Dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI is a promising technique for quantitatively assessing the inflammation of atherosclerosis. However, current applications are facing demanding sampling challenges, and compromises have to be made among spatial resolution, coverage and temporal resolution. We recently proposed a 3D DCE protocol based on Low Rank Tensor (LRT) framework to achieve high spatiotemporal resolution, adequate anatomical coverage and dynamic T1 mapping. In this work, we demonstrated the in vivo feasibility on both healthy subjects and patients with known atherosclerosis.
Sequence design and image reconstruction: As described previously6, continuous scanning with non-selective SR prep pulses followed by FLASH readout was employed to generate T1 contrast information. A 3D Cartesian trajectory with randomized ordering in ky and kz was implemented with the center k-space line acquired every 8 readout lines to form LRT subspace training data5. For reconstruction, the image was formed as a three-way tensor $$$\mathscr{A}$$$ with spatial dimension $$$\mathbf{r}=(x,y,z)$$$, a SR dimension $$$\tau$$$, and a DCE dimension t, and then factorized as $$$\mathbf{A}_{(1)}=\mathbf{U\Phi}$$$. $$$\mathbf{\Phi}$$$, which contains temporal coefficient, is first determined from the subspace training data. $$$\mathbf{U}$$$, which contains spatial coefficients, is then recovered by fitting $$$\mathbf{\Phi}$$$ to the remainder of the sparsely sampled data.
Motion removal: Abrupt patient motion is a major challenge for vessel wall DCE due to the small anatomical structure. In LRT framework, abrupt-motion frames are less correlated to the remainder of the images, corresponding to a higher residual after LRT estimation. The residual $$$\boldsymbol{r}_{res}$$$ is calculated by: $$\boldsymbol{r}_{res}=\sum\nolimits_{i}|(\mathbf{D}_{\rm{tr}}-\mathbf{D}_{\rm{tr}}\mathbf{\Phi}^\dagger\mathbf{\Phi})_{ij}|^2,$$Where $$$\mathbf{D}_{\rm{tr}}\in\mathbb{C}^{N_r\times N_t}$$$ is the matrix form of subspace training data. $$$N_r$$$ and $$$N_t$$$ represent the total number of voxels and time points, respectively. High-residual time points were removed and recovered by LRT framework during the recovery of subspace training data inherently.
Imaging protocol: We focused on achieving dynamic T1 mapping at 0.7mm isotropic spatial resolution, 0.59s temporal resolution and coverage of the entire carotid vasculature. All data were acquired on a 3T commercial MR scanner (MAGNETOM Verio, Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany). Healthy subjects (n=12) and patients with known carotid atherosclerosis (n = 6) were scanned using the following acquisition parameters: coronal orientation, spatial resolution=0.7mm isotropic, FOV=150x150x26mm3, $$$\alpha =8^\circ$$$, TR/temporal resolution=590ms, scan time=9.8min. Gd contrast media (Gadovist, 0.1mmol/kg) was administered at the rate of 1.0ml/sec followed by 20ml saline flush.
Temporal resolution effect: To evaluate the impact of temporal resolution on the accuracy of kinetic parameter mapping, we evaluate the reproducibility of kinetic parameters at different temporal resolution. In theory, too high temporal resolution may result in noisy concentration curves, while too low temporal resolution may miss the peak of AIF. Two bolus of Gd contrast media was injected using the aforementioned injections scheme, with 30-minutes’ delay time in-between to allow sufficient washout. Temporal resolution reconstructed from 0.59s to 7.2s were evaluated.
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4 Calcagno, C., Mani, V., Ramachandran, S. & Fayad, Z. A. Dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of atherosclerotic plaque angiogenesis. Angiogenesis 13, 87-99 (2010).
5 Christodoulou, A.G., Shaw, J.L., Sharif, B., Li, D. A general low-rank tensor framework for high-dimensional cardiac imaging: application to time-resolved T1 mapping. 24th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore, 2016. Abstract 3032.
6 Wang, N., Christodoulou, AG., Xie, Y., Li, D. Quantitative 3D Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) Imaging of Carotid Vessel Wall by Fast T1 Mapping. 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Honolulu, HI, USA, 2017. Abstract 7331.