Conventional vest coil designs typically have less homogeneous excitation and higher SAR than volume resonators. Here we introduce a hybrid of a ladder resonator and transceiver array to provide the individual benefits of both. A network theory approach is presented for the calculation of tuning values. Simulation and measurement of a two ladder element transmit array with three loop sections each is demonstrated. Additionally, the six individual loop sections are employed as separate receive coil elements. Improved transmit homogeneity and lower specific absorption ratio is observed in simulation against a comparable transmit vest coil array. The tuning and transmit field homogeneity is verified through measurement of imaging performance.
For the n-loop ladder resonator shown in Figure 1b, with circuit diagram in Figure 1c, the lumped current distribution can be generalized as[I1eiϕ1:I1eiϕn]=[Z11+Zt1+ZCRx1+∑m≠1Zc1m..Zn1−Zc1n:╲Z1n−Zc1nZnn+Ztn+ZCRxn+∑m≠nZcnm]−1[AcV:0]where Znn and Zmn are inherent to the coil geometry, while AcV is the source excitation. The self (Ztn) and mutual (Zcmn) impedance tuning is accomplished with the lumped tuning capacitors (Ctn,CRxn and Cmn in Figure 1c, respectively). The current amplitudes (In) and phases (ϕn) are chosen for homogeneous RF excitation. In Figure 1c the method employed to separate loop sections as individual receive elements during Rx is encircled in red. For this work, the ladder coil geometry shown in Figure 2 is explored for the Larmor frequency of 1H at 1.5 T, 64 MHz. For the individual three-loop ladder simplifies to[I1eiϕ1I2eiϕ2I3eiϕ3]=[Z11+Zt1+ZCRx1+Zc13+Zc12Z21−Zc12Z31−Zc13Z12−Zc12Z22+Zt2+ZCRx2+Zc12Z32Z13−Zc13Z23Z33+Zt3+ZCRx3+Zc13]−1[AcV:0] To approximate the circular polarization required I1=I2=I3, and {\phi}{1}=0,{\phi}{2}=-60°,{\phi}{3}=60°. Additionally, (Z_{13}-Z_{c13})=(Z_{12}-Z_{c12})* and (Z_{22}+Z_{tn}+Z_{CRx2}+Z_{c12})=(Z_{33}+Z_{tn}+Z_{CRx3}+Z_{c13})* to reduce the solution space. The resulting set of linear equations were used to solve for Z_{c12},Z_{c13},Z_{t3}+Z_{CRx3} and Z_{t2}+Z_{CRx2}. This configuration was compared in simulation to a 4-element transmit array with fixed phase combination9 and a six-rung birdcage coil. For the birdcage coil the amplitude of current sources are set to obtain the same average transmit field as the ladder array. The transmit array includes capacitive decoupling and the ladder array loop elements of the two transmit ladder resonators are decoupled by critical overlap. The ladder and transmit arrays in Figure 2 (dimensions labelled) are matched and simulated in HFSS. An elliptical cylinder with permittivity ratio of 76 and conductivity of 0.8S/m was used to emulate the loading of a human torso. The transmit efficiency (B1+) for 1kW RMS input power, and SAR averaged for 10 g regions10 were compared for coils. To tune the array on the bench the impedance matrix were first measured via calibrated S-parameter measurement11. Then tuning values were calculated to obtain the desired current distribution. Subsequently, receive matching networks in Figure 1c were connected by coaxial cables to in-house built low input impedance preamplifiers. Imaging was carried out on a cylindrical phantom (1.96g/L CuSO4 and 3.6g/L NaCl) with parameters: 2D spoiled gradient echo sequence, TR=500ms, 128x128 matrix, 48x48cm3- coronal, 40x40cm3-axial, 20mm slice thickness, TE=10.4ms, BW=±3.97kHz. Pulse amplitude was varied and the FA fit voxelwise.
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