Robbert Leonard Harms1 and Alard Roebroeck1
1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
MRI microstructure approaches use point estimates ignoring the
uncertainty in these estimates. In this work, we evaluate two general
methods to quantify uncertainty and
uncertainty maps for any
We find that the Fisher Information Matrix method based in nonlinear
optimization is fast and accurate for
with few
The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based method takes more time, but
provides robust uncertainty estimates even for sophisticated
with more
microstructure measures can help power evaluations for
group/population studies and assist
in data quality control and analysis of microstructure model fit.
compartment microstructure models in diffusion MRI (dMRI) promise
greater specificity over Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and offer
additional microstructure measures such as axonal density, dispersion
and diameter distributions. Models of this type include (but are not
limited to) CHARMED1,
and variations. Almost invariably, diffusion MRI microstructure
approaches use point estimates for all inferences on differences
between brain locations, tracts and patient groups. However, not
every point estimate has equal confidence and this uncertainty is
mostly ignored in diffusion microstructure studies. Although the
uncertainty of DTI parameters5,6,
and some fiber orientation models7-9
has been discussed, very little development in the quantification of
uncertainty in diffusion MRI microstructure estimates has taken
place. A simple but essential measure of uncertainty is provided by
the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates, where the square
root of the diagonal
entries provide the individual parameter uncertainties as standard
deviations. In this work, we explore two general methods for
approximating such a covariance matrix for any microstructure model
and generate uncertainty maps: one based in nonlinear optimization
and one based in Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling.Methods
first method for approximating the parameter covariance matrix is by
using the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) evaluated at a point
estimate obtained from nonlinear optimization. The inverse
of the FIM,
the FIM can
be computed as
the Hessian
(the matrix of all second partial derivatives), represents, in the
limit of high signal-to-noise ratio, the parameter covariance around
the optimized point estimate. The second method approximating the
parameter covariance matrix can be computed by fitting a multivariate
distribution to the samples obtained by MCMC sampling. Here we
consider a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Moreover, under flat
uninformative priors, which we consider here, the sampling posterior
approximates the likelihood. Under these assumptions, the Gaussian
fit to the sampled posterior gives a new point estimate (the
posterior mean) and a covariance around that mean, whereas the
optimized point estimate approximates the posterior mode and the FIM
gives the covariance around that
mode. In theory, the covariance matrices given by the optimization
and sampling method are only equal if
the posterior density is symmetric
since then the mode and mean are equal. While sampling provides easy
access to uncertainties of measures derived from estimated
parameters, for
example Fractional
Anisotropy (FA), Mean Diffusivity (MD) and Neurite Density Index
(NDI), error propagation can provide the same information from
the optimized point estimate with
the FIM. Figure
estimation for derived measures using
and using
propagation.Results and discussion
illustrate the difference in the optimization and sampling based
uncertainty methods, we optimized and sampled three models,
CHARMED_r1 (with 1 restricted intra-axonal compartment) NODDI and
Tensor, to a dataset of the HCP MGH Consortium (dataset 1003). This
dataset was acquired at a resolution of 1.5mm isotropic with 4 shells
of b=1000, 3000, 5000, 10,000, s/mm^2, with respectively 64, 64, 128,
256 directions and with 40 b0 volumes. Optimization and sampling
where performed using the standard analysis pipelines in the
Maastricht Diffusion Toolbox (MDT;
Figure 1 shows a comparison for DTI FA (on the b=1000 shell) between
the point estimates and the corresponding standard deviations
computed using the two methods. It can be seen that uncertainty
increases significantly towards the middle of the brain, correlating
to the lower SNR further away from RF receive coils, whereas both
methods provide similar results. Figure 2 shows a comparison between
the two uncertainty methods for both the CHARMED_r1 and the NODDI
model. Again there is close correspondence between between the two
uncertainty methods for NODDI, but a superior result for the sampling
method for CHARMED_r1.Conclusion
this work we compared two methods for computing uncertainties around
parameter estimates, an optimization method and a sampling method.
Although some derived indices, such as FA, have skewed distributions,
most sampled microstructure parameter distributions are close to
Gaussian, justifying the Gaussian fit in the sampling method for
uncertainties. For models with low number of parameters, such as the
NODDI and Tensor model, we recommend the optimization method with the
FIM due to the (relative) speed of processing and accuracy compared
to the sampling method. For models with higher number of parameters,
such as CHARMED, we recommend the sampling method method for
uncertainty, given its robustness. Robust and accurate estimates of
uncertainty of microstructure measures can help power evaluations for
group and population studies and play an important role in data
quality control and analysis of microstructure model fit.Acknowledgements
The research was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) VIDI 14637 (AR), and the European Research Council Starting Grant, MULTICONNECT #639938 (RH, AR).References
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