We have previously developed a practical imaging scheme for the rotating RF coil (RRFC) in Cartesian trajectories. This scheme employs dynamic sensitivity averaging (DSA) of multiple k-spaces during coil rotation, which eliminates the need of time-consuming, position-dependent sensitivity estimation for image reconstruction of the RRFC. As demonstrated in previous work, two extra complementary profiles are required to achieve efficient DSA, thus the scan duration is potentially extended. To further improve the efficiency of DSA, compressed sensing (CS) is implemented to the image reconstruction of the RRFC.
The rotating loop coil has the same geometry as our previously developed RRFC prototype (Ø: 40 mm, 60° open angle, 26 mm in length) designed for a 9.4 T MRI pre-clinical system 1. The electromagnetic simulation software FEKO (Hyperworks, USA) and Matlab (Massachusetts, USA) was used to generate designated rotation-dependent sensitivity profiles and corresponding k-space samples. As demonstrated in 6, by adjusting rotation speed and imaging parameters, k-space lines are encoded with 120° angular increment and three successive k-spaces are able to generate an artefact-free image with DSA. In order to reduce the total scan duration, randomly undersampled (phase-encoding direction) k-space data will be reconstructed by solving constrained optimisation as:
where Ψ is sparsity transform realised by wavelet transform, b is the acquired k-space data, A is the encoding matrix combined with both Fourier and sensitivity encoding, λ1 and λ2 are regularization factor for L1 and total variation (TV), respectively. These two weighting factors were optimally chosen according to the reconstruction quality measured by Peak-SNR (PSNR) and root-mean-square-error (RMSE). In this work, the optimal weighting factors were found as λ1 = λ2 = 0.001. The final images can be reconstructed in two ways from three undersampled k-spaces: 1) use CS to recover individual k-spaces which are encoded with different sensitivity profiles and then apply DSA for the final image recovery; 2) use DSA to combine three undersampled k-spaces into one k-space which are encoded with uniform sensitivity and then apply CS reconstruction. These two reconstruction patterns are referred to as CS - DSA and DSA - CS in Figure 1. The reconstruction is performed by modifying sparse MRI toolbox 7 to incorporate DSA scheme.
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