In recognition of the lack of a physical standard for the assessment and validation of myocardial perfusion imaging methodologies, a phantom simulating first-pass perfusion has recently been developed. This study builds on this work by introducing a novel 3D printed myocardial compartment with a radial variation in flow that mimics physiological transmural perfusion gradients. Velocity and perfusion rate estimates using phase contrast and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of the myocardium, respectively, were found to be repeatable. The myocardium shows potential in multi-modality evaluation and validation of perfusion pulse sequences and quantification algorithms before their introduction into routine clinical use.
Cardiovascular first-pass perfusion MRI is recommended for ischemia testing in international clinical guidelines in patients with suspected coronary artery disease. However, a variety of relevant pulse sequences and quantification algorithms have been proposed, the accuracy and reproducibility of which has not been systematically evaluated due to the lack of a clearly defined gold standard. In response to this deficiency, a cardiac phantom with myocardial tissue compartments has recently been developed.1 The phantom can generate dynamic signal enhancement curves in a highly controlled fashion, but the myocardium has a limited usage as it does not realistically mimic the physiological diversity in capillary size and the transmural (radial) variation in perfusion from endocardial to epicardial layers which is typically observed in vivo. As part of a large European project (EMPIR 15HLT05), a novel multi-capillary 3D-printed myocardium capable of generating signal enhancement curves dependent on the transmural location has been developed. The performance of the myocardium was assessed by dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) and phase contrast (PC) MRI experiments.Results & Discussion
Figure 2 shows example velocity and perfusion rate maps for all tested flow rates, as well as horizontal profiles across the myocardium. The capillary length difference leads to a higher flow in the center of the myocardium compared to the periphery, as seen in velocity maps. This causes a faster perfusion of the contrast agent through the center and generates a transmural gradient in perfusion rate (20-35% variation). Figure 3 compares the estimated mean velocity and perfusion rates with corresponding true values. A strong linear correlation for velocity (R2 = 0.997) and perfusion rate (R2 = 0.892) was found, despite a trend towards underestimation of values and an apparent deviation from linearity in perfusion rate. In repeated scans, the velocity difference was very small while the perfusion rate difference varied more arbitrarily. A potential source of error in perfusion quantification is the low in-plane resolution of the scans and the associated partial volume effects. Using the phantom as the gold standard, both imaging techniques can be optimized to improve their accuracy and reproducibility.1. Chiribiri A, Schuster A, Ishida M, et al. Perfusion phantom: An efficient and reproducible method to simulate myocardial first-pass perfusion measurements with cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Magn Reson Med. 2013;69(3):698-707.
2. Jerosch-Herold M, Wilke N, Stillman AE. Magnetic resonance quantification of the myocardial perfusion reserve with a Fermi function model for constrained deconvolution. Med Phys. 1998;25(1):73-84.
3. Zarinabad N, Hautvast GL, Sammut E, et al. Effects of tracer arrival time on the accuracy of high-resolution (voxel-wise) myocardial perfusion maps from contrast-enhanced first-pass perfusion magnetic resonance. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2014;61(9):2499-506.
4. Otton J, Morton G, Schuster A, et al. A direct comparison of the sensitivity of CT and MR cardiac perfusion using a myocardial perfusion phantom. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2013;7(2):117-24.
5. O’Doherty J, Sammut E, Schleyer P, et al. Feasibility
of simultaneous PET-MR perfusion using a novel cardiac perfusion phantom.
European Journal of Hybrid Imaging. 2017;1(1):4.