This work presents a robust framework for fast high-resolution 1H MRSI at 7 Tesla using semi-localized by adiabatic selective refocusing (semi-LASER) and high-bandwidth symmetric echo planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI). Inconsistencies in the symmetric EPSI trajectory are corrected using a single shot water reference scan, effectively removing spectral ghosting. With the proposed methodology, high-resolution metabolite ratio maps that show correlation with anatomical structures were obtained under 5-minutes.
The proposed MRSI sequence (Fig.-1) combines VAPOR water suppression and semi-LASER spatial localization with a ramp-sampled symmetric EPSI readout, which requires fewer repetitions to fully sample k-space, thus reducing the scanning time and keeping the total acquisition within the SAR limits. A significant reduction of SAR per excitation was achieved using GOIA-WURST adiabatic pulses6,7.
Inconsistencies in the symmetric EPSI trajectory that typically corrupt the acquired spatio-temporal (k-t space) signal and cause spectral ghosting, were corrected adapting the method described for k-space alignment in EPI8. The linear and first order phase correction terms were obtained from a water reference scan acquired without phase encoding gradients.
Initially, the phase difference φtdiff(k) between adjacent temporal points of the water reference signal rt(k) is computed, where t and k represent the temporal and k-space locations, respectively. Then, a first-order fit is performed in using weighted least squares to retrieve the phase correction term $$\varphi_t^{\textrm{corr}}(k) = \textrm{a}_t k+ \textrm{b}_t\approx\varphi_t^{\textrm{diff}}(k),$$ where at and bt correspond to the linear and constant phase correction coefficients. The correction terms are then applied to every phase encode and channel of the water suppressed scan.
Data acquisition: MRSI measurements of three healthy volunteers (V1-V3) were acquired on a GE 7T MR950 scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA) using a 32-channel receive array with a volume-transmit head coil (NOVA Medical, Wilmington, MA, USA). A 6-minute protocol was used consisting of: (i) a water-suppressed semi-LASER EPSI scan with four averages and a total duration of 4.8 minutes; (ii) a 3-second water-unsuppressed reference scan, with the same prescription and no phase-encoding gradients, used for phase correction (PC); and (iii) a 1.2-minute fully encoded water reference used for eddy-current correction (ECC). Prior to the MRSI acquisition, T1-weighted (T1w) images were acquired and the flip angle of VAPOR was calibrated to achieve optimal water suppression. The following parameters were used: TE/TR=35/3000 ms, matrix size 24×24, field of view 12x12 cm2, 512 spectral points and 2500 Hz spectral bandwidth.
Data Processing: EPSI data was reshaped into k-t space, even lines were flipped and an 8-Hz Gaussian temporal apodization was applied. The reconstruction was performed with the following pipeline: phase correction of k-t signal, spatial Fourier transform, channel combination, zero-order phase removal, residual water removal using Hankel singular value decomposition (HSVD), and temporal Fourier transform. Metabolite ratio maps of the main metabolic components, choline (Cho), creatine (Cr), glutamate and glutamine (Glx) and N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA); were generated using LCModel with simulated basis spectra.
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