Subject motion in brain MRI remains an unsolved problem. We propose a machine learning approach for motion correction of brain images. Our initial objective is to train a neural network to perform a motion corrected image reconstruction on image data with simulated motion artefacts. Training pairs were generated using an open source MRI data set; a unique motion profile was applied to each 2D image. A deep neural network was developed and trained with over 3000 image pairs. The images predicted by the network, from motion-corrupted k-space, have improved image quality compared to the motion corrupted images.
Data: The image data were obtained from an open source neuro MRI data set3. This data set comprises T2* weighted FLASH magnitude and phase images for 53 patients, each with 128 non-overlapping image slices; the data set thereby provides thousands of unique 2D magnitude and phase images.
Motion Simulation: Each set of 2D magnitude and phase images, from the data set described above, was combined to create a single complex image which was Fourier transformed to simulate the acquired k-space data. To simulate rigid motion, k-space lines were rotated and phase shifted, simulating the k-space inconsistencies that would occur if the data were acquired while the subject was moving. The motion profiles were parameterized by the time, magnitude and direction of motion. All parameters were randomly generated with constraints to keep the motion in the realm of realistic head motion. A unique 2D motion profile was applied to each 2D image.
Network architecture and training: The DNN was developed and trained using the TensorFlow open source library4. The input layer is a vector of motion corrupted k-space data, and is fully connected to the first hidden layer, which is followed by a convolutional neural network with 3 convolutional layers. The activation functions for the fully connected layer and the convolution layers are the hyperbolic tangent function and rectified linear unit respectively. The output of the network is the reconstructed, motion corrected magnitude image. 3463 image pairs were used to train the network and 300 were reserved for validation and testing. The network was trained for 60 epochs (5 hrs) using the RMSprop optimization algorithm.5 Two 12 Gb GPU's on Compute Canada's SHARCNET computing network were used for training.
[1]Zhu B et al., Image reconstruction by domain transform manifold learning, 2017, arXiv:1704.08841 [cs.CV]
[2]Hammernik K et al., Learning a Variational Network for Reconstruction of Accelerated MRI Data, 2017, arXiv:1704:00447 [cs.CV]
[3] Forstmann BU, Keuken MC, Schafer AS., Bazin P., Alkemade A, Turner R (2014) Multi-modal ultra-high resolution structural 7-Tesla MRI data repository. Scientific Data 1:14005
[4] Abadi M et al., TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems, 2015.
[5] Tieleman T, Hinton G (2012)