Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease of the motor system and its wider cortical connections. Progress in therapeutic development in ALS is compromised by a lack of specific biomarkers. In this work, we describe a platform for acquiring QSM data in post-mortem brains and propose a protocol for post-mortem QSM reconstruction. Preliminary results have shown that ALS brains had substantially greater mean susceptibility in motor cortex than control brains, which indicates that QSM has the potential to accurately quantify iron concentration and thus serve as an imaging biomarker for ALS.
Brain sample preparation
Brains were immersion fixed in formalin after autopsy. Before MR scans, brain samples were removed from formalin and packed in a brain-shaped container filled with 3MTM Fluorinert (FC-3283), a magnetic susceptibility matched liquid. Diffusion and structural scans were additionally acquired using protocols described by Foxley et al. [4].
Data acquisition
Two ALS and three control brains were scanned at 7T (Siemens, 1Tx/32Rx coil) using a 3D multi-echo GRE sequence. Imaging parameters were: TR=38ms, TE=2ms, ΔTE=6.6ms, number of echoes=6, flip angle=15°, pixel bandwidth=651Hz, voxel size=0.5×0.5×0.55mm3.
QSM reconstruction
1. Datasets corresponding to the individual 32 channels of the head coil were exported from the scanner, with phase offsets removed via a complex division of the multi-echo phase data by the TE=2ms dataset. A coil-combined dataset was generated for each individual echo via the sum of the complex signal from the offset-corrected individual channels.
2. Phase images from 2nd to 6th echoes were unwrapped individually with a Laplacian unwrapping algorithm [5]. The eddy current induced phase component was then estimated and removed through 3D linear fitting of the unwrapped phase images. Finally, the local field variation (ΔB) map was estimated from the unwrapped phase using a voxel-wise linear fit of the 2nd to 6th echoes with respect to the TE.
3. The background field was removed using the variable-kernel sophisticated harmonic artifact reduction for phase data (V-SHARP) algorithm [6], with a maximal kernel size of 12mm and regularisation parameter of 0.02mm-1. The susceptibility maps were subsequently generated using the truncated k-space division algorithm with a threshold of 0.2 [7].
Quantitative analysis
Grey-white matter segmentation using FAST [8] was performed based on mean diffusivity maps obtained from the diffusion datasets, which exhibit strong contrast in post-mortem tissue. The motor cortex and visual cortex masks were generated from the Juelich atlas [8, 9] and co-registered to the magnitude image space using ANTs [10]. Finally, the mean susceptibility values (in parts per billion) were extracted from motor cortex and visual cortex (the latter serving as a reference).
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