Adaptive spatiotemporal dictionaries offer improved reconstruction accuracy for dynamic cardiac MRI. However, most modern methods perform local encoding of image patches treating them independently. In order to increase reconstruction quality, we present a convex model that allows global control of encoding sparsity. The proposed method has a single tunable parameter and delivers 9% peak signal-to-noise ratio improvement of reconstruction compared to the state-of-the-art dictionary-based approach. Moreover, the implemented numerical scheme allowed 3-fold reconstruction time reduction.
Dynamic 2D cardiac MRI datasets were acquired on 1.5 and 3T systems (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) with voxel size of 1.4x1.4x8 mm3 and 25 dynamics, yielding 375 short-axis scans of size $$$N_d=128\times128\times25$$$ pixels. Following Caballero et al. [3], we use spatiotemporal patches of $$$4\times4\times4=N_p$$$ size and set the size of the dictionary to $$$N_a=300$$$. Since the dictionary is learned on fully sampled data, we used an efficient implementation of the generic online dictionary learning algorithm [4] provided by the Sklearn package [5], which iteratively solves the following optimization problem:
$$\min_{D\in\mathbb{R}^{N_p\times N_a}, U\in\mathbb{R}^{N_a\times N_s}} \frac12 \|DU − Y\|_{2,2}^2 + \alpha\|U\|_{1,1},\qquad\text{s.t.}\quad\|D_k\|_2=1,\quad k=1,\dots,N_a.\qquad(1)$$
Where $$$Y$$$ are training patches extracted from fully sampled data, $$$U$$$ is the matrix of patch encodings, $$$D$$$ is the learned dictionary, and the regularization parameter $$$\alpha=0.4$$$. We use the overcomplete discrete cosine transform as an initialization for $$$D$$$ and conduct 1000 iterations with 2000 patches in each batch. The resulting dictionary is shown in Figure 1. During reconstruction, the sparsity measure was relaxed to convex L1 norm, yielding the following constrained optimization problem:
$$\min_{U, X} \|U\|_{1,1} + \mathcal{I}[\|\mathcal{P}(X) - DU\|_{2,2} \leq \varepsilon],\quad\text{s.t.} \quad M_iFX_i=b_i, \quad i=1,\dots,N_t.\qquad(2)$$
Here indicator $$$\mathcal{I}[condition]=0$$$ when $$$condition$$$ is fulfilled and is $$$+\infty$$$ otherwise, $$$M_i$$$ and $$$b_i$$$ are undersampling matrices and k-spaces, respectively. The orthogonal linear operator $$$\mathcal{P}$$$ implements patch extraction (with circulant wrapping) from the given 2D+t image, while its adjoint $$$\mathcal{P}^T$$$ reconstructs an image from a patch representation by averaging of overlaps. Parameter $$$\varepsilon$$$ limits the global residual between the original signal and its sparse representation. Low values of $$$\varepsilon$$$ yield a sparser solution, while high values of $$$\varepsilon=10^{−5}N_d$$$ allow to account for noise in the k-space measurements $$$b_i$$$. To solve the problem (2) we cast it to the equivalent optimization problem
$$\min_{U,X,Z,T} \|Z\|_{1,1} + \mathcal{I}[\|T\|_{2,2} \leq \varepsilon],\quad\text{s.t.} \; M_iFX_i=b_i,\,i=1,\dots,N_t,\quad U = Z,\quad\mathcal{P}(X)-DU=T.\qquad(3)$$
Problem (3) can be solved efficiently with the ADMM algorithm [6] as described in Figure 2. We will further refer to the proposed reconstruction method as GSDR (Globally Sparse Dictionary based Reconstruction).
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