Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) estimates multi-parametric maps simultaneously with short acquisition times. Cardiac MRF has been recently proposed to quantify myocardial T1 and T2 maps for 2D single-phase cardiac imaging. This ECG-triggered breath–hold approach provides a single-phase cardiac image and uses a non-continuous (segmented) acquisition. Here we sought to investigate myocardial MRF at multiple cardiac phases from a continuous acquisition, which could simultaneously provide cardiac function and quantitative tissue characterisation. The proposed approach was evaluated in simulations and healthy subjects, considering eight cardiac phases per cycle.
Acquisition. A pseudo-balanced SSFP3 (pSSFP) golden radial acquisition with inversion recovery (IR) pulses applied throughout the acquisition, to ensure sufficient encoding for multiple cardiac phases, was developed. The flip angle (FA) pattern was similar to the one in4 and was repeated during the scan. TR was computed as to preserve the pSSFP conditions (Fig.1), while TE was fixed for simplicity. ECG signal was used to retrospectively bin the data into to different cardiac phases (Fig.2).
Reconstruction: Parallel imaging, low rank inversion5, soft-weighting6 and locally low rank regularisation7 were combined to reconstruct multiple phases of the cardiac cycle. This was achieved by solving:
where \hat{\textit{I}_c} is the compressed time-point image series at cardiac phase c, E is the SENSE encoding operator, Kc is the acquired k-space data at phase c, URc is the low rank operator obtained truncating (to the appropriate rank R) a singular value decomposition of the soft-weighted MRF dictionary at phase c, \textbf{R}_{b} thresholds the singular value decomposition of an image block b and \lambda controls the regularization strength. The soft-weights for cardiac phase c, W_c is defined for every time-point acquired at time t by:
W_c(t)=\begin{cases}1\quad,\quad if\quad |t-t_c|<\frac{S_c}2\\e^{-\alpha(m(t)-m(t_c)) }\quad,\quad if\quad e^{-\alpha(m(t)-m(t_c))}>\tau\quad and\quad |t-t_c|>\frac{S_c}2\\0 \quad, \quad otherwise\end{cases}
where \alpha is a scaling factor, \tau a threshold value to discard low weighted time-points,S_c the size of phase c,m(t) the cardiac motion model and t_c the center of phase c. An estimation of the cardiac motion m(t) is obtained from the data itself by an intermediate zero-filled CINE reconstruction (Fig.2), enabling identification of the quiescent and motion intensive periods of the cardiac cycle. A dot product matching between the reconstructed data and the soft-weighted dictionary8 was applied to obtain the T1 and T2 maps.
Experiments: A digital static cardiac phantom (MRXCAT9) was simulated using realistic T1 and T2 values for myocardium, blood and liver, and a model m(t) for a heart-rate of 53 beats/minute. Motion was not considered in the simulations to isolate the effects of the encoding and the proposed reconstruction. IR pulses and FA pattern were repeated every 2.92s, considering a 29.5 sec scan. Four healthy subjects were scanned in a 1.5T Philips MR scanner using anterior and posterior coils (28-channels). Acquisition parameters included: TE=2ms, 4380 time-points, one spoke per time-point, 2x2 mm2 resolution, 300x300 mm2 FOV and 10 mm slice thickness, 6 repetitions of IR and flip angle train, acquisition time=17.7s compatible with a breath-hold. \alpha and \tau were set empirically for both simulations and in-vivo reconstructions. For both cases, eight cardiac phases were retrospectively reconstructed, with R=8, b=7 and local rank threshold=5% of the maximum singular value.
This work was supported by:
-Philips Healthcare,
-EPSRC programme Grant (EP/P001009/1),
-FONDECYT 1161055,
-King’s College London & Imperial College London EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging (EP/L015226/1).
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