BART toolbox is a free open-source framework that consists of a rich set of libraries for common operations in medical image reconstruction. Although the libraries provide highly efficient image reconstruction algorithms and toolbox of command-line programs, it does not, by itself, provide seamless integration with commercial MRI systems. Therefore, the goal of the present work is to enable the deployment of BART in clinical research environment for real-time image reconstruction using Gadgetron streaming framework.
The Gadgetron was extended with a new reconstruction module, the “bartgadget” which was implemented in C++ and designed to be inserted into a Gadgetron reconstruction chain after individual readouts (ISMRMRD3 Acquisitions) have been accumulated into reconstruction buffers. The reconstruction buffers, including any parallel imaging reference data, are written to disk to allow BART command line processing. The BART commands are supplied by user as a Bash script. After the shell script execution, the resulting images are read back into the Gadgetron streaming pipeline and passed down the chain for any additional processing before being returned to the scanner. The use of a configurable BART shell script allows deployment of many different BART reconstructions and for these reconstructions to be selected from the Gadgetron client, which can either be a command line client or the MRI scanner itself. The Gadgetron includes infrastructures to support cloud computing4, which were utilized to accelerate BART reconstructions. The BART integration Gadgets are available as part of the Gadgetron source code archive ( from commit “ 06d2892” and onwards.
Experiments: Multi-slice real-time cardiac cine imaging was chosen as an example application. Following imaging parameters were used: TR/TE=3.85/1.75ms, FA=50o, FOV=360×270mm2, 10 SAX slices, slice thickness=8mm, GRAPPA rate 3, matrix size=160×120, acquisition duration = 1200ms/slice. The images were reconstructed using the following four reconstruction configurations 1) Gadgetron-BART reconstruction using ESPIRIT5 with L1 regularization on single computing nodes, 2) Gadgetron reconstruction using TGRAPPA6 on single computing nodes, 3) Gadgetron-BART cloud reconstruction using ESPIRIT with L1 regularization on 12 computing nodes, 4) Gadgetron cloud reconstruction using TGRAPPA on 12 computing nodes. All computational nodes were deployed on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. The instance type used was Standard_F16 (16 cores, 32GB RAM).
1Uecker et al. Berkeley Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox, Annual Meeting ISMRM, Toronto 2015, In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23:2486
2Hansen et al. Gadgetron: An Open Source Framework for Medical Image Reconstruction. Mag. Reson Med 69:1768-1776(2013)
3Inati et al. ISMRM Raw Data Format: A Proposed Standard for MRI Raw Datasets. Mag. Reson. Med 77:411-421(2017)
4Xue et al. Distributed MRI Reconstruction Using Gadgetron-Based Cloud Computing. Mag. Reson. Med. 73:1015-1025(2015)
5Uecker et al. ESPIRIT-an eigenvalue approach to autocalibrating parallel MRI: where SENSE meets GRAPPA. Mag. Reson. Med. 71:990-1001(2014)
6Breuer et al. Dynamic autocalibrated parallel imaging using temporal GRAPPA (TGRAPPA). Mag. Reson. Med 6:981-985(2005)