For the first time, we present a systematic framework to assess the intrinsic SNR performance of loop-only and dipole-only receive arrays in a realistic human head model. Thereby, we distribute generic current patterns on a helmet-like and a cylindrical coil holder. These current patterns form a basis set for any kind of receive element one could place on the holder. We demonstrate how to design an ideal receive array for human head applications by using complementary current patterns.
During the last twenty years, loop-only receive arrays have become the gold-standard for human head NMR at low fields (B0 = 1.5 T and 3 T). At ultra-high fields (B0 ≥ 7 T), the electric dipole moved into focal interest within the past five years. There were initial studies with dipole-only arrays (1-4) but also with a combination of loop and dipole elements (5-7). Moreover, vertical loop elements were combined with surface loops (8). The purpose of this study was to do a systematic investigation to what extent loop- and dipole-only receivers are able to reach the ultimate SNR threshold in a realistic human body model and how a combination of the two complementary coil element types could enhance the SNR.
We investigated the SNR performance of loops and dipoles at different field strengths (B0 = 1.5 T, 3 T, 7 T, 9.4 T, 10.5 T, 11.7 T). During the whole study protons were assumed as the NMR visible isotope. We distributed generic current patterns, which are able to represent any kind of loop or dipole element, on two commonly used coil holder geometries: First, we used a spherical cap (Fig.1a) and evaluated the ultimate SNR within the framework introduced in (9). Next, we calculated the best possible SNR achievable with either divergence-free current patterns (loop-only arrays) or curl-free current patterns. We also distributed curl- and divergence-free current patterns around a cylindrical surface (Fig. 1b). This allowed us to access the SNR performance of z-directed current patterns (dipole-only arrays). To solve the electromagnetic field problem, we developed a new approach (figure 2). Thereby, curl- and divergence-free surface current patterns KE and KM excited eigenfunctions of the spherical or cylindrical Helmholtz operator. Applying dyadic Green's function theory (10), we could calculate the free-space fields of the current modes. These fields were fed into a fast-volume integral equation solver (11) to obtain the electromagnetic fields in the presence of the realistic body model. We used "Duke" from the virtual family (12) with 2 mm isotropic resolution and 77 different tissue types.The overall fields were stored in a database to create a basis set. For the spherical cap, the basis set consisted of 2550 basis vectors, whereas the cylindrical basis set comprised 3038 vectors.The numerical field computation of scattered fields was the computational bottleneck and was done on a high performance GPU accelerated (NVIDIA Tesla P100) server. Simulation times for creating the spherical cap basis set are shown in figure 3.
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Figure 1: Setup to study the SNR performance of loops and dipoles. Generic current patterns were distributed on a) a spherical cap of radius 13 cm and opening angle of 120°. b) a cylindrical surface of radius 13 cm and length of 30 cm.