In this study, an accelerated real-time spoiled spiral GRE sequence was developed for high-resolution velum imaging during speech to evaluate VPI. The low rank plus sparse decomposition was used to reconstruction highly undersampled (6x) dynamic image series. Chebysheve based off-resonance correction was used to reduce local blurring around velum after L+S reconstruction. The developed method generated high quality dynamic images with minimal temporal blurring and reduced blurring at 1.5 T, which can then be used to track velum movements for further analysis.
An interleaved spoiled spiral GRE sequence with linearly decreasing sampling density is used in this study. The fully sampled spiral k-space trajectory contains 18 interleaves with 3.6 ms readout per interleaf. 3 interleaves 120° apart from each other are used to reconstruct each frame, so that the undersampling rate is 6. Among frames the interleaves are rotated in a bit-reversed order to reduce temporal correlation. Reduced FOV (150 mm) is used with two spatial saturation pulses played every frame to improve spatial resolution. Other sequence parameters are: TR: 6.96 ms, TE: 0.78 ms, Flip Angle: 10°-20°. Simultaneous dual slice coverage with one mid sagittal and one oblique coronal slice is achieved by interleaving the TRs for the two slices and sharing the saturation bands. A low resolution field map is acquired with two single-shot spirals covering the center k-space. The spatial resolution is 1.2 mm and the effective temporal resolution is 30 fps when one slice is covered and 21 fps when two slices are covered.
In reconstruction, the dynamic image series is decomposed into low rank and sparse terms. Temporal differences are used as the sparsity constraint, since dynamic movements are limited to the tongue and velum regions. As multiple receiver coils are used in this study, in order to decompose on and solve for the combined image instead of individual channel images, the coil sensitivity is estimated from center k-space data during field map collection using ESPIRiT 7. To reduce local blurring around the velum, the Chebyshev based off-resonance correction method is used after L+S reconstruction by treating the resulting images as the 0th term and inverse gridding to obtain the un-acquired k-space data. A low resolution linear field map is used to improve the robustness of the Chebyshev method.
Experiments were performed on both Siemens Avanto 1.5 T and Prisma 3 T scanners on healthy volunteers. During the scan, the subjects are required to pronounce certain phrases such as “Bob ate apple pie”. The dynamic image series can then be used to segment the velum and calculate variables of interest for movement analysis.
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