Accurate segmentation of pelvic organs is important for prostate radiation therapy. Modern radiation therapy starts to use magnetic resonance image (MRI) as an alternative to CT image, because of the superior soft tissue contrast of MRI and also no risk of radiation exposure. In this abstract, we propose a novel deep network architecture, called “Sample Attention based Stochastic Connection Networks” (SASCNet), to delineate pelvic organs from MRI in an end-to-end fashion. Our proposed network has two main contributions: 1) We propose a novel randomized connection module and adopt it as a basic unit to combine the shallower and deeper layers in the fully convolutional networks (FCN); 2) We propose a novel adversarial attention mechanism to automatically dispatch sample importance so that we can avoid the domination of easy samples in training the network. Experimental results show that our SASCNet achieves competitive segmentation accuracy.
FCN1 has been widely adopted in various semantic segmentation tasks and achieved superior performance. While being successful, FCN cannot accurately localize object boundaries due to the lack of fine-level information during the label inference stage. To tackle this problem, Unet2 was proposed to combine low-level feature maps with the high-level feature maps together for label inference during the condensing process. This combination effectively addresses the limitation of FCN and also improves the localization accuracy. However, it could suffer from serious overfitting issues due to small dataset in medical image dataset. To overcome the problem, we propose to inject stochastic connection, instead of full connection, to combine the low-level and high-level feature maps (as shown in Fig. 1). Benefiting from the ensemble essence of the stochastic connection 3, the proposed segmentation network can alleviate the overfitting issues to a large extent.
Inspired by the generative adversarial networks 4, we design our segmentation framework by injecting an adversarial network. As shown in Fig. 1, our proposed framework also involves a discriminator to further improve the segmentation performance in two folds. On the one hand, the discriminator always tries to distinguish the predicted mask and the real mask so that the whole system enforces the predicted mask to be aimilr with the real mask. On the other hand, we further take advantage of output probability (p) of discriminator to form a sample importance dispatcher, and use the generated sample importance to form a better Dice loss function as shown in the following equation:
\({L_{dice}} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^M {{W_i}\left( {1 - 2\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{l = 1}^C {{\pi _l}\sum\nolimits_n {{r_{\ln }}{p_{\ln }}} } }}{{\sum\nolimits_{l = 1}^C {{\pi _l}\sum\nolimits_n {{r_{\ln }} + {p_{\ln }}} } }}} \right)} \)
Where \(M\) is the number of images, \(W\) is the generated sample importance, \(C\) is the number of categories, \(n\) indexes the image elements, \(r\) is the ground-truth map, \(p\) is the predicted probability map, and \(\pi \) is the assigned category weight.
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