Laminar fMRI at 7T typically involves imaging small slabs of cortex, and requires precise alignment of the anatomical and functional data to transfer intra-cortical depth information to the fMRI data. We present a method taking advantage of the high resolution of the fMRI data and extracted sulcal patterns.
Image acquisition: We collected structural and function MRI in five subjects on a Phillips 7 Tesla scanner with the following sequences: a 3D EPI at 0.8 mm isotropic resolution centered on the parietal lobe (FOV 150 * 169 * 24, TR/TE = 54/28 ms, EPI factor = 27, SENSE(AP) = 4, slice oversampling volume 1.28, volume acquisition time 4.1s.) and a whole brain MP2RAGE image at 0.64 mm isotropic resolution (TI1/2 0.8/2.7s, FA1/2 7/5 deg, TE 62ms, TR 5.5s).
Processing: Anatomical quantitative T1 images were estimated from the MP2RAGE3. Non-brain regions were masked with an intensity-based skull stripping algorithm designed for 7T, and the images were further processed to obtain cortical surfaces and cortical depth estimates4,5 (Fig.1a). After coarse alignment based on scanner coordinates (Fig 1b), sulcal CSF was then extracted as 2D ridges on the skull-stripped T1 maps with a recursive ridge filter (RRF) originally designed for extracting vasculature6. In this version, the ridge filter goes through a single loop in order to detect 2D structures, followed by the same diffusion process applied to a 3-voxel neighborhood of the ridge center point (Fig. 1c). Functional images were motion-corrected in SPM (, and the temporal median and inter-quartile range (IQR) were extracted. The brain region was estimated by a 2D slab version of the previous skull stripping algorithm applied to the median (Fig. 1e). The IQR exhibits generally high values inside the CSF and cortical veins due to CSF pulsation and venous BOLD fluctuations (Fig. 1f). It was used to detect 2D ridges as for the T1 map above (Fig. 1g), and sulcal ridge structures from both images were smoothed over neighboring voxels to a maximum of 8 mm (Fig.1d,h). The smoothed images were co-registered non-linearly with the SyN algorithm of ANTs7 after initialization using the scanner-provided orientation information. In order to test the quality of the fit, the sulcal ridge registration method was compared to the registration of the skull-stripped median fMRI and quantitative T1 map with ANTs. Results were quantified by measuring mutual information restricted to a region including the cortex and dilated by two voxels to include the WM and CSF boundaries (Fig.2b).
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