Inversion-Recovery UTE multispoke sequence: comparison of two excitation schemes
Lucas Soustelle1, Julien Lamy1, François Rousseau2, Jean-Paul Armspach1, and Paulo Loureiro de Sousa1

1Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, ICube, FMTS, Strasbourg, France, 2Institut Mines Télécom Atlantique, INSERM, LaTIM, Brest, France


Inversion-Recovery UTE sequences have been used to highlight and quantify short-T2 structures. Covering a 3D volume remains time-consuming, and a trade-off often needs to be found between k-space undersampling and acceptable appearing streaking artifacts. As such, acquiring several radial spokes within a single repetition time represents a supplementary sequence acceleration possibility. In this work, we propose to quantify the short-T2 signal difference between a constant and an optimized variable flip angle strategy in a multispoke acquisition module, and within a long-T2 suppression condition in vitro.


Inversion-Recovery UTE (IR-UTE) sequences demonstrated efficiency for short-T2 structures characterization1,2. Unfortunately, a 3D-covered acquisition often requires prohibitively long scan times. K-space undersampling may be considered to reduce the latter, although at the cost of appearing streaking artifacts on the reconstructed image.

Acquisition of several spokes within a single TR was previously proposed to provide sequence acceleration3,4. The variable flip angle (VFA) excitation scheme presented in Ref. 5 was primarily employed to reduce signal variations and to maximize the short-T2 component's signal through the consecutive pulses. Nevertheless, the resulting averaging of the center-out acquisition pattern in UTE sequences lower the effects of such variability on the resulting image in the case of a constant flip angle scheme (CFA).

In this work, we propose to quantify the gain in terms of short-T2 signal between VFA and CFA excitation schemes in an IR-UTE multispoke (IR-UTE-MS) sequence in vitro, and within long-T2 suppression condition.


The IR-UTE-MS pulse sequence is described in Figure 1. In the following, the superscripts $$$^L$$$ and $$$^S$$$ will indicate the long and short-T2 component, respectively.

The general equation tracking a perfectly spoiled longitudinal magnetization prior to each excitation pulses is given using the Bloch equations:

$$M_{z,k}^-=M_{z,1}^{-}E_\tau^{k-1}\displaystyle\prod_{p=1}^{k-1} f_{z,p}+M_0(1-E_\tau)\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}E_\tau^{i-1}A_i$$

with $$$A_1=1$$$, and $$$A_i=\prod_{p=k+1-i}^{k-1}f_{z,p}$$$ otherwise, $$$M_{z,k}^{-}$$$ longitudinal magnetization prior to the k-th pulse, and:


where $$$M_0$$$ is the magnetization amplitude at thermal equilibrium, Q the inversion efficiency, $$$\{E_I/E_\tau/E_{RD}\}=\{e^{-TI/T_1}/e^{-\tau/T_1}/e^{-RD/T_1}\}$$$, T1/T2 longitudinal and transverse relaxation times, $$$TI$$$ inversion delay, RD resting delay before TR, $$$f_z$$$ longitudinal mapping function taking into account relaxation occurring during excitations (pulses duration $$$\tau_{RF}$$$)6, and N the number of spokes acquired in a single TR.

A minimization of the long-T2 signal has been proposed by solving the following4:

$$\hat{TI}=\text{argmin}_{TI}\left(\sum_{k=1}^N M_{z,k}^{-,L}\sin(\alpha_k)\right)=\text{argmin}_{TI}\left(\sum_{k=1}^N M_{xy,k}^L\right)$$

with $$$M_{xy,k}^L$$$ the k-th long-T2 transverse magnetization after its corresponding excitation.This process relies on the strong assumption of a perfectly spoiled magnetization between the consecutive excitations, which is invalid for long-T2 components given the short intershot delay $$$\tau$$$ ($$$<T_2^L$$$). In addition, the appropriate RF spoiling scheme to yield the same $$$M_{xy,k}^L$$$ quantities from the optimized solution is not trivial. As a consequence, the long-T2 signal is simulated using a configuration states framework7 with a null RF phase for every pulse, and the optimal $$$TI$$$ iteratively estimated.

A pipeline for parameters selection for both VFA and CFA schemes is presented in Figure 2.The consecutive flip angles in VFA were computed using the method proposed in Ref. 5, assuming a saturation of the short-T2 component through the inversion process (Q=0) and prior knowledge of $$$T_1^S/T_2^S$$$.

To quantify the short-T2 signal gain between both excitation schemes, we defined:




where $$$f_{xy,k}$$$ is the transverse mapping function associated to the k-th pulse6. A phantom composed of Lego bricks ($$$T_1^S/T_2^S$$$≈300/0.2 ms8) soaked into a doped water (1.5%-agarose/0.5 mM Ni2+; $$$T_1^L/T_2^L$$$=1400/70 ms) was scanned using a 7T preclinical scanner (Bruker BioSpec, Ettlingen, Germany) with a 72-mm Tx/Rx volume coil. In simulations and experiments, the sequence parameters were: TR/TE=200/0.01 ms, N=5, $$$\tau$$$=5 ms, $$$\tau_{RF}$$$=0.05 ms, first-order 5-kHz sech inversion pulse with $$$\tau_{inv}$$$=15.57 ms, matrix size 128x128x128, voxels size 250x250x500 μm3, receiver bandwidth of 150 kHz, 34087 spokes and 4 accumulations (Tacq/scan=1h31). Specific parameters were constant $$$\alpha_{CFA}$$$=10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80° with respective $$$TI$$$=79.5/76.3/75.5/74.0/72.1/70.5/69.3/68.3 ms for CFA experiments, and $$$\{\alpha_1;\cdots;\alpha_5\}$$$={29.8;33.3;38.6;48.1;90.0°} with $$$TI$$$=69.5 ms for the VFA one. Mean signals from a ROI drawn in the Lego brick were used to compute the $$$R$$$ ratio. An additional 3D-FLASH acquisition was performed for comparison purpose: TR/TE=30/3 ms, $$$\alpha$$$=20°, and same matrix and voxels size.


Figure 3 shows simulation and experimental results of the $$$R$$$ ratio, along with views of the imaged phantom. An expected higher short-T2 signal was generated using the VFA scheme in the Lego brick under a long-T2 suppression condition along the various CFA flip angles, with a minimal gain of 9.8% for $$$\alpha_{CFA}$$$=40°.


In the present work, the VFA scheme systematically yielded a higher signal in the short-T2 material compared to the CFA strategy. The difference between simulated and experimental $$$R$$$ ratio is attributed to deviations about prior values of relaxing and inversion efficiency parameters of the short-T2 material. In addition, the VFA strategy was presented given a maximum flip angle of 90°, which consequently increases the maximal expected short-T2 signal. Although even more signal might be generated in VFA given exact $$$T_1^S$$$, $$$T_2^S$$$ and Q values, the CFA strategy remains easier to implement on scanners. Furthermore, it does not require high flip angles nor priors about relaxing parameters of the component of interest to generate a suitable short-T2 signal in a suppressed long-T2 condition.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1: IR-UTE Multishot pulse sequence.

Figure 2: Flowchart of the proposed pipeline for parameters selection in IR-UTE-MS.

Figure 3: Simulated (solid line) and experimental (bullets) $$$R$$$ ratio along $$$\alpha_{CFA}$$$ (left), and axial views of FLASH, VFA, and CFA acquisitions (right).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)