MRSI Brain Temperature Mapping Using Machine Learning
Dhritiman Das1,2,3,4, Michael J Thrippleton3, Scott IK Semple5, Rolf F Schulte4, Mike E Davies2, Bjoern H Menze1, and Ian Marshall3

1Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Institute for Digital Communications, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, 3Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, 4GE Healthcare, Munich, Germany, 5Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland


We propose a machine-learning framework for brain temperature estimation in MRSI using human in-vivo data from 1.5T and 3T scanners. We consider the chemical-shift based method as our benchmark and compare our results against it. Our framework, based on random-forest regression, performs a K-fold cross validation on the MRSI dataset which includes (1) learning the spectral features (including the chemical-shift) from the subjects; (2) obtaining brain temperature estimates and computing the error over the corresponding jMRUI-fitted chemical-shift based estimates. Compared to jMRUI, our method, after training, gives a low estimation error and a 30-fold improvement in estimation speed per patient.


Non-invasive mapping of the brain temperature using MRSI can help in assessing conditions such as acute ischaemic stroke and blood circulation disorders. Prior work has focused on brain-temperature measurement using the chemical-shift method 1( among other indicators such as proton density2, relaxation-times3, diffusion-coefficient4). As an alternative, we propose a simple yet effective machine-learning approach using random-forest regression for brain-temperature mapping which is evaluated on human in-vivo data acquired from both 1.5T and 3T-scanners. Our training-model accounts for the trends in spectral-pattern, in addition to the chemical-shift, for brain-temperature estimation. This is the first application-to the best of our knowledge- of machine-learning towards brain-temperature mapping in MRSI.


Random Forests5 have been used in MRSI towards classification6-7 and quantification8 of spectral data. These involve multiple forests comprising of a set of binary trees. For training, splits are created in each tree based on random subsets of the feature variables and piecewise linear regression is performed over the input data. The process involves seeking best prediction at every node and using thresholding to further propagate data points till they reach the end of the tree. Subsequently the weighted average of the prediction from each tree is taken to give a single output estimate.

Subjects. 10 healthy, male volunteers in the age range of 23-40 years (mean +/- SD, 30.5 +/- 5.2 years) were invited for scanning on 3 occasions and underwent 4 MRSI scans each on both 1.5T (PRESS sequence, TR/TE = 1000/144ms, FOV = 300mm2, 24-step phase encoding in both in-plane directions) and 3T (semi-LASER PRESS sequence, TR/TE = 1700/144ms, FOV = 256mm2) scanners during each visit. Data was zero-filled (in k-space), interpolated to 32x32 voxels and corrected for eddy-and phase-correction. Additional details can be found in [1]. Data-fitting was done using the AMARES algorithm9 and voxels with poor quality of NAA-fits and water-resonance distortions were rejected. Total spectra per fold included approximately $$$\textbf{1800}$$$ training and $$$\textbf{150}$$$ test-spectra/subject respectively.

In MRSI, the time-domain complex signal of a nucleus is given by: $$S(t) = \int \mathrm{p}(\omega)\mathrm{exp}(-i\Phi)\mathrm{exp}(-t/T^{*}_{2})d\omega$$,

and the corresponding frequency-domain spectrum is given by $$$S(\omega)$$$. As shown in Fig.1, we aim to perform the inverse signal modeling where we have a training dataset $$$D = (S_{i} (\omega), T_{i}), i\in [1, N]$$$, where $$$N$$$ is the total number of training spectra from 9 subjects.

$$$S_{i}(\omega)$$$ represents the training data. $$$T_{i}$$$ are the training-labels which correspond to the temperature evaluated using the chemical-shift method1. To ensure data-homogeneity, we train spectra that pass the quality-control measure post-fitting. Using the dataset from each scanner, we perform a separate K-fold cross validation comprising 10 folds (each having $$$\textbf{100}$$$ trees and mTry = $$$\textbf{128}$$$). Each fold comprises of a training-set from 9 subjects and test-spectra, $$$S_{j}(\omega)$$$, from the remaining subject to obtain the brain temperature estimates $$$\hat{T}_{j}$$$. The corresponding chemical-shift based temperature-estimates $$$T_{j}$$$ serve as the ground-truth, $$$j\in [1, M]$$$ where $$$M$$$ is the total number of test spectra.

