In patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD), invasive catheterization is commonly used to determine the need for coronary revascularization. However, recent studies have shown that >50% of patients who undergo invasive catheterization have non-significant coronary lesions, hence the procedure was unnecessary. Recent work using 4D-Flow and the Navier-Stokes equations has shown promise for the noninvasive assessment of
A golden-angle SOS 4D-Flow sequence with ECG-triggering to diastole and navigator-gating to end-expiration was implemented for coronary imaging on a 3T MR scanner (Skyra, Siemens). Compressed sensing reconstruction was performed individually for each velocity encoding direction (reference, x, y, and z) and each cardiac phase by solving the following optimization problem6 $$$d=arg min \{||FSd - m||_2^2+ λ||Td||_1\}$$$, where $$$d$$$ contains the image, $$$F$$$ is the non-uniform fast Fourier Transform operator, $$$S$$$ is the coil sensitivity operator, $$$m$$$ is the measured k-space data, $$$λ$$$ is the regularization term, and $$$T$$$ is the sparsity transform where a 4-level 3D Daubechies-4 wavelet transform was used. Coil sensitivity maps were computed using the reference velocity encoding and applied to the other encoding directions.
In vitro: SOS and Cartesian were first compared in five stenotic flow phantoms (constant volume velocity=250mL/min; reference diameter=4.8mm) with diameter narrowing (stenosis) ranging between 0%-50%. Shared imaging parameters were: FA=15°; spatial resolution=0.5x0.5x3.2mm3; Partition=10; slice oversampling=25%; FOV=220mm; VENC=70-110cm/s, depending on degree of narrowing. For SOS, a total of 2500 projections per flow encoding direction were obtained corresponding to ~22min acquisition time with simulated 60-bpm ECG-triggering, matched to similar scan time as the Cartesian 4D-flow acquisition with a parallel imaging acceleration of 2x. To evaluate the feasibility of scan time reduction in the SOS method, retrospective k-space undersampling was achieved by discarding the sampled data after 2000, 1500, 1000, and 500 projections from a total of 2500 projections. Cross-correlation and root-mean-square error (RMSE) in the peak and average velocities across all imaging slices was performed for a range of SOS projections versus Cartesian, respectively.
In vivo: SOS and Cartesian 4D-flow sequences were then tested in three healthy subjects (age: 40.7±17.9yrs). Similar imaging parameters were used in in-vitro studies except for: spatial resolution = 0.6x0.6x3.2mm3; Partitions=8; VENC=40-45cm/s in the proximal to middle segment of the left coronary artery. Due to limited scan time, a total of 1200 projections (~1.5x undersampling compared to Cartesian) were collected per velocity encoding, per cardiac phase at the time of the scan. Retrospective k-space undersampling was achieved by discarding the sampled data after 1000 and 800 projections from a total of 1200 projections, equivalent to 1.8x and 2.3x undersampling, respectively.
In vitro: When comparing to Cartesian acquisitions, similar peak velocities across each imaging slice were observed over a range of SOS undersampling factors (Figure 1) and good cross-correlation of up to 2.5x undersampling, 0.95 and 0.93, was preserved in the peak and average velocities, respectively, as SOS projection number decreased (Table 1).
In vivo: Total average Cartesian scan time was 35.46±0.3minutes. For SOS, 1.5x, 1.8x, and 2.3x undersampling factor, equivalent to approximately 23, 20, and 15 minutes scan time, respectively, using Cartesian as a reference. Good image quality was observed for various SOS underdamping factors as shown in figure 2. Average maximum through-plane velocity in all healthy subjects was 15.6±3.6 cm/s, 14.7±4.1 cm/s, 16.2±6.2 cm/s and 16.2±5.4 cm/s for Cartesian, and SOS with 1200, 1000, and 800 projections, respectively. Figure 3 shows the Bland-Altman of the maximum through-plane velocities between various SOS undersampling factors and Cartesian acquisition.
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