Reconstruction methods in parallel imaging and compressed sensing problems are generally very time consuming, especially for a large number of coil elements. In this work, the image is reconstructed using the Split Bregman algorithm (SB). We present an efficient and effective preconditioner that reduces the number of iterations in the linear least squares step of SB by almost a factor of 5 as alternative to extra variable splitting. The designed preconditioner works for Cartesian sampling schemes and for different coil configurations. It has negligible initialization time and leads to an overall speedup factor of 2.5.
For each SB iteration a linear least squares problem of the form Ax=b has to be solved, where x is the true image, b is the weighted undersampled k-space data, and
is the system matrix that remains constant throughout the SB iterations. Here, the Si are diagonal matrices representing complex coil sensitivity maps for each of the Nc channels. Furthermore, F is the discrete two-dimensional Fourier transform matrix, and the undersampling pattern is specified by the binary diagonal sampling matrix R. The regularization parameters λ and γ in (1) are promoting sparsity via the total variation constraint (employing differentiation matrices Dx and Dx) and the unitary wavelet transform W, respectively.
The second and third term in (1) are block circulant with circulant blocks (BCCB) matrices and are diagonalized by the Fourier matrix F. Writing
we have
where Kd and Kw are diagonal, but Kc is not. Most of the
energy in Kc is located
around its main diagonal, however. Hence, we approximate the matrix Kc by its diagonal to arrive
at a BCCB approximation of A as
preconditioner for solving the linear system. The required steps can be efficiently
performed using FFTs.
MR Data Acquisition: A Philips Ingenia 3T dual transmit MR system was used to acquire in vivo data. A 12-element posterior receiver array and 15-channel head coil were used for reception in spine and brain, respectively, whereas the body coil was used for RF transmission. T1-weighted images were acquired using a standard clinical TSE sequence and IR-TSE sequence for spine and brain, respectively.
Reconstruction: The SB algorithm was implemented in MATLAB on a standard Windows 64-bit PC with 8 GB of internal memory. Unprocessed k-space data was stored per channel and used to construct cropped complex coil sensitivity maps14. Both the individual coil images and the coil sensitivity maps were normalized. Reconstruction for the spine data set was performed without and with coil compression15,16. A random line pattern and a fully random pattern, both with variable density, were studied for undersampling factors four (R=4) and eight (R=8).
Figure 1 shows the TSE spine images for Cartesian undersampling factors R=4 and R=8. The full system matrix is constructed for illustration purposes only and compared with its circulant approximation in Fig. 2.
Figure 3a shows the number of iterations required for the preconditioned conjugate-gradient (PCG) solver to converge in each SB iteration without preconditioner, with the Jacobi preconditioner (the diagonal of matrix A), and with the circulant preconditioner proposed in this abstract. The reduced number of iterations leads to a shortened reconstruction time, plotted in Fig. 4a for the total PCG part in the SB algorithm (4.65x), and in Fig. 4b for the entire reconstruction algorithm (2.5x). For all matrix sizes the initialization time of the preconditioner is less than 2% of the image reconstruction time. Similar results are obtained for the 15-channel head coil as shown in Fig. 5.
We would like to thank Ad Moerland from Philips Healthcare Best (The Netherlands) and Mariya Doneva from Philips Research Hamburg (Germany) for helpful discussions on reconstruction.
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