Spatial comparison of in vivo MRI with digital histology validates R2* as a biomarker of vascular hemodynamics in the Th-MYCN model of neuroblastoma
Konstantinos Zormpas-Petridis1, Matthew D. Blackledge1, Louis Chesler2, Yinyin Yuan3, Simon P. Robinson1, and Yann Jamin1

1Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom, 2Division of Clinical Studies, Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom, 3Division of Molecular Pathology, Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom


This study explores the use of automated image analysis pipelines and kernel density estimation (KDE) analysis for hotspot mapping as a generic methodology to spatially evaluate MRI biomarkers with corresponding high-resolution whole-slide digital histology, used here to validate the transverse relaxation R2* as a biomarker of vascular hemodynamics in the Th-MYCN transgenic mouse model of childhood neuroblastoma.

Introduction / Purpose

MRI biomarkers can noninvasively inform on both spatial and temporal changes in key hallmarks of tumour patho-physiology and can potentially assist in the delivery of precision medicine to patients with cancer. This noninvasive potential is of particular importance in the pediatric population where the difficulty of obtaining post-surgical biopsy often prevents the assessment of conventional pharmacodynamic biomarkers of response to treatment.1 MRI biomarkers require robust histopathological cross-validation before they can routinely be deployed in clinical trials,2 a process that can often only be meaningfully done in animal models of cancer.

In this study, we explore the use of automatic image analyses pipelines developed with publicly available software tools and kernel density estimation (KDE) 3,4 for hotspot mapping, as a generic methodological pipeline to spatially evaluate MRI biomarkers with corresponding histology. We specifically use this approach to demonstrate the spatial association of the native MRI transverse relaxation rate R2* (which is sensitive to endogenous paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin) with aggregated red blood cells (RBC), a characteristic of the hypervascular and hemorraghic phenotype of the Th-MYCN transgenic mouse of childhood neuroblastoma, and which can be exploited to stratify tumours with genetic variants and predict long-term response to vascular-targeted therapies.5,6


All experiments were performed in accordance with the UK Home Office Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and the United Kingdom National Cancer Research Institute guidelines for the welfare of animals in cancer research.7

MRI. Tumor bearing Th-MYCN mice (n=12) were imaged on a 7T Bruker MicroImaging system. Intrinsic-susceptibility MRI was performed and R2* was calculated voxel-wise with a robust Bayesian approach, as previously described (multi-gradient echo sequence, FOV 3x3cm2, 128x128 matrix, TE=6-30ms, 8 TEs, TR=200ms, NEX=8).6

Tissue preparation. Guided by T2-weighted anatomical images, tumors were carefully excised and orientated for subsequent histopathological processing. Formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded tumors were cut in 3μm sections and were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E).

Digital pathology. Algorithm was developed to extract RBC and was performed on digitized whole-slide histopathological H&E slides (20x magnification, Hamamatsu NanoZoomer XR) showing good spatial correspondence with T2-weighted images (Fig 1). RBC parametric maps were generated as described in Fig 2. Algorithm accuracy was evaluated using independent annotation of 561 RBC and 591 non-RBC points in 9 samples.

R2* and RBC parametric maps comparison was performed visually following the application of KDE to display hotspots of high, above the 85th percentile, R2* and RBC % values using the ‘MASS’ package in R.


The accuracy of the algorithm for RBC extraction was 99.74%. Regional differences in R2* maps visually reflected regional variation in RBC aggregation on both parametric maps which was corroborated by the location, size and shapes of hotspots on both KDE maps of R2* and RBC (Fig 3). Calculated median values of R2* correlated strongly with mean values of RBC fraction area (r=0.8668, p<0.0003) (Fig 4).


In this study, we demonstrate that i) MRI-pathology correspondence in the Th-MYCN model of neuroblastoma can improve biomarker validation through the interrogation of regional variation and that ii) the ability of KDE to show hotspot location, orientation, size and shape can be used to visually evaluate spatial correspondence between MRI and histology generated maps. KDE thus provides an alternative to pixel-to-pixel MRI-pathology registration, which is extremely difficult due to the marked deformation associated with tissue fixation and processing, in addition to cutting angles both at excision and during section cutting.

This MRI/histology comparison study also demonstrates that R2* robustly maps the characteristic network of aggregated RBC in the tumour of the Th-MYCN model, which warrants its current evaluation in early-phase pediatric clinical trials in neuroblastoma.


Our MRI/histopathology pipeline validates R2* parameter as a biomarker of vascular hemodynamics in the Th-MYCN model of neuroblastoma. The generic application of our digital pathology-based pipeline should provide a better understanding and robust validation of noninvasive MRI biomarkers for the noninvasive characterization and mapping of neuroblastoma pathology.


Rosetrees Trust grant A1091, The Institute of Cancer Research Cancer Research UK Cancer Imaging Centre in association with the MRC and Department of Health grant C1060/A16464, Children with Cancer UK, NHS funding to the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and an Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre Network award C51/A7401&C12540/A15573.


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Figure 1. Representative T2-weighted images through the abdomen of two neuroblastoma-bearing Th-MYCN mice showing the numerous anatomical landmarks detected by conventional anatomical T2-weighted MRI (abdominal aorta: a, renal artery: r, lymph node: ly, kidney: k) which can be used in addition to tumour shape for the precise alignment of MRI with hematoxylin and eosin- stained whole-slide high-resolution histology (x20).

Figure 2. Automatic extraction of red blood cells from H&E images in Th-MYCN tumors. Histological images (0.46x0.46μm resolution) were split into tiles of 2000x2000 pixels (jpeg). A macro was written in Fiji to extract RBC from each tile by applying colour deconvolution to extract the eosin colour channel followed by the application of Otsu’s automatic threshold detection method, both using ImageJ/Fiji plugins (with Java 8).8-10 Whole-slide images of RBC were converted into binary and scaled to match MRI resolution (234x234μm), with the fraction of pixels occupied by RBC within 518x518 pixel-regions representing a single pixel in the final RBC map.

Figure 3. Representative T2-weighted MRI images and their corresponding H&E histology, maps of the transverse relaxation rate R2* and computed area of red blood cells (RBC) detected from H&E stained images, kernel density estimation (KDE) hotspot maps of high values (above the 85th percentile) of R2* and RBC fraction from four tumors arising in the Th-MYCN transgenic mice.

Figure 4. Tumor median R2* positively correlates with the mean value of red blood cells fraction detected from H&E stained tumors arising in Th-MYCN transgenic mice, r = 0.8668, p < 0.0003. Bold line represents the line of best fit, grey areas represent the 95% confidence interval for the linear fit, and the fine dashed lines represent the 95% prediction confidence.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)