Gil Farkash1, Gilad Liberman2, and Lucio Frydman2
1Chemical & Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, 2Chemical & Biological Physics, Weizmann Institue, Rehovot, Israel
frequently cause dramatic spatial inhomogeneities in the static field B0.
This causes severe localization errors, including slice z-displacements and slice-thickness variations. Clinically used
techniques often avoid such errors by adding a phase encoding loop in z,
prolonging examination times. This study examines a novel Fully refOCUSED cross-term SPatio-temporal ENcoding
(FOCUSED-xSPEN) approach, as a slice selection technique for 2D MRI in the
presence of metal implants. The method relies on xSPEN’s proven immunity to in-plane
distortions caused by B0 heterogeneities, to design a new excitation
scheme that delivers faithful 2D slices near implants with reduced scan times.
metal devices can cause dramatic spatial inhomogeneities in the static field B0,
leading to severe localization errors during the slice-selection process.
Clinically proven techniques such as Multi-Acquisition Variable Resonance Image
Combination (MAVRIC) [1] or Slice Encoding
for Metal Artifact Correction (SEMAC) [2] avoid such errors by
adding either a phase encoding loop in z or a loop on the transmitter/receiver
offsets. We explore here the consequence of relying on cross-term spatio-temporal
encoding xSPEN [3], a recently proposed single-shot
MRI technique with unprecedented robustness to B0 inhomogeneities, as basis for
developing an inhomogeneity-insensitive slice-selective excitations. The
resulting Fully refOCUSED cross-term SPatiotemporal ENcoding (FOCUSED-xSPEN)
approach relies on the field inhomogeneities themselves to encode the desired
slice (Figure 1a); when combined with other principles described below, this
allows one to target a precise z-slice
and enabling faster 2D imaging near the implant. Methods
FOCUSED-xSPEN involves a non-selective excitation
followed by adiabatic inversion pulses, linearly sweeping a frequency range
associated with the slice selection bandwidth (BWss) while in the
presence of alternating
gradients. The first pair of adiabatic pulses,
which are relatively insensitive to RF heterogeneities, impart an evolution
phase that is linear in both the resonance offset Δf, and on position along
the z-dimension. To
remove this bilinear term for arbitrary resonance offsets an
additional pair of swept pulses is added, identical to the first pair except
for their reversed sweeping direction (Fig. 1a). The overall region that is
selected by this cascade of pulses is a diamond in offset and space, coming
from an intersection of the diagonal slabs that in Δf-z are subtended
by the pulses. While the position of the desired slice is therefore accurately
defined, the resulting approach is still narrowband in the sense of addressing
up to BWss offsets. If BWss is chosen smaller than the a priori unknown inhomogeneity, this can
be overcome by looping
acquisitions over transmission and reception offsets in steps Δftrans=BWss/(2n). This
produces several frequency binned images corresponding to shifted “Δf-z diamonds”
along the off-resonance dimension. Summing all these images yields a “slice”
centered in z and covering the off-resonance dimension. As shown in
Figure 1, uniform response and a well-defined z-thickness then follows regardless
of off-resonance. To evaluate FOCUSED-xSPEN in the presence of metal devices,
we compared its performance to simpler alternatives including conventional
Spin-Echo (SE), Localization by Adiabatic SElective Refocusing (LASER) [4], the recently proposed 2D
Multi-Spectral Imaging (2D MSI) approach [5], and to a new technique we
developed following the above-mentioned principles called FOCUSED-LASER that loops
a LASER block over transmission offsets. Figure 1 shows
simulated results of how all these sequences are expected to perform in single-
and multiple-offset acquisitions.
To verify these
calculations experiments were carried out on a 7 T pre-clinical Agilent MRI
using a phantom containing a titanium screw and Lego® pieces, and by
placing a titanium disk on the head of a live mouse. LASER and FOCUSED-LASER
were compared to FOCUSED-xSPEN under conditions of equal SAR by doubling their
slice selection bandwidths; experimental times were equalized for multi-shot SE,
2D MSI and 2D FOCUSED-xSPEN comparisons. Results
Figure 1 demonstrates FOCUSED-xSPEN’s
ability to deliver a uniform, well-localized slice across off-resonances,
devoid of amplitude or displacement distortions. In-vitro experiments confirmed
this, showing reduced shading artifacts for FOCUSED-xSPEN in the proximity of a
metalling screw and along its edges (Figure 2 and Figure 3). So did in-vivo tests, where
shading artifacts induced by a titanium disk were also greatly reduced for
FOCUSED-xSPEN (Figure 4) compared to other
techniques. Conclusions
novel pulse sequence was introduced to select slices near metals. In a
single-scan mode it affords a diamond-like excitation profile covering
arbitrary off-resonance offsets, yet with non-uniform slice width. This can be solved
by looping over transmission and reception offsets. Ways can be conceived
whereby such repetitions are avoided by further tailoring the adiabatic
refocusing pulses. The robustness of the method for achieving a good selection despite
large B0 heterogeneities was confirmed. By using adiabatic pulses
for the slice selection, the method also achieves good robustness against B1+
inhomogeneities lacking in other methods. Clear disadvantages of our new method
rest in the more numerous swept pulses and longer selection times than all
other alternatives; the consequences of this on clinical scenarios are under
investigations. Acknowledgements
Funding from the Israel Science Foundation (#2508/17),
EU ERC-2016-PoC grant # 751106, Minerva Foundation - Germany (#712277), Kimmel
Institute for Magnetic Resonance & Perlman Family Foundation (Weizmann),
are gratefully acknowledged. We are
grateful to Zhiyong Zhang and Amir Seginer for useful discussions.References
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[2] W. Lu, K.B. Pauly, G.E. Gold, J.M. Pauly,
B.A. Hargreaves, SEMAC: Slice encoding for metal artifact correction in MRI,
Magn. Reson. Med. 62 (2009) 66–76.
[3] Z. Zhang, A. Seginer, L. Frydman,
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[4] M. Garwood, L. DelaBarre, The Return of
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[5] B.A. Hargreaves, V. Taviani, D. V.
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