Robin Demesmaeker1,2, Jérôme Yerly3,4, John Heerfordt1,3, Tobias Kober1,3,5, Pier Giorgio Masci6, Dimitri Van De Ville2,7, Matthias Stuber3,4, and Davide Piccini1,3,5
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare AG, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Institute of Bioengineering/Center for Neuroprosthetics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Department of Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 5LTS5, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 6Division of Cardiology and Cardiac MR Center, University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 7Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, University Hospital of Geneva (HUG), Geneva, Switzerland
We aim at
creating a link between compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction and automated
image quality (IQ) assessment using deep learning. An automated image quality
assessment algorithm based on a deep convolutional neural regression network trained
to evaluate the quality of whole-heart MRI datasets is used to assess IQ at
every iteration of a respiratory motion-resolved CS reconstruction. Not only IQ
evolution as assessed by the network visually correlates with the CS cost
function, but the neural network is able to distinguish the image quality of
different respiratory phases with high correlation to visual expert assessment.
quality (IQ) is a central metric in medical imaging. A fast and
reliable IQ assessment may become especially important when iterative
reconstruction algorithms are involved as is the case with compressed sensing
(CS) [1,2]. At each iteration, CS algorithms try to minimize a certain
objective cost function, which usually takes into account a data consistency
term and a mathematical regularization term with the final goal of consistently
converging to a “better image”. However, IQ is not always strictly
related to the regularization criteria and the algorithm may converge to images that are too smooth or too noisy, depending on the selected parameter
set. Deep convolutional neural networks can be trained to mimic the human
assessment of the quality of medical images [3]. Here, we aim to test the
hypothesis that a deep convolutional neural regression network trained on a
patient database of isotropic 3D whole-heart MR image volumes can be used to
assess the convergence of a respiratory motion-resolved CS
reconstruction [4] (i.e. quantitatively measure IQ improvement). Finally, we also demonstrate
that the same network can be used to automatically select the respiratory
phase with highest IQ.Materials and Methods
A deep convolutional neural network for
automated image quality assessment [3] (Fig.1) that provides a quantitative IQ evaluation [5] as a continuous value ranging from 0 (poor quality)
to 4 (excellent) was optimized, trained, and tested using a patient database of
respiratory self-navigated whole heart isotropic 3D MR imaging volumes [6,7]. The network already showed a high correlation with
the ground truth grading by expert readers and accuracy within the bounds of
intra- and inter-observer variability [3]. In this work, N=12 randomly selected
k-space datasets corresponding to patients from the test set of the network
were reconstructed using a 4D respiratory-resolved reconstruction CS pipeline [4].
Reconstruction was performed with four respiratory phases using the XD-GRASP algorithm [2]. The neural network was used to
both compare the quality of intermediate imaging volumes at subsequent
iterations of the reconstruction and assess the differences in IQ among the different reconstructed respiratory phases (Fig.2). The
resulting IQ evolution as assessed by the network was visually compared with
the evolution of the mathematical objective cost function used by the
CS algorithm. Furthermore, an expert reader visually ranked the reconstructed respiratory phases according to their image quality by comparing
anonymized pairs of image volumes for all 12 datasets. The expert evaluation
was compared with the IQ differences between phases as assessed by the
automated image quality assessment network.Results
and Fig.4 display the IQ evolution assessed in all four respiratory phases as
a function of the specific iteration number during respiratory-resolved
reconstruction for two different datasets in direct comparison with the
objective cost function (normalized for visual comparison). Iteration 0 corresponds to the first gridding step before the CS
optimization actually starts. In the first case, a clear increase in estimated IQ is visible and the respiratory phases do not all converge to the
same grade. In the second dataset (Fig.4), however, no considerable increase can be seen neither as a function of increasing iterations nor
as a function of different respiratory levels. A visual correspondence
between the evolution of the objective cost function and the IQ assessment
was very high in all reconstructions. Fig.5 shows the result of the paired
comparisons between respiratory phases. Green and red arrows
correspond, respectively, to agreement and disagreement between the network and
the expert reader. The figure shows 100% agreement between the two in
all cases where the grade was deemed superior by the network by at least 0.25.
Discussion and Conclusion
A visual correspondence of IQ as assessed by the neural network and the
objective cost function applied to the compressed sensing reconstruction seems
to confirm that, in general, the mathematical features of the latter provide a
reasonable quantitative measure of perceived image quality. In the limited
database used here, the quality of the gridding reconstruction also seems to be
predictive of the final result: e.g. when the initial quality is very low,
there will be little improvement regardless of the respiratory level. Finally,
the algorithm for automated IQ assessment can be used to compare the reconstructed respiratory phases. These results show that the
neural network is not only able to assess the quality of images from different
patients (as it was trained to do), but also differences in quality from
different reconstructions of the same anatomy. This suggests that the algorithm uses other information than purely anatomical spatial information and could
be particularly useful in comparative studies or even for direct insertion into
the compressed sensing reconstruction pipeline as an addition to or even as a
substitute of the cost function.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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