maximize the second pass, a new Parker AIF (Cp2(t)) was calculated by setting parameters so that the first pass peak is lower and the second pass peak is higher and wider. Therefore, Parker’s average parameters were set to be plus or minus 2.58 times standard deviations (SD): A1 and T1 were set to be mean-2.58*SD; A2, T2, σ2, α and β were set to be mean+2.58*SD; and σ1, s and τ were kept as mean values. As result, new AIF had ratios of A2/A1=0.62 and σ2/σ1=3.31, which were much larger than the AIF calculated with average parameters.
The following steps were used in the computer simulations for a total of 1,000 contrast agent concentration curves C(t):
(i) Random numbers (rn1 and rn2) uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 were generated and mapped into the following interval to obtain practical Ktrans and ve values:
To be more realistic, only values of Ktrans and ve such that Ktrans/ve < 10 were used in the simulations. Then C(t) was calculated by using Tofts model with new Cp2(t):2
(ii) The simple AIF with the smallest number of parameters close to Parker AIF was used to fit the C(t) to extract Ktrans and ve values and compared with generated values. The effect of noise on Cp2(t) was also studied by adding white Gaussian noise with signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 10, 5, and 1 dB.
Figure 1 shows plots of Parker AIF (gray line) and corresponding fits (red line) obtained from nine AIF models (a–i) listed in Table 1. Obviously, the Lin+BiExp, GVF+BiExp, and modified Parker models fit best, and the Lin+BiExp have the smallest number of parameters. Figure 2 (a–d) left panel shows the Lin+BiExp model fits (red lines) to Cp2(t) (black lines) with added white Gaussian noise, and right panel shows the corresponding calculated C(t). Figures 3 and 4 show scatter plots of generated vs. extracted Ktrans and ve from the Lin+BiExp model, respectively. Without modeling the second pass of AIF (noise free), the extracted Ktrans was about 3% underestimated than generated Ktrans. On average, the extracted Ktrans was about 10%, 15% and 20% underestimated than the generated Ktrans for SNR = 10, 5, and 1 dB, respectively. The second pass and added noise had much smaller effects on extracting ve.1. Parker GJ, Roberts C, Macdonald A, et al. Experimentally-derived functional form for a population-averaged high-temporal-resolution arterial input function for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. Magn Reson Med 2006;56(5):993-1000.
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