Hendrik Mattern1 and Oliver Speck1,2,3,4
1Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, 2German Center for Neurodegenerative Disease, Magdeburg, Germany, 3Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences, Magdeburg, Germany, 4Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany
resolution Time of Flight (ToF) angiography requires long scan times.
Compressed sensing (CS) can reduce the scan time but requires pseudo-random
sampling and may blur image details. We present a framework to create Cartesian
pseudo-random sampling patterns from any given probability density function and
to evaluate quantitatively vessel depiction with CS reconstruction. Results from
0.30 mm and 0.15 mm isotropic ToF data show that moderate acceleration with CS
can reduce the scan time considerably while providing vessel depiction similar
to the non-accelerated reference.
Prospective motion correction enabled Time of Flight (ToF)
angiography at 7T with up to 150 µm isotropic resolution 1. However,
scan times of up to 2h prevent routine application. Thus, the potential of
compressed sensing (CS) 2 to accelerate ultra-high resolution ToF was
evaluated in this study. The main objectives were: 1.) Develop an algorithm,
which can create pseudo random Cartesian sampling patterns from any given
probability density function (PDF). 2.) Quantify the performance of CS for
small vessel depiction with different PDFs and acceleration factors.Methods
Data from our previous 7T study 1 served as reference
from which eight subjects with 0.30 mm isotropic resolution ToF (720x630x195
matrix, GRAPPA 3, 33 minutes) were used. Additionally, the fully sampled highest
resolution ToF data to date (single subjects, 0.15 mm isotropic resolution,
1296x972x312 matrix, without acceleration, 2h) were processed.
Retrospective undersampling was performed in phase encoding
directions ky and kz. To create pseudo random Cartesian undersampling the
following PDFs were used: Gaussian, exponential, Beta, and Cauchy. 2D PDFs were
created by scaling 1D PDFs to the number of encoding steps in ky and kz, and
then convolve both 1D PDFs. To create the undersampling mask a pseudo Hilbert
curve was used. 2D masks were sampled from 2D PDFs by summing the PDF values
along the Hilbert curve and setting a sampling point each time the PDF sum
reached the next integer. By varying the distributions and computing the
corresponding mask as described four acceleration factors (2.75, 5.5, 7.25, 9.8)
were achieved (see Fig.1).
3D k-space data was created from the ToF scans and then
undersampled by the 2D mask in both phase encoding directions. Images were
reconstructed from the undersampled k-space with CS (in-house implementation
with 3D wavelet transform, db2 wavelets, soft thresholding, lambda=0.01, 20
From the reference images and the CS output axial maximum
intensity projections were computed. Quantitative evaluation of CS was achieved
by computing the mean squared error (MSE), structural similarity (SSIM) 3
and averaged edge strength (AES) 4 of the reference and CS MIP. The
AES of the CS reconstructed MIP was normalized to the AES of the reference MIP
(relative AES). The metrics were computed for whole brain and ROIs manually
placed around the Lenticulostriate arteries (LSA). The described processing
pipeline is shown in Fig. 2. All processing was performed with MATLAB 2015b.Results
The quantitative results for 0.30 mm ToF data from 8 subjects are
shown in Fig. 3. With increasing acceleration the mean MSE increased while the SSIM
and relative AES decreased for whole brain and Lenticulostriate arteries (LSA)
analysis. The standard deviations for all metrics increased with acceleration
factors. Exemplary, for a single subject the CS results from the four different
PDFs were compared to the reference. This visual comparison and the
quantitative analysis indicate that for a similar acceleration factor the applied
undersampling PDF has an effect on the vessel depiction, particularly for small
vessels as the LSA. Overall the Beta distribution performed best and was
applied to the 0.15 mm ToF data (see Fig. 5). Image metrics changed with
increasing acceleration factor in accordance with the 0.30 mm ToF results,
except for the global AES which was highest for 5.5 acceleration. Visually, the
vessel depiction benefited from moderate acceleration due to image noise
reduction by CS.Discussion
CS could considerably accelerate ultra-high resolution ToF
imaging. For moderate acceleration CS can decrease the noise level, resulting
in higher AES and better vessel visibility compared to the reference image. For
a given acceleration factor, vessel depiction benefits from denser sampling of the
k-space center (Beta PDF) rather than denser sampling of high frequency
components (exponential PDF). Ultimately, CS reconstruction of data with dense sampling
of the k-space center but no measured high frequency components can be thought
of as a zero-filling technique.
Hilbert curve sampling provides a new general framework to create pseudo-random
sampling from any Cartesian PDF. In the future, this approach should be tested
for other imaging sequences and PDFs, and optimized by analyzing the point spread
function of the sampling mask in k-space and wavelet domain.
Also, the parameter space for the CS reconstruction is of high
dimension and optimizing the CS settings itself remains a task for the future.
Finally, incorporating parallel imaging into the presented approach and
performing in vivo measurements is necessary.Conclusion
This study presented: 1.) A technique to create pseudo random undersampling
patterns from any PDF by using pseudo Hilbert curves. 2.) The first quantitative
evaluation of CS reconstruction for ultra-high resolution ToF imaging.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the NIH, grant number 1R01-DA021146.References
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