We propose to extend the functionalities of the Diffusion Microscopist Simulator to design more realistic white matter phantoms without any input mesh and with few parameters. The biomimetic phantoms can represent crossing configurations with an arbitrary number of fiber populations, include a myelin sheath and Ranvier nodes and account for beading, tortuosity and angular dispersion of fibers.
The phantom generation algorithm takes a maximal number of 14N+2 parameters to generate complex axonal geometries, where N is the number of fiber populations. At each step, the absence of intersection between fibers is ensured.
First, a set of oversimplistic fiber populations is constructed. Each population is defined by an orientation, a Gamma distribution of fiber envelopes radii and an intracellular fraction, amounting to 4 parameters (fig. 1). A population corresponds to rectilinear and parallel fibers outer envelopes, represented by control points with corresponding outer radii values. In the case of multiple populations, the degree of interweaving of fibers from different populations is ruled by 2 scale parameters controlling the distance between axons within the same population, thus enabling to create aggregated structures or sheet organizations6 where fibers find their way amongst other populations.
The second and third steps consist in inducing global orientation dispersion (fig. 1) and local tortuosity7 in the geometry (fig. 2.a), amounting to 2 parameters.
The axonal membrane is then created within the fiber envelope with a radius computed from a predefined g-ratio (ratio between the axonal membrane and the outer fiber diameters). For each population, the g-ratio follows a Gamma distribution (2 parameters). The myelin sheath corresponds to the space between the axonal membrane and the fiber outer envelope (fig. 2.b).
The algorithm also accounts for the presence of Ranvier nodes in the myelin sheath (fig. 3.a). The internode distance d is set by the maximal conduction relationship8 d/D=kg√(log(1/g)) where k is some constant and D is the external diameter of myelin. The size of each Ranvier node is computed as a ratio of the internodal length9, following a Gamma distribution (2 parameters).
Our algorithm also represents beading caused by cytoskeletal damage of the axon membrane: the contour of both axonal and myelin cylinders is swollen using adequate functions like sinusoidal lobes (fig. 3.b). The amplitude and spacing of those lobes both follow a Gamma distribution (4 parameters).
4 represents configurations with one, two and three populations with
or without global angular dispersion (AD).
target 10° AD value is reached only in the single population case,
showing that the use of tortuosity is essential to reach high values
of AD in multiple population configurations since the maximum
attainable global AD strongly depends on the number of fiber
Indeed, in figure 5.2, global AD enables to reach 5.6° of AD (for a
target of 10°). The tortuosity induction (5.3) brings this AD up to
the 10° target . Figure 5.4-5 illustrate the creation of myelin
sheath and Ranvier nodes, accounting for the actual structure of
myelinated fibers8,9.
Beadings -appearing in ischemia10- are also handled in figure
5.6, which presents a biomimicking geometry combining all the
putative deformations of membranes observed in real tissues.
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