Susceptibility-based positive contrast for visualization and localization of implanted brachytherapy seeds in realistic prostate phantoms
Reyhaneh Nosrati1,2, Matt Wronski3,4, Ananth Ravi1,2,3,4, Ana Pejović-Milić1, Gerard Morton5,6, and Greg Stanisz1,3,4

1Medical Physics, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Medical Physics, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada, 4Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 5Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada, 6Radiation oncology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada


Employing susceptibility-based positive contrast for depiction and localization of closely implanted elongated paramagnetic objects (i.e. brachytherapy seeds) is very challenging due to the orientation dependence and/or size overestimation of reconstructed object. In this study, 321 brachytherapy seeds were implanted in four realistic prostate phantoms; all phantoms were scanned at three different angles on a 1.5T MR scanner. A novel susceptibility-based workflow was proposed for visualization and localization of the seeds. For all scanning angles the reconstructed seed shapes, centroids and orientations were identical and no significant difference was found between the proposed method and the current clinically used CT-based method.


Low‐dose‐rate (LDR) brachytherapy for prostate cancer involves permanent implantation of several (typically 60-100) radioactive sources within prostate, each encapsulated in a cylindrical titanium shell (seed,$$$4.5mm\times0.8mm$$$). The quality of the implant is evaluated through post-implant dosimetry which is currently based in most clinics on CT imaging1. Anatomical delineation is challenging on CT images due to poor soft-tissue contrast and efforts have been made to incorporate MRI into the post-implant dosimetry. Several MR acquisition/reconstruction techniques such as IRON2,3 pulse sequence, co_RASOR4 method, quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM)5,6 and susceptibility gradient mapping (SGM)7 have been proposed for seed depiction with positive contrast however, all of theses techniques employ non-clinical pulse sequences, some require ultra-high field scanners and most importantly for all proposed techniques the shape of the reconstructed seed is strongly dependent on seed orientation with respect to the B0-field also, seed dimensions are often overestimated3–8, resulting in inaccurate localization of seeds for clinically-relevant configurations. To the best of our knowledge feasibility of the QSM for seed depiction and localization in realistic configurations has never been validated. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of a novel QSM-based workflow using four realistic prostate phantoms implanted with a total of 321 LDR seeds at different orientations.


Realistic LDR brachytherapy seed implantation plans were generated based on the ultrasound of four multimodality realistic prostate phantoms (CIRS Inc. 053L model) with multiple lesions. Our current clinical process was followed for seed implantation and pre/post treatment planning. In total 321 dummy I-125 seeds (IsoAid AdvantageTM) were implanted into the prostates under ultrasound guidance by an experienced radiation oncologist. Post-implantation MRI scans were acquired on a 1.5T scanner (Philips Ingenia) with an 8-channel head coil array using a 3D multi-echo gradient echo sequence with the following parameters: TE1/TR=2.2/10.3ms; number-of-echoes=4; echo spacing=1.9ms; flip angle=20˚; resolution=1mm3 isotropic and matrix size=128x128x88. To investigate the orientation dependence of the susceptibility-based seed reconstruction, all phantoms were scanned at three different angles with respect to the B0-field: 0°,45° and 90°. All phantoms were CT scanned to validate the MR-derived seed positions against the clinical CT-based approach (MIM-Symphony-DxTM).

The QSM was performed in the following steps: (1) temporal/spatial phase unwrapping using Laplacian and region growing methods10–12, (2) background field removal using Projection onto Dipole Field (PDF) method13, (3) off-resonance frequency map $$$(f)$$$ estimation using exponential least square fitting:

$$ f_{r}\theta_{0r}=argmin_{f_{r}\theta_{0r}}\sum_{j=1}^{echoes}\parallel {M_{r,TE_{j}}e^{i\theta_{r,TE_{j}}}}-M_{r,TE_{j}}e^{i(f_{r}\times TE_{j}+\theta_{r,})}\parallel_2^2$$

where $$$M$$$ and $$$\theta$$$ denote magnitude and background removed phase data respectively and $$$\theta_{r}$$$ denotes the initial phase.

(4) Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) with regularized L1 minimization14–16:

$$ \chi_{r}=argmin_{\chi_{r}}\lambda\parallel W[e^{iD_{r}\chi_{r}}-e^{if_{r}}]\parallel_2^2+\parallel G_{M}G_{\chi}\parallel_{1}$$

where $$$χ$$$ is susceptibility , $$$λ$$$ is the Lagrangian multiplier, $$$D_{r}$$$ is Fourier domain dipole kernel, $$$W$$$ is a weighting matrix and $$$G$$$ is the gradient operator.

Seed positions (centroids, and orientations) were estimated using unsupervised machine learning by first thresholding the 3D susceptibility maps and converting them into point-cloud data; optimal number of seeds was calculated using Silhouette criterion18,19; constrained K-medoid clustering algorithm20,21 was utilized to find the optimal centroid, $$$c$$$ of each cluster (seed) by minimizing within-cluster sum-of-squares:

$$ j=argmin_{c}\sum_{i=1}^k\sum_{j=1}^{n}\parallel x_j^i-c_{i} \parallel^{2}$$

After finding the centroids the orientation of each seed was calculated using singular value decomposition and calculation of the eigenvector of each cluster21,22.

Results and Discussions

Fig.1 shows one of the phantoms containing 70 seeds, the corresponding seed implantation plan (with two pairs of non-spaced seeds), magnitude image, phase image, the calculated QSM at three different angles and the CT image. The proposed QSM pipeline successfully reconstructed the shape of all 321 seeds correctly regardless of their orientations. No significance difference was found between the estimated centroids on QSM acquired at different angles (p<0.05). The average length and diameter of the reconstructed seeds in all three orientations were 4.9±0.4mm and 0.9±0.2mm respectively reflecting an average 10% overestimation.

Fig.2 presents the calculated seed centroids on each phantom and the Euclidean distance between the estimated centroids at each angle using the proposed method and the CT-based method. The proposed seed localizer algorithm detected all seeds except the middle seed in the triple loading (shown by arrow in Fig.2-g). The estimated orientations of the seeds were compared to their hypothetical direction and the maximum deviation was less than 10º. There was no overall significant difference between the calculated centroids between the two methods (p<0.05). The overall average Euclidean distance between the proposed method and the CT-based approach was 0.3±0.2mm.


The proposed QSM-based pipeline allows for accurate visualization of the brachytherapy seeds regardless of their orientations in complex spatial configurations. The proposed seed localizer requires further improvements for localization of more than two non-spaced (clumped) seeds.


Authors would like to thank the IsoAid LLC for providing all of the seeds used in this study.


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Figure 1; (a) one sample phantom with 70 implanted seeds; (b) the seed implantation plan (needle loading) which contains four non-spaced seeds shown by the arrows; (c) magnitude image at the shortest TE; (d) phase image at the shortest TE. The thresholded 3D Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) of the calculated susceptibility maps with phantom orientated at (e) 0 degree, (f) 45 degrees and (g) 90 degrees from B0; (h) the thresholded 3D MIP of the CT image of the same phantom. The arrows in (e), (f) and (g) indicate the reconstructed non-spaced seeds which all were correctly localized by the seed finder algorithm.

Figure 2;(a), (c), (e) and (g): the estimated seed centroids in each of four phantoms using the clinical CT-based method and the proposed susceptibility-based method (calculated at 0 degree); (b), (d), (f) and (h): the calculated Euclidean distance between the seed centroids calculated by the proposed workflow (at different angles) and the clinical CT-based method. The arrow in (g) shows the only seed that was not identified by the seeds finder algorithm.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)