The strong and overlapping macromolecule (MM) signals remains as one of the major technical challenges for metabolites quantification using ultra-short TE MRS. HOPE (Half-intensity with macrOmolecule-suPprEssion), a simple but effective MM suppression MRS method based on SPECIAL, was proposed and tested on human 3T, 4T and animal 9.4T. HOPE has no additional pulse or cycling compared to SPECIAL but with the same short TE. With the similar SNR level as STEAM, HOPE achieves additional benefit with substantial suppression of MM signals and more accurate quantifications of MM overlapped metabolites such as lactate and GABA.
The mechanism of HOPE is demonstrated in Fig. 1: a delay is inserted after the inversion localization pulse of SPECIAL. With a well-adjusted delay time, the MM resonances are mostly subtracted out in the difference spectrum, with metabolite peaks remains with approximately half intensity because MMs’ T1 are much shorter than metabolites. No additional pulse or cycling is needed compared to SPECIAL.
The feasibility of HOPE was tested on the Siemens 3 T Trio human scanner with a 32-channel birdcage coil, the Agilent 4 T human scanner with a quadrature surface coil, and Bruker 9.4 T animal scanner with a volume coil as transmitter and surface coil as receiver. The TE on 3 T, 4 T and 9.4 T were 8 ms,10 ms and 6.5 ms respectively. 5 and 4 healthy subjects went through the scan on 3 T and 4 T scanners respectively, with the MRS voxel on the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) region (30 x 20 x 30 mm3). 6 rats were scanned on the 9.4 T animal scanner with MRS voxel on the prefrontal cortex (3 x 5 x 4 mm3). On all scanners 256 averages were acquired with TR = 3 s for the water suppressed spectrum and 16 averages for water spectrum. Average-by-average frequency and phase corrections were performed in the matlab based MRS toolkit FID-A (16). The eddy current corrections and fitting quantification was performed in LCModel (10) with the simulated macromolecule peaks accounting for the baseline.
HOPE, a simple but effective MM suppression MRS sequence with ultra-short TE was proposed and tested on a variety of magnetic field strengths. With the same SNR level as STEAM, HOPE achieves additional benefit with substantial suppression of MM signals and more accurate quantifications of MM overlapped metabolites. With better spectral resolution and higher SNR on human 7 T, it would be very promising to resolve all proton measurable metabolites without MM contaminations in one single scan.1. Pfeuffer J, Tkac I, Provencher SW, Gruetter R. Toward an in vivo neurochemical profile: Quantification of 18 metabolites in short-echo-time H-1 NMR spectra of the rat brain. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 1999;141(1):104-120.
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