Error Calculation. For our experiments, given the estimate $$$\hat{T}_{j}$$$ and the test temperature $$$T_{j}$$$ for a given subject, the estimate error $$$\hat{E}_{j}$$$ (in $$${^\circ}C$$$) can be calculated as, $$\hat{E}_{j} = ||\hat{T}_{j} - T_{j}||_{1}$$


The temperature-mapping estimates for a sample subject using both the chemical-shift and the random-forest (RF) methods have been shown in Fig.2, and the corresponding Bland-Altman plots10 for the same subject also show a strong correlation (Fig.4). The mean relative-error plots for each subject is shown in Fig.3.

Speed: Training time-per-fold is 1 minute. While the jMRUI-fitting takes 5 minutes per subject for approximately 150 spectra, our proposed framework, after training, takes only 10 seconds leading to a $$$\textbf{30x}$$$ improvement in speed.

Discussion and Conclusion

In Fig.2, the temperature difference between the 2 methods are minimal leading to a low-error. A slightly higher-error can be seen around the edges and CSF regions possibly due to variations in spectral-pattern in these areas. Such spectra are fewer in number (post quality-check) and therefore the framework is insufficiently trained to identify similar spectral-patterns. The outliers observed in the corresponding Bland-Altman plots (Fig.4) belong to these regions. The RF-method tends to slightly overestimate temperatures relative to jMRUI at the lower end of the (jMRUI) temperature-range.

The mean-error plots (Fig.3) correspond to an overall mean error of $$$\textbf{0.29} {^\circ}C$$$ for the 1.5T data and $$$\textbf{0.20} {^\circ}C$$$ for the 3T data (due to better spectral-quality and resolution). Estimates for Subject 3 exhibited a slightly higher error for the 1.5T data but this issue wasn't present while evaluating the corresponding 3T data.

Future Work

Future work would involve further validation studies using a temperature-controlled phantom for a better comparison between the two methods. More robust frameworks involving deep-learning can potentially be used to improve the accuracy of temperature estimation.


We would like to thank Dr Craig Buckley and Dr Christian Schuster (Siemens) for assistance with 3-T MRSI. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's H2020 Framework Programme (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014) under grant agreement n° 642685 MacSeNet.


[1] Thrippleton, M.J., Parikh, J., Harris, B.A., Hammer, S.J., Semple, S.I.K., Andrews, P.J.D., Wardlaw, J.M., Marshall, I.: Reliability of mrsi brain temperature mapping at 1.5 and 3 t. NMR in Biomedicine 27(2), 183-190 (2014).

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[8] Das, D., Coello, E., Schulte, R.F., Menze, B.H.: Quantification of Metabolites in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Using Machine Learning, pp. 462-470. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2017).

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Fig.1: Pipeline for Machine Learning based brain temperature measurement. Using the K-fold cross validation approach, this method is repeated using spectra from each of the 10 subject as test spectra. The temperature measured using the jMRUI-based chemical-shift method is considered to be the ground-truth. An illustrated image also shows the brain temperature estimation for a MRS image acquired from a sample patient (after fitting and pre-quality check).

T2-weighted images overlaid with MRSI excitation volumes and brain temperature estimates (in $$${^\circ}C$$$) for a sample subject using MRSI data from both 1.5T (Left) and 3T (Right) scanners1. The values in brackets represent the estimates using the chemical-shift method while the other values represent the random-forest based temperature estimates (machine-learning). The spectra shown below each image represent the acquired (Red) and simulated (Black) corresponding to a set of sample voxels.

Mean estimate errors (in $$${^\circ}C$$$) for temperature measurements from each of the 10 subjects (X-axis) from the (Left)1.5T and (Right) 3T scanners. In the 1.5T scanner, one of the subjects exhibited a higher error compared to the others. Comparing the 2 plots, the 3T spectra being higher in quality and spatial resolution gives a lower error than the 1.5T data. The difference, though, is not substantial.

Bland-Altman correlation plots10 for a sample subject using data from the (Left) 1.5T and (Right) 3T scanners. The X-Axis represents the average of the chemical-shift (using jMRUI) and random-forest (RF) estimates while the Y-axis represents their difference. The 3T data exhibits a better correlation and lower standard deviation than the 1.5T data.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)