31P-MR spectra of breast cancer tissue have shown very high GPC/PC ratios in xenografts for triple negative (TN) tumors. We set out to investigate if this is also visible in vivo in six TN breast cancer patients. In two of the patients the phosphocholine (PC) peak is missing or approaching zero. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that this phenomenon is shown in vivo in breast cancer patients, however, the relation of the presence or absence of PC and TN subtype remains to be investigated.
After signing informed consent, six breast cancer patients (5 patients recruited from an ongoing study and 1 patient recruited from the PROFILE study (6)) were scanned with a 2 channel unilateral 1H/31P dual-tuned coil (MR Coils, Drunen, Netherlands) (7) on a 7T MR system (Philips, Cleveland, USA). Image based B0 shimming was performed by a least square error optimization using a 3D B0 map followed by manual segmentation of the breasts and third order shimming (8). Before MRS measurements, a fat-suppressed 3D fast-field-gradient-echo sequence was used to image the breast tissue and locate the tumor (T1-weighted, selective water excitation, fat-suppressed, flip angle 10°, TR = 4.0 ms, TE = 2.0 ms, FOV = 160x160x160 mm3, voxelsize = 1x1x1 mm3, acquisition time = 51 sec).
31P-MRS was obtained using the AMESING sequence (9), in which 1 FID and 5 full echoes were acquired with TR = 6 s, ΔTE = 45 ms, FOV 160x160x160 mm3, 8x8x8 voxels, 2x2x2 cm3 nominal resolution, BW = 8200 Hz, sampling matrix size = 256, resulting in a total scan time of 25:36 min. All MRSI data were zero-filled and apodised (15 Hz Lorentzian) in the time domain and spatially Hamming filtered. The tumor spectra were analyzed by spectral fitting in jMRUI (10).
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