Radioactive seed localization is an essential step in quantifying the dose delivered to the prostate and surrounding anatomy after low-dose-rate prostate cancer brachytherapy. Currently, dosimetrists spend hours manually localizing the radioactive seeds in postoperative images. In this work, we investigated a novel sliding-window convolutional neural network approach for automatically identifying and localizing the seeds in MR images. The method doesn’t rely on prior knowledge of the number of seeds implanted, strand placements, or needle-loading configurations. In initial testing, the proposed approach achieved a recall of 100%, precision of 97%, and processing time of ~0.5-1.5 minutes per patient.
Twenty-one post-implant patients were scanned with a 3D balanced steady-state free precession pulse sequence (CISS) on a 1.5T Siemens Aera scanner using a 2-channel rigid endorectal coil in combination with two 18-channel external array coils. The scan parameters were: TR/TE=5.29/2.31 ms, RBW=560 Hz/pixel, FOV=15 cm, voxel dimensions=0.59×0.59×1.2 mm, FA=52°, and total scan time of 4-5 minutes.
To limit the image context and computation time, a rectangular cuboid region of interest (ROI) encompassing the prostate and the implanted seeds was cropped from the images. A sliding-window algorithm was written to scan the ROI in 13x13x7-voxel sub-windows with a 2x2x1 stride. Three 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were trained to perform seed and seed marker detection, classification, and localization tasks. SeedNet’s architecture (partially inspired by LeNet52, AlexNet3, and OverFeat4) is shown in Fig. 1. The main hyperparameters for constructing the networks are shown in Table 1. 2x2x2 max pooling was performed after the first two convolutional layers. Dropout5 (50%) was used after the third convolutional layer to prevent overfitting. During testing, the seed/marker inferences from the detection CNN were passed to the classification CNN, and the seed/marker inferences from the classification CNN were passed to the localization CNN. The inferences from the localization CNN were mapped back to the original image stack.
SeedNet was written in TensorFlow and trained, cross validated, and tested on a Linux RedHat v7.2 server with four NVIDIA Quadro K2200 GPUs. The CNNs were trained on sub-windows from 18 patients, 20% of which were reserved for cross validation (CV), and tested on three patients. The labeled locations of the seeds and markers of the 21 datasets were created from dosimetry plans that were previously completed by a certified medical dosimetrist. Multiple inferences for a given seed or seed marker were possible because the sliding window visited all locations within the image and therefore visited each seed/marker multiple times. The seed locations inferred from SeedNet were compared with the dosimetrist’s manually identified seed locations to determine the network’s performance.
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