TgF344-AD is a transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) that shows all its pathological hallmarks in a progressive way. A cohort of transgenic rats and their control littermates were scanned at different time-points from early adulthood to aged animals, including spectroscopy and diffusion-weighted MRI. Acquisitions were processed to obtain regional structural connectivity parameters and metabolite concentrations in hippocampus and striatum. Decrease in network metrics in both regions at different ages, and increases in glutamine and decreases in glutamate, NAA, NAAt and taurine were observed in the transgenic group. Thus, multimodal MRI can improve characterization of different AD stages.
A cohort of 10 transgenic TgF344-AD rats and 10 control littermates was scanned on a 7T Bruker BioSpec in two sessions: first, T2 and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (60 gradient directions, b-value=1000 mm²/s, voxel size=0.3x0.3x0.3mm³) were acquired to estimate the structural connectome and, one week after, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was performed, including T2-weighted reference images in the three orthogonal planes followed by localized proton spectroscopy (PRESS, TR/TE=5000/12 ms, 10μl/voxel). Two regions were considered by MRS: hippocampus and striatum (Figure 1). For each region, a partially water-suppressed spectrum (VAPOR on; 256 averages) and a non-suppressed reference water signal (VAPOR off; 8 averages) were acquired. Animals were anesthetized with isoflurane (60-80 breaths-per-minute) and heated with a recirculating water bed. Acquisitions were performed at 5.5, 8.5, 11.5 and 15 months of age.
T2-weighted and diffusion MRI were processed to obtained the structural connectome3,4, including brain segmentation in white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), parcellation according to a modified version of a rat brain atlas3,5 and tractography based on constrained spherical deconvolution as implemented in Dipy6. A connectome matrix was built per each subject, considering two regions connected if there was at least one streamline between them, and weighting the connection by the averaged fractional anisotropy (FA) in the connecting streamlines. Regional network metrics (nodal efficiency and clustering coefficient) were computed7 in right anterodorsal and posterior hippocampus, which comprise the MRS hippocampus voxel, and right caudate putamen, that includes the MRS striatum voxel (Figure 1).
The MRS T2 reference images were processed to segment the brain in WM, GM and CSF, and calculate their relative contributions to each voxel2. MRS data were quantified by LC Model, fitting a basis set of 19 small metabolites and 9 macromolecules, and correcting for partial volume effects. Spectra were selected for further analyses based on visual inspection (correct pattern, no artefacts) and objective parameters (FWHM<15 Hz, SNR≥10, metabolite fitting CRLB <20%)2. For further analysis we focused in 5 metabolites: glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), N-acetylaspartate (NAA), taurine (Tau) and total NAA (NAAt), that is, the combined quantification of NAA and N-acetylaspartyglumate (NAAG). Figure 1(d) shows an example of MRS quantification by LCModel in a transgenic rat at 11.5 months of age.
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3. Muñoz-Moreno E, Tudela R, López-Gil X, Soria G. Early characterization of a rat model of Alzheimer’s Disease based on structural and functional connectomics and neurobehavior, Magn Reson Mater Phy. 2017; 30(Suppl 1, ESMRMB Congress):S464-S465
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