Effects of Track Length on White Matter Alterations in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Sourajit Mitra Mustafi1, Jaroslaw Harezlak2, Joaquin Goni3, Laura A Flashman4, Thomas W McAllister5, and Yu-Chien Wu1

1Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 2Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Indiana University, School of Public Health, Bloomington, IN, United States, 3College of Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States, 4Department of Psychiatry, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and Geisel School of Medicine, Hanover, NH, United States, 5Department of Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States


In the present study, we performed streamline tractography to characterize effects of track length on white-matter microstructural alterations after mild traumatic brain injury. Streamline length and counts were studied in involved white-matter fiber tracts that were found to have decreased axonal density at some points along the tracts using voxel-based analyses. The results suggested that long fibers in the brains of individuals who sustained mild traumatic brain injury are more vulnerable to the injury.


Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is an important public health problem.1 Microscopically, diffuse axonal injury is generally believed to be the initial neuropathology associated with mTBI and leads to morphological changes of axons and the surrounding microenvironment.2-4 Therefore, diffusion MRI is recommended due to its sensitivity to microstructural changes in the brain white matter.5, 6 While ROI- and voxel-based analyses are used in more than 90% of published diffusion MRI studies on mTBI, tract-specific analyses have been less investigated. In voxel-based analyses, alterations of diffusion metrics in long-range fiber tracts (e.g., the corpus callosum, internal capsule, and longitudinal fasciculus) are frequently reported.7-10 Characterizing the susceptibility of fiber tracts to brain injury with respect to tract length, however, has not been studied. In this work, we performed streamline tractography and extracted tract-specific features including streamline counts and streamline length. We investigated the effect of track length on white matter microstructural alterations shortly after mTBI and clinical correlations.

Material and Methods

Participants and MRI: A total of 42 subjects including 19 mTBI and 23 trauma-controls were recruited from the Emergency Department within 1 month post injury. The subjects underwent T1-weighted imaging with a MPRAGE sequence and multi-shell hybrid diffusion imaging (HYDI)11 in a Philips 3T Achieve TX scanner with SENSE parallel imaging. The diffusion encoding scheme consisted of 1 b0 and 5 b-value shells (b-values = 250, 1000, 2250, 4000, and 6250 s/mm2) with a total of 142 diffusion-weighting directions. Other imaging parameters are voxel size = 2x2 mm2, 40 slices of 3 mm slice thickness. Ten neuropsychological tests were performed to assess attention, memory, and executive function. The HYDI data were denoised with a LPCA method12 and corrected for motion, eddy current, and geometric distortion using the FSL eddy_openmp command.13 The preprocessed diffusion data were then fitted to neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)14 to extract intra-axonal volume fraction (Vic) inferring axonal density. Tractography: White-mater streamline tractography was performed using CAMINO15 software with a q-ball and spherical harmonic reconstruction for fiber orientation distribution functions. To extract cortical-to-cortical connections, white matter and gray matter interface was used as starting and destination points for tractography with a step size of 0.5 and iterations of 25. Involved white matter tracts were filtered by waypoint voxels that had significantly lower axonal-density (Vic) detected by track-based spatial statistics (TBSS) analyses (Figure 1A & B). Data Analysis: The tract-specific features (i.e., length and normalized streamline count) were summarized from the involved tracts and the rest uninvolved tracts (i.e., without waypoint filtering) for each mTBI and control subject. Paired t-tests, independent t-tests, and linear regression analyses were used for comparisons within subjects, between groups, and for correlations with neuropsychological outcomes, respectively.

Results and Discussions

Three involved fiber tracts were identified: the forceps minor, superior corona radiata, and corticospinal tracts (Figure 1C). Figure 2A shows the prevalence of involved streamlines according to length. Figure 2B demonstrates that among the whole-brain streamlines, longer-length tracts had higher chance to have decreased axonal density at some points along the tracts after mTBI. To correct for inherent bias from tract length, the “chance" was defined as length-adjusted percentage (i.e., percentage of involved streamlines for that length category divided by streamline length). For a tract length longer than 80 mm, the length-adjusted percentage was between 0.6% and 0.7% per mm. In addition, in the involved tracts, longer streamlines had lower axonal density (Vic) throughout the tracts compared to the same length of streamlines in uninvolved tracts for each mTBI patient (Figure 3). The decrease in Vic in involved streamlines started to show significance at a length of 80-100 mm (Figure 3A), and reached p-value < 10-5 for streamlines longer than 120 mm (Figure 3B). Similarly, the mTBI patients had lower normalized streamline counts of longer tracts (Figure 4). The decrease in the streamline counts were significant at a length of 80 mm and higher. The averaged axonal density (Vic) throughout the involved tracts with a length longer than 80 mm correlated with neuropsychological measures for memory and executive function (Figure 5). The mTBI patients with higher Vic consistently had poor neuropsychological performance with fewer words recalled in memory function and longer time required to complete tests for executive function.


In this study, we characterized the susceptibility of white-matter fiber tracts to the brain injury with respect to tract length. The white-matter fiber tracts longer than 80 mm appeared to be more vulnerable to the brain injury with lower axonal density, streamline counts, and significant clinical correlations.


This study was supported by NIH R21 NS075791, NCAA-DoD Grand Alliance W81XWH-14-2-0151, and a Project Development Team within the ICTSI NIH/NCRR Grant Number UL1TR001108.


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Figure 1. Collection of involved white-matter fiber tracts. (A). TBSS was performed on 19 mTBI patients vs. 23 trauma-controls to find a group of white-matter voxels (bright-blue) that had lower axonal density (Vic) in patients. (B). Means of Vic in this group of voxels for mTBI (red triangle) and controls (black dot). (C). This group of voxels (bright-blue in (A)) was then transformed from the standard space back to subject space where streamline tractography was performed and was served as waypoint voxels (yellow). For each subject, the “involved” tracts were formed by those streamlines that pass through the waypoint voxels.

Figure 2. Length-wise distributions. (A). Whole brain streamline counts for one subject. The distribution of streamline counts vs. length is similar across all subjects. (B). Boxplot of length-adjusted percentage of “involved” tracts in each length category for the mTBI patients (black dot). The length-adjusted percentage (%∙mm-1) was computed as the ratio of red bar to red+gray bar in (A) and divided by length for that length category.

Figure 3. Comparisons of Vic between ”uninvolved” and ”involved” tracts. The mean Vic in the “involved” tracts excluded those waypoint voxels with lower Vic originally detected in tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). (A) The comparisons at each length category. The error bar denotes standard deviation across the mTBI patients. * denotes significant paired t-tests with p-value < 0.05. (B) For tract length longer than 120 mm, boxplot of Vic in uninvolved tracts vs. involved tracts for each mTBI patient (connected markers).

Figure 4. Comparisons of normalized streamline count between controls and mTBI patients at each length category. The error bar denotes standard deviation across the subjects. * denotes significant student tests with p-value < 0.05.

Figure 5. Correlations between Vic in the “involved” tracts and neuropsychological measures in mTBI patients. p and r denotes significance of linear regression and correlation coefficient, respectively. (A) The correlation between Vic and long delay (LD) recall for short tract (<80 mm) was not significant with p > 0.05. (B) For long tract (>80mm), Vic was significantly associated with LD at r = 0.91. (C) Correlation between Vic and number letter switching trial of Trail Making Test (DKEFS4) was not significant (p >0.05) for short tracts. (D) For long tract, Vic was significantly associated with DKEFS4 at r = 0.93.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)