Gaurav Verma1, Sanjeev Chawla2, Suyash Mohan2, Sumei Wang2, Rebecca Emily Feldman1, MacLean Nasrallah3, Steven Brem4, Donald O'Rourke4, Harish Poptani5, and Priti Balchandani1
1Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 2Neuroradiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Pathology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Neurosurgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 5Cellular and Molecular Physiology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
multiforme (GBM) is an infiltrating and heterogeneous disease with low median
survival and over 70% recurrence rates, though 20-30% of progressive enhancing
lesions seen in GBM post-treatment exhibit pseudoprogression rather than true
recurrent tumor. Differentiating these could improve speed and accuracy of
treatment. A statistical and histogram analysis of segmented high-resolution
echo-planar spectroscopic imaging data goes beyond mean metabolite ratios to
show distribution of Cho/NAA and Cho/Cr ratios in contrast enhancing regions
and the surrounding tissue. Cho/NAA distribution in enhancing region showed
greater kurtosis than Cho/Cr, suggesting reduction in NAA may be a driving
factor in observed Cho/NAA increases.
multiforme (GBM) is an infiltrating and heterogeneous disease, and the most
common form of primary brain cancer. Despite aggressive standard-of-care
treatment entailing maximal surgical resection followed by radiation therapy
with adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ), GBM exhibits recurrence rates as high as 70%
with consequently low median overall survival. However, 20-30% of enhancing
lesions seen at 6 months post-treatment may be pseudoprogression (PsP) (1-4), characterized as progressive and enhancing
lesions that stabilize or decrease in size through TMZ therapy alone, as
opposed to true progressive tumor (TP). Accurate differentiation of PsP from TP
carries direct clinical implications, whether in avoiding unnecessary invasive
surgery in the case of PsP or the discontinuation of ineffective TMZ to
accelerate surgical intervention for TP. Whole-brain echo-planar spectroscopic
imaging (EPSI) (5-8) has previously been demonstrated as an
effective non-invasive technique for assessing abnormal biochemistry within
these high-grade gliomas and the surrounding edema. This study entails a
histogram analysis incorporating thousands of EPSI voxels segmented within and
around the enhancing lesions of a cohort of GBM patients whose lesions have
previously been characterized through immunohistochemistry or clinical
assessment. This high-resolution technique, paired with a large cohort of
patients has yielded wealth of data which may potentially identify useful
biomarkers for future prospective analyses of these lesions through
spectroscopic imaging.
Materials & Methods
Study participants were recruited from a cohort of patients showing
enhancing lesions under clinical 3T MRI following standard-of-care treatment
for GBM. Twenty-seven subjects (14 male, 13 female, age 64.2±9.84)
presenting these enhancing lesions were scanned prior to biopsy with the EPSI
sequence using a Siemens 3T Tim-Trio MRI scanner. Scan parameters for the EPSI
sequence included: TE/TR=17.6/1550ms, 280x280mm field-of-view (FOV), 18 slices
covering 180mm total thickness, interpolated to 32 slices, 512 complex points
with 616 Hz bandwidth and 15 minutes scan time. Data were post-processed using
the Metabolic Imaging and Data Analysis System (MIDAS), which interpolated the
acquired 50x50x18 resolution to a final resolution of 64x64x32 and a final
nominal voxel size of 0.108 ml. Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted
(TE/TR=3.11/1760ms, 250x250mm FOV, 256x256 resolution, 192 slices of 1mm) and T2-weighted
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) (TE/TR=141/9420ms, 240x240mm FOV,
256x256 resolution, 60 slices of 3mm) anatomical imaging were acquired for
tumor localization and segmentation.
Custom IDL and Matlab scripts were used to perform
quantification following co-registration of the EPSI-generated metabolic maps
with T1-weighted contrast enhanced and imaging studies.
Co-registered metabolic maps were segmented into three categories:
contrast-enhancing region (CER) including voxels entirely within the contrast
enhancement under T1-imaging, immediate peritumoral region (IPR) including
voxels with partial enhancement or immediately adjacent to contrast-enhancing
voxels and distant peritumoral region (DPR) including all remaining voxels
within the edema as observed through T2-FLAIR. Determination of TP
vs. PsP was made through immunohistochemical analysis or clinical follow-up.Results
1 shows representative tumor segmentation and Cho/NAA, Cho/Cr maps from a TP
patient. Voxels within the enhancing region in TP subjects showed greater
median Cho/NAA compared to PsP cases (0.534 ± 1.42 vs. 0.458
1.30), and normalized histograms of Cho/NAA (Figure 2) higher kurtosis among
the TP cases (93.2 vs. 64.9). An analogous analysis of Cho/Cr ratio in
enhancing region (Figure 3) shows kurtosis of 73.4 among TP cases vs. 71.9 for
PsP and skewness of 6.6 among TP vs. 7.1 for PsP. Median Cho/Cr in enhancing
region was 0.416 ± 0.431 in TP and 0.404 ± 0.806 in PsP. Tables 1 show
statistical measures including quartiles, 90th percentile, skewness
and kurtosis for each of the segmented regions in true progression patients,
and table 2 shows the same measures in subjects with PsP. Mann-Whitney U-test
showed significant difference in Cho/NAA ratio in the enhancing region of TP
vs. PsP with p=0.00014, but not in the Cho/Cr ratio (p=0.35).Discussion
subjects showed a greater degree of kurtosis in the distribution of Cho/NAA but
not of Cho/Cr, and likewise significantly higher Cho/NAA was observed the
enhancing region of TP subjects, though not significantly higher Cho/Cr. These
results suggest a loss in NAA – a marker for neuronal loss in GBM – maybe the
driving factor in observed Cho/NAA increase. Though they were distinctly higher
in the enhancing region, measured choline ratios in the immediate and distant
peritumoral regions also showed elevation compared to contralateral healthy
tissue, indicating the presence of abnormal metabolism several centimeters away
from the enhancing lesion. By taking advantage of this high-resolution
technique to characterize these heterogeneous lesions, EPSI may improve
treatment outcomes both by accelerating surgical intervention when appropriate
and assessing metabolism in peritumoral regions to potentially reduce surgical
The authors would like to acknowledge funding from NIH grants 1R21CA170284 (HP)
and R01 CA202911-01A1 (PB).References
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