Spectrally selective 31P MRI can be of interest for the study of brain energetics for clinical research. Using a 3D SSFP sequence with non-Cartesian Twisted Projection Imaging sampling, we obtained whole-brain images of ATP and PCr in healthy volunteers at 7 Tesla with a higher normalized SNR than with CSI. Local concentration quantification was performed using the phantom replacement approach after accounting for the T1/T2-weighting and the transmission and reception profiles of our coil yielding consistent results.
To selectively excite the different metabolites-of-interest, a Gaussian pulse was implemented within a SSFP sequence with TPI sampling, its duration and frequency offset being adjustable. At 7 Tesla, for imaging PCr or αATP, a minimum duration of 4ms was sufficient to reach a 600 Hz bandwidth corresponding to the frequency gap between their closest neighbors (with the exception of NAD/NADH for αATP), resulting in an echo-time of 2.3ms. For Pi MRI as it is surrounded by PME and PDE it was necessary to reduce the excitation bandwidth, a duration of 8ms was thus used, resulting in TE of 4.3ms. A resulting 300Hz bandwidth allows to only excite Pi.
31P MR data were acquired on a 7T Magnetom scanner (Siemens Healthineers, Germany) using a dual-resonance 1H/31P phased array RF coil (RRI, USA). 3D 31P MRI data were first acquired on a multi-compartmental phantom (Fig.1) to validate our sequence (TE/TR=2.5/100ms, FA=20°, 2 averages, 3000 spokes and linear fraction of 35%). Two healthy volunteers (35y.o.♂ & 25y.o.♀) were scanned for in vivo validation (TE/TR=2.3/100ms, FAPCr/FAαATP=15°/23°, 1400 projections and linear fraction of 35%) after approval of the local ethics and scientific committees. For comparison, 2D CSI data were acquired as well (TE/TR=2.3/200ms, FA=20°, 8 averages, theoretical resolution 12.5x12.5x20mm3, TA: 19min).
Raw 31P MRI data were reconstructed using an homemade Python implementation of a Kaiser-Bessel Gridding algorithm[13] and post-processed using a Non Local Mean denoising Filter[14]. CSI data were preprocessed using CSI-APO[15] for zero- and first-order phase correction and a 20Hz Lorentzian temporal filtering prior to spectral decomposition using LCModel[16-18]. 31P MRI and CSI data were manually co-registered to anatomical T1w images (acquired at 3T) using an affine transformation. Signal intensity calibration was performed using the phantom replacement technique with an ellipsoidal phantom (PBS at 10mmol/L). To account for the differential T1/T2 weighting between in vitro and in vivo acquisitions, the SSPF signal equation[21] was considered with relaxation times for ATP, PCr and Pi from literature data[19,20]: $$S \propto \rho B_1^- \frac{1-e^{{-TR}/{T_1}}}{1-(e^{{-TR}/{T_1}}+e^{{-TR}/{T_2}})cos(\alpha)+e^{{-TR}/{T_1}}e^{{-TR}/{T_2}}}sin(\alpha)e^{{-TE}/{T_2^*}} $$
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