Echo planar imaging (EPI) suffers from Nyquist artifact that is typically corrected by using 1D phase correction with reference scan. In oblique-plane acquisition, 2D phase corrected is warranted to effectively reduce Nyquist artifact. However, Nyquist artifact correction is challenging in the case of multi-band EPI due to the presence of slice-dependent phase error. In this study, we aim to develop a self-reference 2D phase correction method to eliminate the Nyquist artifact in multi-band multi-shot EPI data, which utilizes the recently developed multiplexed sensitivity encoding (MUSE) reconstruction algorithm.
Data sampling: We propose an alternating k-space sampling pattern for multi-shot EPI acquisition, whereby near uniform distribution of positive and negative samplings across the entire k-space for any number of shots can be achieved. Figures 1a-c show the comparisons between conventional and alternating k-space patterns for interleaved EPI with 4, 8, and 2N in-plane shots. As shown in Figure 1c, the positive and negative k-lines are separated into two data sets, and then rearranged to different subsets of k-space data with same effective acceleration factor (i.e., Reff = 4N).
2D phase correction: All subsets of positive and negative k-space data are respectively used to reconstruct two unaliased images using multiplexed sensitivity encoding (MUSE) algorithm7 with Reff=2. The 2D phase error between positive and negative samplings are subsequently derived from the complex difference between the two unaliased images. Finally, all subsets of data (i.e., from both positive and negative samplings), the estimated 2D phase error and coil sensitivity profile were jointly used in the MUSE algorithm for eliminating Nyquist artifact. Our proposed reconstruction method for the case of single-band multi-shot EPI data is shown in Figure 2a, and that integrated with the multi-band MUSE (MB-MUSE) algorithm8 to simultaneously eliminate through-plane aliasing and Nyquist artifacts in multi-band multi-shot EPI data is shown in Figure 2b.
Experiments: Human brain data were acquired using single-band 4-shot, 8-shot, and 16-shot spin-echo EPI with both conventional and alternating k-space samplings (with matrix=128x128, FOV=240mm) with oblique-plane using 3T Philips MRI scanner with a 32-channel head coil. A set of GRE data was acquired for coil sensitivity estimation. A 2-band multi-shot EPI data set with controlled aliasing was simulated from the single-band data acquired using the alternating k-space sampling pattern. The single-band and simulated 2-band multi-shot EPI data were reconstruct using the flowchart in Figs. 2a & 2b, respectively, to eliminate Nyquist artifacts. For comparison, PCR of the multi-shot EPI data with conventional k-space sampling for Nyquist artifact removal was also performed.
Quantitative evaluation: The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and ghost-to-signal ratio (GSR) were measured from all reconstructed images. To assess the performance of our proposed method, we calculated the g-factor penalty associated with the linear phase error along the y-direction.
Figures 3a-c show multi-shot EPI images reconstructed from data acquired with conventional and alternating k-space sampling using our proposed method, as well as data acquired with conventional k-space sampling using PCR. Figures 3d-f show the same images as in Figures 3a-c but with a different display scale. Figure 4 shows different 2-band multi-shot EPI data sets that were reconstructed with direct Fourier transform and our proposed method. Figure 5 shows the quantitative evaluations of our proposed method in terms of SNR, GSR and g-factor penalty.[1] Buonocore MH, Zhu DC. (1999) High spatial resolution EPI using an odd number of interleaves. Magn Reson Med. Vol.41(6), p.1199.
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