Unobstructed oxygen supply is important for proper health and development of the growing fetus and therefore, fetal cerebral oxygenation measurement has been attempted previously using SWI. However, vessel curvature and oblique fetal orientation posed a major challenge in the oxygenation measurement, especially in younger foetuses. To overcome these problems, we present the first application of quantitative susceptibility mapping for the fetal brain oxymetry. We also studied the effect of resolution on QSM using simulations. Results showed the mean putative fetal cerebral oxygenation was 67%±7% and minimum of 5 voxels around the vessel and 5 slices gives <3% error in oxygenation.
A 3D digital brain phantom with assigned χ values to veins (or true χv) and other brain structures was used to generate the phase images of the same voxel resolution as the in-vivo fetal data [2]. The spatial extent of phase information in all 3 directions around the structure of interest is the primary parameter that influences the accuracy of susceptibility values. Hence, the relative % error (δ) in SvO2 values was assessed as a function of the size of the mask region around the SSS (mask size varied as a multiple of SSS diameter) and as a function of the number of slices (3 to 7). This was carried out for different relative vessel-B0 orientations (0°, ±30° and ±60°).
Healthy pregnant women (n=21, mean gestation=30.4±5.3 weeks) were enrolled in the study. A modified fully flow-compensated 2D/3D SWI sequence [2] was used to acquire fetal images at 3.0T (Siemens, Verio, Erlangen, Germany). The MRI scan parameters are given in Table-1. The QSM reconstruction pipeline is as follows (Figure-1): (1) After correcting for global phase offset, the phase images were subjected to homodyne high pass filtering (16x16); 2) A 3D brain mask was manually extracted from the phase images, ensuring that it includes a minimum of 5 voxels around the SSS and excludes unwanted surrounding maternal/fetal tissue; 3) Minimum of 5 slices of the resultant phase data was then used as input to the iterative, geometry constraint based thresholded k-space division algorithm for generating QSM [4]; 4) A region-of-interest (ROI) containing atleast 10 voxels was drawn inside the SSS in the QSM images and the mean and SD of magnetic susceptibility of the SSS was measured; 5) The putative SvO2 in the SSS was quantified assuming Δχdo= 4*π*0.27ppm [5] and gestational age dependent fetal hematocrit values [6].
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