Many of today’s MR coils are still somehow rigid and inflexible in their size. Even highly flexible arrays basically maintain only one specific body-part in a defined range. Anatomically adaptive coils potentially provide the necessary freedom to have a one-size-fits-all design for MRI in clinic. This would lower costs, improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and increase the patient comfort. To evaluate the potential SNR improvement of adaptive arrays, maintaining an optimal filling factor, a 6-channel Demonstrator array setup, comprised of stretchable loop elements at 1.5T with equal electrical properties as standard elements, was used.
In order to achieve a higher SNR with an improved filling factor through adaptive coils, a prototypical, so-called Demonstrator Array setup was developed to ensure a reliable and valid comparison. To identify the optimal dimensions of the Demonstrator Array a self-programmed Design Tool, and data from anthropometric studies of human knees from U.S. and German clinics in 2015, was used. The experimental setup consists of a lower shell with two rigid loops of 85x60mm of 5mm wide copper tap and two upper shells. The 1st upper shell of 4 rigid loops (122x60mm of 5mm wide copper tape) arranged in one row at a diameter of 180mm is used as a reference array (See Fig. 1C). The 2nd upper shell antenna comprises of 4 stretchable loops (85x60mm) with a stretchable area of xmin= 60.1mm and is designed to fit any extremity dimension between 140 - 180mm (See Fig. 1B). In the rigid overlap area of the stretchable loops, the preamplifier was attached [4].
As stretchable material a 5mm-wide AMOTAPE® conduct elast with PTFE insulated copper strands was used. These strands float in wavy (meander) line along the tape (100% elasticity). The stretchable loops showed an SNR loss of 8.1% in 20mm depth and 8.8% in 50mm depth of the phantom’s surface [3]. All loops were tuned to 63.6MHz using capacitors in the rigid sections of each loop and matched to 50Ω. Adjacent loops were inductively decoupled using critical overlap (-18dB). Residual coupling was suppressed by preamplifier decoupling of around 20dB [5]. The stretchable loops of the adaptive antenna were tuned and matched to the phantom M (Ø140mm) and the loops of the Reference Demonstrator to the phantom L (Ø180mm). The stretchable loops allow a stretching of 52.2% (elongation of 31.4mm) and the whole Adaptive array (including the two rigid loops of the lower shell) allows a stretching of 26.7%.
18 measurements with the two Demonstrator Arrays (adaptive and reference) using three phantoms of 140, 160 and 180 mm in diameter (1.25g NiSO4 x 6H2O per 1000g H2O dist. and 5g NaCl, see Fig. 1A) were conducted on a 1.5T Siemens MAGNETOM Aera (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). We used a spin-echo sequence in transverse orientation (TE=15ms, TR=300ms, FoV=200mm) with a slice thickness of 5mm and an acquisition matrix of 256x256 and a bandwidth of 130 Hz/pixel. The voxel size was 0.8x0.8mm.
[1] J. A. Nordmeyer-Massner, N. D. Zanche, and K. Pruessmann, „Stretchable coil arrays: Application to knee imaging under varying flexion angles”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 67, p. 872–879, 2012.
[2] S.S. Vasanawala, R. Stormont, S. Lindsay, T. Grafendorfer, J.Y. Cheng, J.M. Pauly, G. Scott, J.X. Guzman, V. Taracila, D. Chirayath, and F. Robb, „Development and clinical implementation of very light weight and highly flexible AIR technology arrays”, Proc. ISMRM, 755, 2017.
[3] B. Gruber, S. Zink, „Anatomically adaptive local coils for MR Imaging – Evaluation of stretchable antennas at 1.5T“, Proc. ISMRM, 543, 2016.
[4] P.B. Roemer, W. Edelstein, C. Hayes, S. Souza, and O. Mueller, „The NMR phased array”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 16, p.192ff, 1990.
[5] B. Keil, J.A. Blau, S. Biber, P. Hoecht, V. Tountcheva, K. Setsompop, C. Triantafyllou, and L.L. Wald, „A 64-channel 3T coil for accelerated brain MRI“, Magnetic Resonance on Medicine, vol. 70, p.248-258, 2013.