In order to study structural brain reorganization, multi-modal MRI combining voxel-based morphometry and quantitative T1 mapping was used in longitudinal design on sighted subjects who underwent tactile Braille reading course. Results show that methods are complimentary to each other. Combined approach like that gives insight into different aspects of tissue property changes introducing new opportunities for studying brain plasticity.
28 right–handed females (Age M = 23.3; SD = 3.5) underwent tactile Braille reading course lasting 8 months with 5 MRI sessions. After first 3 months 14 subjects decided to read with left hand. MRI sessions were conducted every 3 months: before the course (TP0), 3 during tactile reading acquisition (TP1, TP2, TP3) and 3 months after the end of the course (TP4).
Data were collected on 3T Siemens scanner with 12-channel coil using standard structural T1-weighted MPRAGE sequence as well as T1-mapping by Variable Flip Angle method. For VFA T1-map we used 3D gradient-echo, 1mm-isotropic resolution scans with FA=4 and FA=18 deg (TE=2.46 ms, TR=7.6ms, TA=2*5min27s). Maps were corrected for flip angle error by B1+ map (stimulated echo to spin echo ratio)6.
Analysis of MRI data was performed using MATLAB environment in SPM12, CAT12 and house-build scripts for qT1m reconstruction. For each participant, the T1w scans from all time points were registered and bias-corrected using the Serial Longitudinal Registration in SPM12, which combines diffeomorphic and rigid-body registration. The output consisted of an average T1w image and five within-subject Jacobian difference maps was a base for the further analyses. Then each participant's average image was segmented to obtain native space tissue probability maps and DARTEL normalization input. For VBM within-subject analyses we used a product of Jacobian difference at each time point and GM TPM normalized with the DARTEL template. The average T1w was segmented in CAT12 with an option of cortical surface reconstruction. Each reconstructed qT1m was then sampled with the native space central cortical surface resulting in five identical surfaces false coloured with adjacent T1 relaxation values for each subject. All the data was smoothed voxel- or surface-wise and analyzed in mixed-ANOVA with subject, time and hand preference as factors.
Subjects successfully acquired tactile Braille reading, improving their reading speed over time. There was no effect of preferred hand, nor time by hand interaction (Figure 1).
In VBM analysis significant main effect of time point showed that tactile reading training induced GMV changes in various brain regions including visual, premotor, motor and somatosensory cortices (Figure 2). Post-hoc analysis showed that GMV increase in calcarine and cuneal cortex occurs both in right- and left-hand readers, while motor and somatosensory reorganization is specific to left-hand readers.
In qT1maps analysis significant main effect of time showed
regions in left pre- and central gyrus and right middle frontal gyrus. Dynamics
of the changes follows the progress of Braille learning curve in the group of
right-hand readers (Figure 3).
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