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Unbalanced Steady-State Free Precession MR Fingerprinting with Simultaneous Fat Signal Fraction, T1, T2 and B0 Estimation
Jason Ostenson1,2, Bruce M. Damon1,2,3,4,5, and E. Brian Welch1,3,5

1Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Program in Chemical and Physical Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 5Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


Unbalanced steady-state free precession MR fingerprinting (uSSFP-MRF) may be used to quantify fat signal as well as water T1 and T2, but is subject to off-resonance (B0) and blurring. We propose a variable echo time uSSFP and post-processing method that estimates fat signal fraction, water T1 and T2, and B0 within a single sequence. The method is tested in phantoms and in vivo. Preliminary results indicate the proposed method provides sharp fat fraction maps that account for chemical-shift and B0 effects that normally lead to blurring, as well as generate water-only T1 and T2 maps.


Unbalanced steady-state free precession (uSSFP) MR fingerprinting1 (MRF) with variable echo time (TE) is sensitive to the presence of fat2–4. However, fat signal quantification is complicated by off-resonance (B0) effects and, for spiral acquisitions, blurring. In this work, we present a means to estimate fat signal and B0 simultaneously using spiral uSSFP-MRF. This fat separation technique allows the calculation of deblurred fat signal fraction maps as well as water T1 and T2 maps in the presence of heterogeneous B0.


Using a modification of the method of Brodsky et al.5 combined with singular value decomposition6, the on-resonance fat-water MRF signal vector in k-space so(k) can be modeled as so(k)= [Uo F]β(k)(1), where Uo is the matrix of left-singular dictionary vectors of on-resonance water signal, F is the fat signal model, and β is a vector of weights. The off-resonance fat-water signal, s(k), is s(k)= Uc(k)(2), where U is the matrix of left-singular dictionary vectors that includes T1, T2, and off-resonant/chemical shift effects and c(k) is the coefficient vector. If a fixed repetition time and linear ramp of TEs are used over the MRF acquisition, then when using multi-frequency interpolation (MFI),7-8 the signal corrected for off-resonance effects can be given as so(k) Ll=1alJls(k)(3); {Jl} are diagonal matrices that modify the phase of s(k) according to specific frequencies, and {al} are the MFI weights. A set of fat-water coefficients is obtained by fitting the phase modulated measurements {Jls(k)} in Eq. (3) to Eq. (1), projecting along the columns of U using Eq. (2), and added to projected residuals to give total measurement coefficients {cl,tot(k)}. By inverse Fourier transform of the coefficients, the on-resonance solution at position r can be expressed as so(r) Ll=1al(ΔBo)Ucl,tot(r)(4). {al(ΔBo)} depend on a single variable, ΔBo(r). Eq. (1) in the spatial domain also holds. Using variable projection, the residuals σ to the solution so(r) can be given as σ= [I[Uo F][Uo F]] Ll=1al(ΔBo)Ucl,tot(r)(5), with designating the pseudo-inverse. By exhaustive search of discretized frequencies using pre-calculated {al(ΔBo)}, the off-resonance frequency that minimizes error can be found for each position, giving an estimated ΔBo and on-resonance fat and water coefficients. The water signals can then be reconstructed and fitted to a water dictionary to estimate T1 and T2.

Measurements were performed using 3 T Philips Achieva and Ingenia scanners (Philips Healthcare, The Netherlands) with either a transmit-receive head coil or multi-channel anterior and integrated posterior coils. The MRF sequence used the flip angle pattern reported by Jiang et al.,1 a fixed TR of 18 ms, and a linearly ramped TE from 3.25 to 7.25 ms. Variable density spirals with an acquisition time of 7 ms and independently measured k-space trajectories9 with gridded reconstruction were used for spatial encoding and reconstruction. Fitting for FSF and B0 with the proposed method used 31 off-resonance MFI basis frequencies and the SVD basis rank preserved 99.99% of the dictionary energy. The fat model consisted of six peaks with previously reported T1 and T2 values for adipose tissue.10 Reference fat fraction measurements used multi-echo spoiled gradient echo scans and post-processing by a graph cut algorithm11 or scanner software. Phantom experiments consisted of seven 50 mL tubes of varying fat fraction subject to off-resonance conditions and a water-only MRI system phantom12 subject to off-resonances. One subject’s liver was scanned after providing written informed consent.


Figure 1 compares a Cartesian reference fat signal fraction (FSF) map under well shimmed conditions with MRF FSF derived from direct dictionary match, MRF FSF fitting in k-space without B0 correction, and MRF fitting with B0 correction. With spiral acquisition, significant blurring in the image domain occurs due to chemical shift. Blurring is reduced by fitting fat in k-space. Figure 2 shows off-resonance effects on a water only phantom and the deblurring achieved with the proposed method. Figure 3 presents the simultaneous multi-parametric estimation of FSF, T1 and T2 using the proposed method.

Discussion and Conclusion

The proposed method substantially reduces blurring due to chemical shift and off-resonance effects using spiral uSSFP and simultaneously separates fat and water while fitting for B0. The B0 blurring correction accuracy is limited by known limits on conjugate phase correction, but the improvements in blurring indicated in Figure 2 are substantive. Further work will assess the accuracy of the resulting fat signal quantitation and water T1 and T2 estimates.


This work was funded by NIH grants T32 EB014841 and R01 DK105371.


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8. Ostenson J, Robison RK, Zwart NR, Brian Welch E. Multi-frequency interpolation in spiral magnetic resonance fingerprinting for correction of off-resonance blurring. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2017:1–10.

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Figure 1. The fat signal fraction (FSF) maps from a Cartesian acquired multi-echo Dixon measurement (a) are shown in comparison with MR fingerprinting FSF maps generated using a direct dictionary match in the image domain (b); fitting in k-space without considering B0 (c); and k-space fitting with B0 (d). Chemical shift and B0 cause blurring in the image domain, which confound the FSF measurement.

Figure 2. MR fingerprinting (MRF) T1 (a) and T2 (b) maps of an MRI system phantom using the variable echo time MRF sequence in this study are shown under homogeneous B0 conditions ("well shimmed"), as measured by a Cartesian acquired B0 map (c). The T1 (d) and T2 (e) maps exhibit blurring and large bias when subjected to off-resonance ("poorly shimmed") as seen in the Cartesian B0 map (f). The proposed post-processing method improves the T1 and T2 fitting and simultaneously yields a B0 map (i) under the same off-resonance condition as (d-f).

Figure 3. The fat signal fraction (FSF) maps from a Cartesian acquired multi-echo Dixon map (a) and the proposed MR fingerprinting (MRF) method (b) are displayed. MRF T1 (c) and T2 (d) maps are simultaneously estimated using the proposed method. B1+ mapping for corrections to the MRF fitting were not applied.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)