Intra-ventricular blood flow dynamics are closely related to both ventricle and valve geometry and to the contraction pattern of the myocardial wall. The interaction mechanisms between contraction forces inside the myocardium and hydrodynamic forces are highly complex and have not yet been fully understood, especially in the presence of pathology. We propose a visual analysis framework for the integrated assessment of ventricle and valve morphology, blood flow and local myocardial function. This is a first step to enable better understanding of the different mechanical factors involved in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and their combined contributions to the formation of obstructive HCM.
As a first proof of concept, standard cine MRI was acquired for a healthy volunteer on a 3T Prisma (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) for a stack of short-axis slices (SAX) and in three-chamber (3CH) orientation, with 1.33x1.33x6mm spatial and ≈40ms temporal resolution. The myocardium geometry was automatically segmented3 and manually corrected from the SAX. The MV was interactively delineated in the 3CH cine series and automatically tracked over the cardiac cycle.
SPAMM-tagged MRI4 was acquired in a single 3CH slice, with 1.33x1.33x6mm spatial and≈40ms temporal resolution. A time-resolved wall deformation vector field was extracted from the 3CH tagged MRI series (Fig.1.), using a non-rigid registration approach based on local phase (Morphon),5 which is robust to temporal intensity changes and tag fading. The 2D Green-Lagrange strain tensor E=[ExxExyEyxEyy] was computed for the myocardium, based on the integrated deformation field and was projected onto the first and second principal components. 4D-flow MRI was also acquired using a Siemens work-in-progress sequence, for a slab centered around the 3CH slice position containing the heart (venc=150, spatial resolution 2.375x2.375x2.5mm, temporal resolution ≈40ms). The LV flow pattern was computed from the velocity field by particle tracing with Runge-Kutta integration in MeVisLab.6 The virtual particles were seeded approximately in the planes of the aortic valve, for systole, and MV, for diastole.
Interactive and integrated visual analysis of the joint information from different types of data (flow and function) in a cardiac MRI exam can provide a useful means of integrating and interpreting the information contained in the separate independent datasets. By integrating flow visualization with local LV and valve geometry, it is possible to assess the relative contributions to obstruction of aspects such as the relation of vortical structures to displacement of the valve leaflets, and of the correlation between local changes in myocardial strain and the corresponding blood flow features. Since LVOT obstruction is not a linear phenomenon, a small change in the forces acting on the leaflets can have a large impact on the occurrence or severity of the obstruction, underscoring the importance of better understanding them.
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5. Tautz L, Hennemuth A, Peitgen HO. Motion analysis with quadrature filter based registration of tagged MRI sequences. International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart 2011; pp. 78-87.
6. Hennemuth A, Friman O, Schumann C, Bock J, Drexl J, Huellebrand M, Markl M, Peitgen HO. Fast interactive exploration of 4D MRI flow data. Medical Imaging 2011: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling; 7964:79640E.